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Psoriasis: A Report On Peanut Butter's Oil For Severe Scaplp Psoriasis

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My son has tried steroids, at least a dozen topicals, and $9,000.00 worth of laser treatment light therapy for his terrible scalp psoriasis. Chunks of flesh, some an inch long, would peal off his head. He was teased mercilessly at school about dandruff and 'ewww what is that red spot.'


I used a concoction of oils: Lavender, Jojobo- and most important the Peanut Butter Oil on his entire scalp. Besides putting him to sleep on the living room floor (a not uncommon occurrence anyway) would you believe by the next day the dandruff was COMPLETELY gone. You could still see some red spots on his hairline but everything was vastly improved and obviously in advanced stages of healing. :thumbsu: :thumbsu:


The only problem is the oil did not wash out of his hair very well which looked wet all day. His friends agreed he smelled like Ramon Noodles. :rolleyes:

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Nice to hear!!


Skin conditions are like a light switch. on or off...


Sometimes it works and sometimes it don't. When it does, it's like blamm .. done ..


When it don't, it does nothing at all.


Seems like anyway.


That is interesting. It suggests a narrower mechanism of action or a narrower range of patients that respond positively. We know Cannabis has anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, and immunosuppressive properties (analgesic etc, to many to list here) so it should help whenever there is inflammation ("anti-inflammatory") or redness, or hot areas ("antibiotic") or basically any skin eruption.


However I assumed the immunosuppressive properties were the key for my boy. Psoriasis is a skin condition caused by the immune system misidentifying healthy skin cells and basically knocking them out.


A lot of skin conditions are caused by overactive immune function (i.e. prosiasis, Hives, allergic reactions, bee stings, infections etc) so do you know if the skin conditions that are..."blamm"...with PB Oil are the immune-system conditions? Let me guess, it is not that easy...

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I am pleased that your son found some relief. Although I am often the doubting Thomas on some of the experiments where the person says that they say "Cannabis (in the form of S oil ) cures...). Still I have felt for a long time that topical application worked since I had a positive experience with it. I think that results like the one you mentioned should be looked into further. Regrettably the odds of the Fed Gov going with it stinks.


Get a bunch of different shampoos and see if one works on getting the oil out. Also there are a lot of 50's hair styles that use a lot of grease so perhaps a retro look might work. Just know a little bit about the time when asked.


Anyway glad to hear about the success in achieving such a dramatic reduction in symptoms.

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That is interesting. It suggests a narrower mechanism of action or a narrower range of patients that respond positively. We know Cannabis has anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, and immunosuppressive properties (analgesic etc, to many to list here) so it should help whenever there is inflammation ("anti-inflammatory") or redness, or hot areas ("antibiotic") or basically any skin eruption.


However I assumed the immunosuppressive properties were the key for my boy. Psoriasis is a skin condition caused by the immune system misidentifying healthy skin cells and basically knocking them out.


A lot of skin conditions are caused by overactive immune function (i.e. prosiasis, Hives, allergic reactions, bee stings, infections etc) so do you know if the skin conditions that are..."blamm"...with PB Oil are the immune-system conditions? Let me guess, it is not that easy...


Auto immune? Yes. Period.


If it's auto immune the oil talks to it. Period.


Brown Recluse spider bites? No problem .. Crohn's, UC Gerd? No problem.


ANYTHING that is auto immune in nature pretty much gets turned off like a light switch.


So if you make a list of every auto immune condition you can think of, that is A list of conditions this nails.


AND it seems to work in micro gram doses.


Synergy .. what cannabinoids are all about.

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Oh .. it takes out the pain of ALS in seconds.


Since it seems to be talking to ALS, I'd love to see what takes place with long term exposure for that condition.


It has major anti inflammation properties.


RA has some anti immune functions .. but major inflammation. I figure it could replace about 75% of steroids being used today. You can watch the swelling go down. Increased range of motion, in RA, takes place within ten seconds. Like to watch that take place? Try it on a RA patient and see what you think.


Range of motion increase in ~10 seconds.

Pain reduction or elimination in ~40 seconds

Anti inflammation fully underway in ~40 minuets.


With other conditions, anti spasm effects kick in ~35 seconds. Most of the time the spasms are completely shut down.


So say it Crohn's .. take out the pain, spasms and inflammation, what's left? Oh .. accelerated healing. Longer term exposure heals the sores up ..


Oh accelerated BONE healing. Bones heal in about half the normal time.


Then the skin cancers started going away ..


Failed kidneys restarted instantly.


Migraine headaches gone ~30 seconds .. yep .. skin/bone/blood/brain in 30 seconds.


Knocks out the pain of pancreatic cancer in the bones ~20 seconds.


It's some interesting stuff ..

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How much pure cannabis oil did you mix with PB's mixture? Please be specific about what you used and the ingredients. That's the only way these reports will help anyone.


You can dose pure cannabis oil properly to take away the chances of the over-medicated feeling, so that you can have a normal life, and still enjoy the medical effects.



(DN NOTE: This is NOT APPROVED. This will not become another hostile debate about formulas. This occured a week or so ago in another thread, i expect the same BS. This is a thread by PeanutButter and he will be respected. IF Restorium WANTS TO DEBATE FORMULAS - I suggest he START HIS OWN THREAD. )

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Glad to hear more positive results Pb.


BTW getting high is in medical terms "enhancing one's sense of well being" - there is nothing wrong with a patient feeling good about themselves.




Problem is that a lot of people will choose to suffer rather than get high from cannabis.


There are several people that went out and got their ID cards JUST to have access to this oil. Dead set against "pot" .. but this is OK ..


building bridges ..

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Problem is that a lot of people will choose to suffer rather than get high from cannabis.


There are several people that went out and got their ID cards JUST to have access to this oil. Dead set against "pot" .. but this is OK ..


building bridges ..



Hey Peanutbutter, This is a good point, I have a friend on disability, really bad pain from a on the job injury, he is having trouble with rehab because of the pain. He wont even talk with me about MM because he has a union skilled trades job and afraid of repercussions. Would simpson oil help with nerve damage in a arm and not show up in testing? I think I know answer but wanted to double check with you. Oh and if you use simpson oil is there any aroma that would give away your treatment?

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Hey Peanutbutter, This is a good point, I have a friend on disability, really bad pain from a on the job injury, he is having trouble with rehab because of the pain. He wont even talk with me about MM because he has a union skilled trades job and afraid of repercussions. Would simpson oil help with nerve damage in a arm and not show up in testing? I think I know answer but wanted to double check with you. Oh and if you use simpson oil is there any aroma that would give away your treatment?


Simpson oil WILL show up on a urine screen (test).


My oil doesn't.

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I read this went on to read other and then had a thought with short hair it would it would look moused. Glad it aids though. Ramon Noodles :lol:

My son has tried steroids, at least a dozen topicals, and $9,000.00 worth of laser treatment light therapy for his terrible scalp psoriasis. Chunks of flesh, some an inch long, would peal off his head. He was teased mercilessly at school about dandruff and 'ewww what is that red spot.'


I used a concoction of oils: Lavender, Jojobo- and most important the Peanut Butter Oil on his entire scalp. Besides putting him to sleep on the living room floor (a not uncommon occurrence anyway) would you believe by the next day the dandruff was COMPLETELY gone. You could still see some red spots on his hairline but everything was vastly improved and obviously in advanced stages of healing. :thumbsu: :thumbsu:


The only problem is the oil did not wash out of his hair very well which looked wet all day. His friends agreed he smelled like Ramon Noodles. :rolleyes:

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