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Study Suggests Marijuana Use Is Tied To Academic Problems


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Study Suggests Marijuana Use is Tied to Academic Problems


Last week, the University of Maryland School of Public Health released a report that shows a connection between marijuana use and an increase in academic problems among college-aged students.  The study also looked at the connection between alcohol and other drug use and academic problems.


The study followed 1,200 college freshmen over a 10-year period.  Researchers found that substance use–”especially marijuana use”– led to “college students skipping more classes, spending less time studying, earning lower grades, dropping out of college, and being unemployed after college.”


Marijuana users were categorized by their use, ranging from minimal users to frequent and heavy users.


The study found that “even after controlling for the effects of demographics, high school GPA, and personality variables” heavy users who smokes 15 times or more per month were “twice as likely” to experience discontinuous enrollment than minimal users.


Even infrequent users, who only smoked about twice per month, were 66% more likely than minimal users to be discontinuously enrolled.


Amelia Arria, director for the Center on Young Adult Health and Development explained, “On average, marijuana use increases your risk of having academic problems.  I don’t think people are really putting this together with the possible effect it could have on long-term success…It’s something people really need to consider.”



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The study should define when the college students began using cannabis. Was their use begun 'after' they entered college. If so, many of these students may have started using cannabis (as well as other substances)in an effort to deal with the fact that college was not going well for them... unless the start date for this cannabis use is defined more closely, this study is 'flawed' as they say in the academic world.

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It also claims to have followed the 1200 for 10 years. Then only speaks specifically of their Academic Statistics with the only  criteria being if they were smoking the 'pot' or not ?


"On average, 'marijuana' use increases your risk of having academic problems." True enough, especially when its on your record its like stink on poo, and all over you...


There intention is to disparage the "pot", and to the Inflate the world of Academia. yE oL KnowLedge MiLL .  


D as in dumb.  Is there Academic Grade on this piece of rubbish.

Edited by solabeirtan
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