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Germany Had Hitler To Destroy It; Detroit Had The City Council And City Government,

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and the voters as enablers. Now, can Orr become savior (minus the cross) and reverse 58 years (1958 thru 2013) irresponsibility and graft?  In 15 months? Oh, yeah?  I want some of what you are smokin'.

Is it a strain called bankruptcy?

Orr does not have the cohonies to pull that off.  To get there he cannot continue to act the pol; he has to ape the universally hated Fuhrer and kill--kill retirees' incomes, bondholder's coupons, vendor's premiums and unions' membership rolls.  To do it, Orr has to about face and stop cooperating and begin grinding down value for everyone who's owed due to prior manager's profligacy.  And that he won't do.

I agree that a pre-packaged bk, with prior-to-filing agreements in-place, is logistically possible and financially necessary .  That is, in fact, the only possible way to, within 15 months, install money sanity.  Nothing else could put the city on the path to fiscal responsibility, not with the rising interest on the City's $13 billion debt set to consume the entire city's property tax take in just 4 years.  I disagree that the homegrown (U of MI educated lawyer), urbane, picked-because-he-has-other qualifications and of course he is black efm, Orr has the attitude or willingness to choke out everyone's interests and himself, and became every creditor's, employees, and union adherent's enemy.   

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My point being if you want to get people involved in your conversation, starting with Nazis isn't the way to do it.  What does Nazis have to do with the current management of Detroit except for  the fact that you want to compare the two?  Do you really think they are as bad as Nazis?  Are they rounding up the Jews and sending them to gas chambers?  Is Detroit invading neighboring countries for "lebensraum?"


Once you start comparing people/things to Nazis/Hitler, you lose the debate.  That's why I mentioned Godwin's law.  It's not the original law, but the extension of the law.  Whether you want to believe it or not, it's true.  Comparing the subject of debate to Nazis/Hitler is usually an uninformed and infantile argument.  I';m nit saying that your information above is uninformed and infantile, I;m saying the perception of it is.  There are many, many people just like me, that will stop reading a post when Nazis/Hitler are mentioned by one of the participants in a debate.  


 I'm not trying to disparage your information, just the way it's presented.  Again I didn't even read it, and I won't as long as it's associated with Nazis.  Presented that way, it immediately appears that it's not worth my time.

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I actually didn't read it,....but the answer is to vote.


2014 we can dethrone every single person in government if you can get the votes.  Gov/Lt Gov/SoS/38 senators/112 rep's etc etc etc.


It is the only way to get change.  Your right to vote for your municipal(corporate) government(board of directors) has been removed,  your right to vote out all the people responsible for it is at the tip of your fingers, your lips and and your feet.  Start now. 



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No. 1 Laws are meant to be broken. 2. We Are more aware than most of the effectiveness of such laws. They prevent logical discussion. Thank you for making us aware also of the Godwin Act, Ch,  for it is good to be knowledgable of the Laws. I guess so they can be used  as trafficing devices of sorts. I did read it, though, and I do inhale, [..., isn't that the way?]  ,so, consider me like the Cave man guy on the Gieco pieces.


What happened in Detroit, stays in Detroit, and tHAT explains a lot. Esp. the Flight of the White Bird. If you are not governed by assinine laws, it would be possible to draw a correlation of the treatment of the jews to the treatment of the Residents of Detroit.


This was not their fault, maybe there were a few obvious similarities, for the prosecutors of either:    the victims were born with a very obvious bio-marker, their  skin color, so they didn't need the tatoos. But other than that it was for the D a war of attrition whereas the Hebrews had a visible start and announcement of the festivities they had planned for them, called Christal Nacht. Not so In the D. You have to pay for your own Gas. Oh yeah they pipe it right up and into their houses! They bring their giant 'Imported from the D' cars up to the Filling Stations to have them gassed up. And ride around the town with the biggest grins. Like they were truly enjoying themselves. They cant get enough of the stuff. 


It does not tell the story. AT all, this is a systemic disease that, like the common cold, the flue, the plague, nuclear waste, eludes mankinds understanding.  OK not so with the NukeWaste .  any way and thats what IS happening in the D. Help Im Radioactive, NOW........ can we talk ? Before they start bringing in the Mega-Boatloads of Radioactive Waste.   




ps trying to proof this thing, ... bit of a challenge eh?

WE Must do our part to fix this. It will take more than your vote. You will be rewarded! Your own casino! Your wildest dreams! Luxury [illusory?] automobiles, Ford-RollsReallones,  Chevroll_eh_cannibus, CanniBenz,... how about the Cannillac or the Lincann Diesel.

Edited by solabeirtan
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Orr is the sort of man predisposed to do the right thing for his reputation; thus he won't do a BK.  I think he will try to assemble a regional fix of Detroit's finances, meaning he will attempt a political, and not a court route to the salvation of Detroit.  I think he'll try to assemble a combine of Macomb, Oakland and Wayne Counties, with Macomb and Oakland having the bonding power and cash flows to float the $14 billion tub of Detroits indebtedness.  Orr will not allow himself to be seen as a destroyer of people's futures and so he has to find a non-court route.

Edited by pic book
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Solbertain, that's some striking image!


By the way, I saw those gas-mask bongs for sale at the SSW mmj private club in Detroit last Saturday.  $27.

After smoking weeds in it for three hours I noted that you get all the weed in your face and no air and that lemon cake in it (just like in a vape) takes on a soaring rip that's like floating.  And then I realized that if King Orr offered to the whole world a package deal: a house in Detroit in which the buyers had to live, and instant U.S. Citizenship for the entire family, for just fifteen million dollars, we'd be New Bahrain on the Lakes in under two years.

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Cities and even states are going bankrupt all over america.  Voting will not fix anything!  Politicians are professional liars!  They are actors playing a role!  Once they get into office they no longer work for the people and instead work for their own personal gain. 


Comparing detroit to nazi germany is not far from the fact.  Anyone who has studied Hitler's reign would see our gov. is employing the same tactics Der Fuhrer did....

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Cities and even states are going bankrupt all over america.  Voting will not fix anything!  Politicians are professional liars!  They are actors playing a role!  Once they get into office they no longer work for the people and instead work for their own personal gain. 


Comparing detroit to nazi germany is not far from the fact.  Anyone who has studied Hitler's reign would see our gov. is employing the same tactics Der Fuhrer did....


1i1, Hitler was  a puppet. A politician, too. And perhaps a bit too patriotic...

A brief synopsis of Hitler by the lawyer for his wifes family

Edited by solabeirtan
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Solbertain, that's some striking image!


By the way, I saw those gas-mask bongs for sale at the SSW mmj private club in Detroit last Saturday.  $27.

After smoking weeds in it for three hours I noted that you get all the weed in your face and no air and that lemon cake in it (just like in a vape) takes on a soaring rip that's like floating.  And then I realized that if King Orr offered to the whole world a package deal: a house in Detroit in which the buyers had to live, and instant U.S. Citizenship for the entire family, for just fifteen million dollars, we'd be New Bahrain on the Lakes in under two years.

Pic I pray he can do something. mpo. Its just another slap in the face. Like the RtW Law that Snydley Passed. Then instead of trying to work with the local voted in legal government, another slap and further agravating the situation by nulifying the Popular Mayor to install his personal hand picked representative. These seem to be new " Gray " areas of Govt, where the people have NO input in the decisions that govern THEIR LIVES. It   is not covered in the constitution. Maybe it would be in our better interests to step up to the plate.  

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  • 4 weeks later...

This week King Orr showed a flaming finger and beckoned to the unions and retireees and the bondholders and the DIA.  And he didn't even acknowledge Dave Bing's having flown, bobbling as lame ducks do.  


Would you allow your rep to bargain you down 40% in wages and benefits?  The unions won't allow it either. A bankruptcy judge judge is going to have to drop the hammer.

I've seen a result of Orr's attentions to public safety:  the corner liquor store no longer has squads of on-duties behind the counter joshing the clerks weekday afternoons and all day on Saturday.  I'm assuming those 'missing' squads are on patrol.

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I actually didn't read it,....but the answer is to vote.


2014 we can dethrone every single person in government if you can get the votes.  Gov/Lt Gov/SoS/38 senators/112 rep's etc etc etc.


It is the only way to get change.  Your right to vote for your municipal(corporate) government(board of directors) has been removed,  your right to vote out all the people responsible for it is at the tip of your fingers, your lips and and your feet.  Start now. 



Are you sure our right to vote can change anything?




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No. 1 Laws are meant to be broken. 2. We Are more aware than most of the effectiveness of such laws. They prevent logical discussion. Thank you for making us aware also of the Godwin Act, Ch,  for it is good to be knowledgable of the Laws. I guess so they can be used  as trafficing devices of sorts. I did read it, though, and I do inhale, [..., isn't that the way?]  ,so, consider me like the Cave man guy on the Gieco pieces.


What happened in Detroit, stays in Detroit, and tHAT explains a lot. Esp. the Flight of the White Bird. If you are not governed by assinine laws, it would be possible to draw a correlation of the treatment of the jews to the treatment of the Residents of Detroit.


This was not their fault, maybe there were a few obvious similarities, for the prosecutors of either:    the victims were born with a very obvious bio-marker, their  skin color, so they didn't need the tatoos. But other than that it was for the D a war of attrition whereas the Hebrews had a visible start and announcement of the festivities they had planned for them, called Christal Nacht. Not so In the D. You have to pay for your own Gas. Oh yeah they pipe it right up and into their houses! They bring their giant 'Imported from the D' cars up to the Filling Stations to have them gassed up. And ride around the town with the biggest grins. Like they were truly enjoying themselves. They cant get enough of the stuff. 


It does not tell the story. AT all, this is a systemic disease that, like the common cold, the flue, the plague, nuclear waste, eludes mankinds understanding.  OK not so with the NukeWaste .  any way and thats what IS happening in the D. Help Im Radioactive, NOW........ can we talk ? Before they start bringing in the Mega-Boatloads of Radioactive Waste.   




ps trying to proof this thing, ... bit of a challenge eh?

WE Must do our part to fix this. It will take more than your vote. You will be rewarded! Your own casino! Your wildest dreams! Luxury [illusory?] automobiles, Ford-RollsReallones,  Chevroll_eh_cannibus, CanniBenz,... how about the Cannillac or the Lincann Diesel.



I agree Detroit Rock City!  The Firm, Jimmy Page!  we police the world, not my fault, not your fault, so whos fault is it? germany? the u.s.s.r?  lol, I mean russia!   Awsome Tune!




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