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Bout Ready To Give Up


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First I love being an MMJ patient it has helped me get off of every nasty pill they throw at me but at this point I dunno what to do, care givers need to be compensated some how, I can't afford to, can't grow for myself just irritated at this point unsure what to do, sorry had ta vent! Really don't want to go back to those poisons the docs keep shoving down my throat.

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First I love being an MMJ patient it has helped me get off of every nasty pill they throw at me but at this point I dunno what to do, care givers need to be compensated some how, I can't afford to, can't grow for myself just irritated at this point unsure what to do, sorry had ta vent! Really don't want to go back to those poisons the docs keep shoving down my throat.


Why can't you grow?

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Man I know it's tough sometimes. Both of us are on disability (married couple), lot of pain, little money. Started growing with a T-5, tiny airy buds & not much of them. Spider mites, heat, moved the location, killed the mites, finally able to get a 1000w ballast.


We've had yard sales, husband scraps metal from junk piles, I've sold stuff on eBay before, whatever we can do legally to earn a little $$.


The best I can say is if you have a skill you could offer to people a trade of some kind ? Sometimes people on here are looking for electricians, builders etc.


If you can get to farmers markets or any other events to meet people, or to a compassion club or whatever, some people are willing to help once they know you.


Best wishes!

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I am in a very similar situation. I went through all the steps to get card. Have all my papers signed and ready to send in and can't find a caregiver who will work with me. I have messaged several on here and I guess when they see low income they run the other way. I have no idea how to grow and don't know if I could afford the start up. Good luck to ya in finding someone. SSDI just doesn't cover enough....

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I am in a very similar situation. I went through all the steps to get card. Have all my papers signed and ready to send in and can't find a caregiver who will work with me. I have messaged several on here and I guess when they see low income they run the other way. I have no idea how to grow and don't know if I could afford the start up. Good luck to ya in finding someone. SSDI just doesn't cover enough....



Well i started out with a little box i got at a yard sale..i put a cpl 12 or 14 inch grow lites (9.99) on each side..Went to home depot..bought cpl dented reflectors (saved money) put cpl of them curly grow lites n them put a hole n top of box..and slid lites n there..pluged all in..and i had a grow box..worked great for a bit.then i amde a bigger spot..bigger lite..NOW cpl years altter i am adding a bigger hood.... I also suggest maybe a compassion club.. and a Farm market..Our club has both.. Clare County compassion Club.ning

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No mans land! Which is probably part of the problem!


Na its hard every where im on a fixed income in oakland county and my cg just stopped growing, had a 1oz/per month free deal which let me use my fixed income to pay for bills and what not, he would not even take money if i tried to donate to him, defecates so screwed up from the leo and everything its hard man. Just keep looking or may have to start growing, but if you cant find a cg and WONT grow i got no clue what to tell ya

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