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Patients Suffer While Politicians Turn Their Back.


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The fourth largest State in the US by area. Michigan is only 2/3 the size yet we have over 10 times their population.



We have more Legal Medicinal Card holders than the entire population of their largest city: Billings.



Why the big interest in Montana ?



Anyone that thinks the MJ issues that other states are facing is not interconnected to places like Michigan, that person is missing a major portion of the 'point'.


And anyone that keeps up on the National MJ / cannabis situation would have a VERY clear picture of WHY Montana is as important as any other state, including Michigan.

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You're right bro. Dominoes. Monkey see, monkey do. Good or bad.


Time to legalize cannabis and hemp, create industries behind it which will benefit the whole of American society and put all this dark ages evil behind us. We're supposed to be an intelligent educated people. Sure can't tell by the way we treat each other and our planet.


They say 1 acre of cannabis hemp can sustain 30 people and they're doing it up in Alberta. Right now it takes 5 planted acres to sustain 1 person. The math is not hard. It only means we can provide complete nutrition and 60,000+ products for the same amount of people on 150 times less land. No big deal though. Mother Earth doesn't seem to mind the way we're doing things today.


Not even to mention the lives enhanced every day by medical cannabis. It's imperative that we legalize both cannabis & hemp. Very soon.




[end rant]








Peace. :rock:

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You're right bro. Dominoes. Monkey see, monkey do. Good or bad.


Time to legalize cannabis and hemp, create industries behind it which will benefit the whole of American society and put all this dark ages evil behind us. We're supposed to be an intelligent educated people. Sure can't tell by the way we treat each other and our planet.


They say 1 acre of cannabis hemp can sustain 30 people and they're doing it up in Alberta. Right now it takes 5 planted acres to sustain 1 person. The math is not hard. It only means we can provide complete nutrition and 60,000+ products for the same amount of people on 150 times less land. No big deal though. Mother Earth doesn't seem to mind the way we're doing things today.


Not even to mention the lives enhanced every day by medical cannabis. It's imperative that we legalize both cannabis & hemp. Very soon.




[end rant]







A very well put rant, IMHO.





Peace. :rock:

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So explain this one too me, how do you legalize or even attempt to have a united front [ which we dont ] on issues related to Cannabis, while we wither against an ongoing 40+ year "Drug War".


That promotes gun running, banana republicanism, bigottry and bs.




Yet it remains the Great Grey Elephant in Washington smashing all their Lilly white china. Gonna hafta tear that whole place down, or else we get another Civil-ized type Court System vs the present Gansta Corpo Criminal System.


One of you talking about Albert, Canada, the other out in Montana great logistics. Dont see any Guns Walking around that border are they . Kinda like the claim I saw about how Canada has all this oil up there, HA HA . In the Rocks! Rock that m.friend , Rockit baby...

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The whole story.....




Consider that as a candidate in 2008, Obama promised to stop prosecuting patients and their providers who functioned legally under state medical marijuana laws.

Read more: http://billingsgazette.com/news/opinion/guest/article_34c11213-b3af-566c-8e0b-f877c835a211.html#ixzz1cqSVT8RO



Then Montana changed their state law;



Then the feds closed the dispensaries because they were clearly illegal in that state.


Looks like Obama is not to blame for helping to enforce a state's laws. The gov. asked for help from the feds to enforce the changes they made to their law. The article is full of bull.

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