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Michigan Senate Candidate Wants To Cap The Number Of Muslims Allowed Into America |


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First Muslims and then who.....These republicans are the most hate filled vile excuses for human beings.



Michigan Senate Candidate Wants To Cap The Number Of Muslims Allowed Into America




Businessman Peter Konetchy, one of five Republicans running to face Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D) in 2012, told attendees at a forum today that he supported capping the number of Muslims allowed to immigrate to the United States, the Grand Rapids Press reported. “The Muslims are setting up their own little groups that don’t want to assimilate,” Konetchy said. “Right now, we’re at war with Islam.”

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How can the average American citizen look at a story like this and still consider voting republican?


As long as politicians are allowed to abuse their positions of power for their own beliefs this country is headed for chaos what you see in Egypt Syria and lybia will be nothing compared to what we are soon going to see on our own home soil. :blink:



I always thought survivalists were crazy building bunkers and hoarding supplys now I'm wondering where they do all their shopping at . :mellow:

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How can the average American citizen look at a story like this and still consider voting republican?


As long as politicians are allowed to abuse their positions of power for their own beliefs this country is headed for chaos what you see in Egypt Syria and lybia will be nothing compared to what we are soon going to see on our own home soil. :blink:



I always thought survivalists were crazy building bunkers and hoarding supplys now I'm wondering where they do all their shopping at . :mellow:


How? I think because the typical republican voter is just as hate filled and mis informed. This reeks of Nazi style politics. "those who forget history are doomed to repeat it." <<< no truer statement has ever been made, America is heading dangerously towards become a full fledged fascist and socialist nation. I think it was Hermen Georing who was if ya don't know was a higher up in Hitlers inner circle said something like "If you tell the people a lie enough times, they will eventually accept it as truth and go along with you." Could have been Joseph Georbels his minister of propaganda as well I don't remember right now. Its scary. Whats even more scary is that most Americans are sheep who follow blindly. Time to wake up.

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I agree that this is a racist move, but what does it have to do with medical marijuana??????


Everything! Think about what we are facing in Lansing, its a form of prejudice because we are different from what is considered normal.


If there type of 'laws' are allowed to take hold whats next? Red haired people aren't allowed, blonds, brown haired people, blacks, whites, etc, etc, etc.


Just imagine what America would look like if no one every stood up to oppression...

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