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So You How In Az There Is The 25 Mile Rule?


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It seems some people don't want to be within that 25 mile radius and thus have their grow rights taken away.


I'm not saying this is the right way to go about it but I'm not saying it's not.


Second attempt to burn down marijuana dispensary in Kingman fails; causes minimal damage
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It seems some people don't want to be within that 25 mile radius and thus have their grow rights taken away.


I'm not saying this is the right way to go about it but I'm not saying it's not.

Second attempt to burn down marijuana dispensary in Kingman fails; causes minimal damage

Read more: http://www.abc15.com/dpp/news/state/second-attempt-to-burn-down-marijuana-dispensary-in-kingman-fails-causes-minimal-damage#ixzz2Sewbunbx

I am saying, This is the wrong way to go! How could taking away a patients rights to grow their own heathly medicine, ever be good? It can't.



edit- I just re-red your statement shishka. I see you were referring to burning dispensaries down.... Lol. Guess that's one way to handle things, Haaa.

Edited by abe supercro
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Yes, tongue in cheek.


Funny how the dip operator blamed the "competition".


Now the patients are competition. Nice.

That is the wrongness.  Not disps per se, but the grow ban.  Two points on which it's unfair to patients.  Some few patients change CG's 3 times a year.  They are unable to cultivate a considerate, cool demeanor--they have to supply themselves via growing cuz they are chaos and lack of consideration and incapable of maintaining a relationship, like some folks are unable to wiggle their ears, it will never happen...having a CG requires social skills.  They wil quickly make themselves unwelcome at disps also.  

And for the very low income grower?  Such a grow ban deprieves access.

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The people of Arizonia screwed themselves. The 25 mile rule was in their law from the start and they voted on it. Don't be mad at dispensary owners for following the law. Be mad at the people that voted for the law. How do you know that the "competition" isn't an illegal grow? That probably wouldn't fit with the anti disp agenda though.

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Who do you think put that into the law?  it was lobbyists for the dispensaries.  The people voted for, and passed, the law that was given to them.  Just because they voted for any law doesn't mean it was a good law.


Ask yourself, would you vote for any law instead of voting for no law?


In the end, dispensary interests screwed patients in Arizona.  It's undeniable. They did it to protect their business interests.  No glossing over it will change the fact that dispensary lobbyists put that clause into the bill.  A pig with lipstick is still a pig.

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I beg your pardon Arizona is real cool. Ha ha .....  We all know AZ. Well us oldsters should anyway from the boocooo Cowboy/Westerns that proliferated the B&W TVs of our time. Those funny two armed cactuses , that were invariably included in most, are only found predominately in that state. Don't know about you all up north that's like a different planet when it comes to tv. Just remembering the old times. Cant wait to get back up there either, btw ....


It always was a beautiful country


The governance of this State leaves a bit to be desired itself. Might be a bit of an understatement? 

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It is possible there to enjoy purple mountain majesty above the, well, arid and dusty plain.


The west is a great place. I remember the foothills, the mountain rivers filled with trout, the fantastic rock formations, skiing at Vail, trekking mountain paths or making our own. My favorite place on earth is a high cliff overlooking the South Platte near the town of Bailey, CO. Rasslin' with my health in order to be well enough to revisit my childhood there is not working well.

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The people of Arizonia screwed themselves. The 25 mile rule was in their law from the start and they voted on it. Don't be mad at dispensary owners for following the law. Be mad at the people that voted for the law.

Accomanying graphic: a million buggering themselves in the voting booth, and a truckload of mops.


Who do you think put that into the law?  it was lobbyists for the dispensaries.  The people voted for, and passed, the law that was given to them.  Just because they voted for any law doesn't mean it was a good law.


Ask yourself, would you vote for any law instead of voting for no law?


In the end, dispensary interests screwed patients in Arizona.  It's undeniable. They did it to protect their business interests.  No glossing over it will change the fact that dispensary lobbyists put that clause into the bill.

So AZ mmj advocates have to work to overturn the wrong that the voters did to themselves.

Edited by pic book
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