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Everyone, Meet My Baby

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AMD Quad 945 Black

Two nVidia GTX 260s, SLI

6g of some crappy RAM

Painted my Antec 900 case, looks yellow...it's actually green


One day when I have money, there will be upgrades. Oh yes Newegg, I will be visiting you.


I would post pics of my battle station, dual monitors included, however my iPhone was recently destroyed in a bowl of ramen broth. I don't want to go through the details of such a tragedy, but for now I'm stuck using a crappy temp phone. Anyways, I thought it would be cool for us nerds to post pics of our pride and joy, whatever device that may be. :)

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Nice build. Do you like the heatsink performance? It seems tiny...

What games do you play?


I'm using the stock heatsink, it performs fine even with a bit of OC. My case gets great ventilation, so I OC on air without trouble at all. Check out the Antec 900 case it's not a bad deal. Aftermarket heatsinks are typically what I refer to as show pieces, they're ridiculously large and not a necessity, but I'm not gonna try to argue with people about it :)


I currently play Rift, I'm an MMO player. Previous gaming experience: EverQuest2, World of Warcraft, Guild Wars, Age of Conan, Warhammer, Vanguard, City of Heroes/Villains, Darkfall Online, Aion, DC Universe Online, just to name a few. Played WoW the longest out of them, was a beta tester and played for 6 years. One of my favorite non-MMOs would likely be Oblivion. I still play that often, mostly for the modding. I typically stick with games that allow me to customize; UI or other types of modding. Hence the 6 years with WoW, I used to build custom UIs for people for gold. Here's one:


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Nice and neat, nice. Blue Led's, very cool! Quad core, very nice. Asus MOBO, how is their quality these days?


I hear ya on upgrades, fun to keep up!


Intel dual core here, way past time for upgrade.:notfair:



I won't post pics of my machine, (needs dusting) but, it lives in an Antec 900 (minus side cover), Gigabyte X38, Intel x2 3.0GHz



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Nice and neat, nice. Blue Led's, very cool! Quad core, very nice. Asus MOBO, how is their quality these days?


I hear ya on upgrades, fun to keep up!


Intel dual core here, way past time for upgrade.:notfair:



I won't post pics of my machine, (needs dusting) but, it lives in an Antec 900 (minus side cover), Gigabyte X38, Intel x2 3.0GHz




Lol, the cover is off mine too. I keep having to oil a fan so I'm keeping it off for now until I can replace said fan. I have used ASUS boards for...god...like 10 years? Performance is fine, but I dislike my current board's layout...look where the freaking mobo power input is. Both of them. Have to run 2 lines right over my video cards...irritating. I suspect it's because this board is an older design for cases where the PSU sits up top. Anyways, I've heard some bad things about ASUS, but I've yet to see anything on my end. I'll be replacing my mobo asap, as well as my ram, though. I'm stuck with DDR2 at the moment.

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cool work. i played wow since vanilla on Kilrogg server through WotLK just after Ulduar was released i think.

Moonkin's pwnzorz!


Played a Priest for all 6 years. Horde, Daggerspine mostly but I server hopped for a couple years following friends around.


Very cool but unfortunately gaming talk sounds like a foreign language to me but your computer looks really cool. Peace, Afi


Grow Room talk sounds foreign to me sometimes. Trading Computer knowledge for Grow Room knowledge! I'll even build! ;) haha


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Played a Priest for all 6 years. Horde, Daggerspine mostly but I server hopped for a couple years following friends around.


Grow Room talk sounds foreign to me sometimes. Trading Computer knowledge for Grow Room knowledge! I'll even build! ;) haha



Ya got the real place, read em and be free.:)

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Played a Priest for all 6 years. Horde, Daggerspine mostly but I server hopped for a couple years following friends around.




Grow Room talk sounds foreign to me sometimes. Trading Computer knowledge for Grow Room knowledge! I'll even build! ;) haha

I would do some trades for computer work. I don`t know about teaching me much though. My buddy tried for years and I just don`t seem to have the patience for computer stuff. I guess I am starting to get old. LOL :lol:

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Nice Pc ! I used to build my own with my cousin, which is always cheaper.


Ive always wanted an alienware and i finally bought one with my taxs last year. Ive been up all night "harvesting" so im not gonna list all the parts. It was pretty much best of the best when i got it. Liquid cooling, dual video cards etc.


I play FPS games mostly, but i have been playing Diablo 2 off & on since it came out over 10 yrs ago. I have never played WoW.

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I also think aftermarket fans are usually just gaudy and don't add much benefit. I use one of those big sqare fans people put in their window. I just took off the side of my case and put that on.


I have a 3.5ghz Quad core 4gb ddr3 and nvidia 9800gtx x2 that looks like optimus prime. I made the mistake with going with evga motherboard this year, it was a bad one. I will never get anything but ASUS again.

Im by no means rich... my pc is worth more than my car at this point...

I am a pro gamer and video game developer so my rig is a write off. :thumbsu:

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How are you liking Rift? My girlfriend and I quit playing WoW for awhile and have been wanting something new.


Do they have a big botting problem?

PVP hackers? (Speed Hacks, and such)

A large Real Money Trade market?

Do they have a lot of non-english speaking players?

Those things ruined the last MMO I tried that was not WoW. (Aion)

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I would do some trades for computer work.


I am definitely down for this.


i have been playing Diablo 2 off & on since it came out over 10 yrs ago.


classic!!!! I'm still waiting on Diablo 3, looks pretty sick.


Im by no means rich... my pc is worth more than my car at this point...


Yeah that's about where I'm at. Attempting to build a grow box out of found objects; old shelves and some white trash bags. Yup. Ghetto style.


How are you liking Rift? My girlfriend and I quit playing WoW for awhile and have been wanting something new.


Rift is a game that will probably keep you away from WoW. It's similar enough to WoW for you to be comfortable, but new and different enough to keep you interested. No botting, no hackers. Some gold farmers but they did a great job at gold spam reporting so it's not noticeable. There are a ton of US servers, so it's mostly English speaking people. The game is nothing like Aion as far as your worries go. If you are into PvE, it's absolutely fantastic. I'm more of a PvPer...waiting to see if they do something for me besides 4 battlegrounds (which are indeed well done, but they get boring) and world PvP.


Maybe I will post in Gaming forums about Rift along with my server and information :) Right now I just woke up I need to medicate, feel like crap.



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So... ahh..


if ya all play computer games.. we need to get together and do some,


Im pretty much a racing and shooter player but play a lot of different games. We have a lot of people here and could make a gaming group just for fun


just a thought






I have a 360, ps3, and a computer built around an i7 2600k and 5850. Game on!

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