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Study Shows Chemotherapy Actually Increases Cancer Growth. Cancer Cells Becoming Resistant To Treatment:


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(NaturalNews) The cancer treatment scam that is chemotherapy has once again been shown in the scientific literature to be a major cause of, rather than a cure for, cancer. According to a new study recently published in the peer-reviewed journal Nature, chemotherapy not only promotes the growth and spread of cancer cells by damaging the healthy tissue that surrounds tumors, but it also causes cancer cells to develop full-on resistance to the popular treatment, morphing them into "super" cancer cells.

Researchers from the Fred Hutchison Cancer Research Center in Seattle, Washington, learned this after observing the effects of chemotherapy on healthy cell tissue. What they found is something that we here at NaturalNews have been saying for years, but that the medical system as a whole is only just now waking up to -- chemotherapy, which is a recognized poison, damages the DNA of healthy, non-cancerous cells, causing them to produce molecules that in turn produce more cancer cells.

It does not take a rocket scientist to make this deduction, of course, as simple common sense dictates that blasting healthy cells along with unhealthy cells is going to cause damage to all of the cells. But this is apparently big news up in the Northwest, where scientists are apparently baffled as to how this can be. And we are not talking about minor damage here -- according to the figures, major damage to healthy cells occurs as a result of routine chemotherapy treatments.

"[T]he researchers found that chemotherapy can cause fibroblasts (cell DNA) to increase production of a molecule called WNT16B by 30-fold in tissues surrounding a tumor," explains the group Cancer Research U.K. in a recent report on the study. "This then helps cancer cells to grow, invade neighboring cells and resist chemotherapy," it adds.

'Super' cancer cells caused by chemotherapy more deadly than ever

As if this is not bad enough, the same team found that another major side effect of chemotherapy is cancer cells grow more virulent than they were before the treatment. Like "superbugs" and "superweeds," which we now know developed resistance in response to conventional drug therapies and chemical sprayings, respectively, these "super" cancer cells no longer respond even to the most aggressive forms of chemotherapy, which means cancer itself is becoming more deadly.

"These results delineate a mechanism by which genotoxic therapies given in a cyclical manner can enhance subsequent treatment resistance through cell nonautonomous effects that are contributed by the tumor microenvironment," explains the study abstract.

You can read the fully study abstract here:

Not surprisingly, at least one doctor heavily vested in the cancer industry has already come out to call not for an end to chemotherapy but rather for the development of new treatments that might alter the body's natural resistance mechanisms to better accommodate the toxic effects of chemotherapy. This is how the conventional medical system operates, of course -- simply add new drugs into the mix to cover up the side effects of other drugs, and lather, rinse, repeat.

"Most cancer patients in this country die of chemotherapy," explains Dr. Allen Levin, M.D., from the University of California, San Francisco, in his book, The Healing of Cancer. "Chemotherapy does not eliminate breast, colon, or lung cancers. This fact has been documented for over a decade, yet doctors still use chemotherapy for these tumors."

If you or a loved one suffers from cancer, there are alternatives to chemotherapy and radiation. The Gerson Therapy; Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski's antineoplastons; cannabis oil containing high levels of healing cannabinoids; and freshly-juiced marijuana leaves are all viable cancer treatment protocols that have healed many people. You can learn more about each of these methods at the following links:


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I believe the information is real.


No, I don't think the cannabis community is "slinging mud" on conventional treatment.


I have read hundreds of articles on the topic. Many of the articles I have read tell how CBDs and THC safely kill cancer cells and do no harm to healthy cells.


Wake up America! Our government has sold us out. If you don't think so, then why did they ban natural tobacco? It is literally illegal unless it is grown using radioactive fertilizers and has cancer causing chemicals added to it. No exceptions. This is just an example of something you can find credible information on if you look it up.


Here you go, don't just read this article, there are two credible source links at the end of this article. This article is just a small sample of pharmaceutical companies providing fraudulent information about their products. I have also heard from cancer patients themselves who speak of treatment centers providing false information regarding treatment success rates.



I can't help but to share this type of information. On the other hand, I have heard of cures using chemotherapy and radiation. Small treatments with large success.

Edited by GrowGoddess
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i think it is real also...


i have worried for many years after watching my father succumb to Gleoblastoma... that conventional treatments cause more harm than they offer any kinda good.


the first doctor had it right... he told us there is nothing you can do.. go home and spend time together... we ignored him and tried conventional treatments along with an experimental one.... and guess what.. dad passed in less than a month from the day he was diagnosed.


cancer is no joke.


the alleged "cure" may be worse than the disease ever was...

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Why not print actual research on CA and different chemos? Cleveland Clinic,Mayo Clinic,U of M,they are have bonafide research. You can make ANY research sound like it is true. You must consider the sourse of the research,and to tell CA pts that they should NOT go on chemo,but instead use MMJ is just wrong. None of you are medical professionals. Instead you think that your info is correct. Good. Try it on yourself when you get a DX of CA. Believe me. You WILL try ANYTHING if you think it could prolong your life. MB I am sorry about your Dad. But that Dr was right,wasn't he?

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a look at EVERY thing approved by the FDA. It seems even things like telephone curly cords causes cancer, as well as every rx and packaged food on the shelf. Every advertisement of rx includes the cancer warning. Its like a conspiracy to absorb your money, then your life force. hmm, might be on to something.....


Note that many countries allow marijuana to be grown, consumed, and those countries, nor their labs have a reduced cancer rates specifically as a result of their cannabis use. None of those countries are able to save their economy either, with sales of rope or hemp or clothing or anything else cannabis. Nothing cures cancer folks, not money, research, or cannabis. Perhaps we need to prevent this disease by stopping our support of the few who are after our health. We purchase DuPont items daily for our use, and support the very devils who jacked us in the first place.

The cannabis fight is ancient.

Remember the long haired dude who wore tattered clothing, fished, and rubbed "holy anointing oil" onto the skin of sick people....guess what that  oil was....the recipe is even in the most popular book.  He was ridiculed, and even put to death for his actions of peace and healing with this oil. It has a long troubled history with kings and leaders. I think it threatens their master plan, with health--mental, spiritual, and physical.

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I googled this for you;




what countries would that be?



The U.S. is the only industrialized nation in the world that does not recognize the value of industrial hemp and permit its production. Below is a list of other countries that are more rational when it comes to hemp policy.   AUSTRALIA began research trials in Tasmania in 1995. Victoria commercial production since1998. New South Wales has research. In 2002, Queensland began production. Western Australia licensed crops in 2004.

AUSTRIA has a hemp industry including production of hemp seed oil, medicinals and Hanf magazine.

CANADA started to license research crops in 1994. In addition to crops for fiber, one seed crop was licensed in 1995. Many acres were planted in 1997. Licenses for commercial agriculture saw thousands of acres planted in 1998. 30,000 acres were planted in 1999. In 2000, due to speculative investing, 12,250 acres were sown. In 2001, 92 farmers grew 3,250 acres. A number of Canadian farmers are now growing organically-certified hemp crops (6,000 acres in 2003 and 8,500 acres in 2004, yielding almost four million pounds of seed).

CHILE has grown hemp in the recent past for seed oil production.

CHINA is the largest exporter of hemp textiles. The fabrics are of excellent quality. Medium density fiber board is also now available. The Chinese word for hemp is "ma."

DENMARK planted its first modern hemp trial crops in 1997. The country is committed to utilizing organic methods.

FINLAND had a resurgence of hemp in 1995 with several small test plots. A seed variety for northern climates was developed called Finola, previously know by the breeder code "FIN-314." In 2003, Finola was accepted to the EU list of subsidized hemp cultivars. Hemp has never been prohibited in Finland. The Finnish word for hemp is "hamppu."

FRANCE has never prohibited hemp and harvested 10,000 tons of fiber in 1994. France is a source of low-THC-producing hemp seed for other countries. France exports high quality hemp oil to the U.S. The French word for hemp is "chanvre."

GERMANY banned hemp in 1982, but research began again in 1992, and many technologies and products are now being developed, as the ban was lifted on growing hemp in November, 1995. Food, clothes and paper are also being made from imported raw materials. Mercedes and BMW use hemp fiber for composites in door panels, dashboards, etc. The German word for hemp is "hanf."

GREAT BRITAIN lifted hemp prohibition in 1993. Animal bedding, paper and textiles markets have been developed. A government grant was given to develop new markets for natural fibers. 4,000 acres were grown in 1994. Subsidies of 230 British pounds per acre are given by the government to farmers for growing hemp.

HUNGARY is rebuilding their hemp industry, and is one of the biggest exporters of hemp cordage, rugs and fabric to the U.S. They also export hemp seed, paper and fiberboard. The Hungarian word for hemp is "kender."

INDIA has stands of naturalized Cannabis and uses it for cordage, textiles and seed.

ITALY has invested in the resurgence of hemp, especially for textile production. 1,000 acres were planted for fiber in 2002. Giorgio Armani grows its own hemp for specialized textiles.

JAPAN has a rich religious tradition involving hemp, and custom requires that the Emperor and Shinto priests wear hemp garments in certain ceremonies, so there are small plots maintained for these purposes. Traditional spice mixes also include hemp seed. Japan supports a thriving retail market for a variety of hemp products. The Japanese word for hemp is "asa."

NETHERLANDS is conducting a four-year study to evaluate and test hemp for paper, and is developing specialized processing equipment. Seed breeders are developing new strains of low-THC varieties. The Dutch word for hemp is "hennep."

NEW ZEALAND started hemp trials in 2001. Various cultivars are being planted in the north and south islands.

POLAND currently grows hemp for fabric and cordage and manufactures hemp particle board. They have demonstrated the benefits of using hemp to cleanse soils contaminated by heavy metals. The Polish word for hemp is "konopij."

ROMANIA is the largest commercial producer of hemp in Europe. 1993 acreage was 40,000 acres. Some of it is exported to Hungary for processing. They also export hemp to Western Europe and the U.S. The Romanian word for hemp is "cinepa."

RUSSIA maintains the largest hemp germplasm collection in the world at the N.I. Vavilov Scientific Research Institute of Plant Industry (VIR) in St. Petersburg. They are in need of funding to maintain and support the collection. The Russian word for hemp is "konoplya."

SLOVENIA grows hemp and manufactures currency paper.

SPAIN has never prohibited hemp, produces rope and textiles, and exports hemp pulp for paper. The Spanish word for hemp is "cañamo."

SWITZERLAND is a producer of hemp and hosts one of the largest hemp trade events, Cannatrade.

TURKEY has grown hemp for 2,800 years for rope, caulking, birdseed, paper and fuel. The Turkish word for hemp is "kendir."


UNITED STATES granted the first hemp permit in over 40 years to Hawaii for an experimental quarter-acre plot in 1999. The license was renewed, but the project has since been closed due to DEA stalling tactics and related funding problems. Importers and manufacturers have thrived using imported raw materials. 22 states have introduced legislation, including VT, HI, ND, MT, MN, IL, VA, NM, CA, AR, KY, MD, WV and ME, addressing support, research or cultivation with bills or resolutions. The National Conference of State Legislators (NCSL) has endorsed industrial hemp for years.
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Nothing cures cancer folks, not money, research, or cannabis.


Well, here's some research that you may not have seen


The latest research by GW Pharmaceuticals centers on the tumor killing properties of THC and CBD.  Slight variations in the Sativex formula are in trials to treat cancer of the brain, breast, and prostate, though GW states that this medicine could be effective against many cancer lines.  Indeed, a recent study out of Korea studied stomach cancer and synthetic THC.  The study states that THC may be more effective against gastric cancer than current chemo formulas. ( http://www.truthonpot.com/2013/07/04/study-synthetic-thc-shows-promise-as-alternative-drug-for-stomach-cancer/ )

From the GW Pharmaceuticals website ( http://gwpharm.com/oncology.aspx ) : 
One of the most exciting and fast emerging areas of research in the field of cannabinoid science centres on the ability of certain cannabinoids to inhibit the growth and vascular supply of cancers of various types. The possibility that cannabinoids may treat cancer is supported by an ever increasing body of available evidence. In simple terms, cancer occurs because cells become immortalised; they fail to heed customary signals to turn off growth. A normal function of remodeling in the body requires that cells die on cue. This is called apoptosis, or programmed cell death and this process fails to proceed normally after malignant transformation.  THC, CBD, and perhaps other phytocannabinoids promote the re-emergence of apoptosis so that certain cancer cell types will in fact heed the signals, stop dividing, and die.
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yep, on top of that, but treatments are light years from cures. It seems this doesn't affect cancer, but only our very own cells, that correct the cancerous movement .but not a cure, unfortunately. I believe no cure for broken toes can be found either, until first the toe hammering  stops. we can stop blood, and even the pain...but those are symptoms.

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for me its a loaded subject to discuss...i have a personal stake and interest in it.. as do many fellow humans..


yes.. perhaps the first doctor was correct in that we could have had 9-12 months with dad... however God works in strange and mysterious ways and i have since seen what happens to the human body during last stage cancer shut down... and.. well perhaps we made the right decision after all..

since dad did not suffer through the months of body shutdown before an eventual demise..


i posted this study because it interests me.


it interests me that many studies have been done and most of the results are skewed toward the studies objectives.


a person with a history will look at this and any study and know the results are what they are..


i read as many as i can and hope with the broad spectrum of exposure for myself i can eventually help as many people as i can...


i don't know what to believe when it comes to cancer and cannabis...


i know what i would try in many of the situations if faced with the decision for myself............................


i hope people read these studies and try to find some hope or strength from the available knowledge..


i know that the power of the mind is the most beneficial medicine on the planet and if you believe in a particular treatment.. then the odds of the treatment being ultimately successful are greatly increased...

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I googled this for you;


hemp and marijuana are the same plant, but contain different amounts of cannibinoids.

the cannibinoids found in medical marijuana are the ones with anti-tumor and anti-cancer properties.


i dont think there are many people saying hemp cures cancer. but there are people saying marijuana cures cancer.



that list was of countries that allow hemp only, not all marijuana , not all cannabis. its still illegal in all of those countries to grow marijuana.

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GW Pharmaceuticals is the UK company that makes Sativex. What do you expect them to say? The research is nothing but an advertisement. Sativex is just Marinol. If research can find the gene that causes cancers,that will be one bright day. But there are other things that give humans cancer too. Things we are exposed to from birth.

Edited by jointedone
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....." its still illegal in all of those countries to grow marijuana."


actually, several in the list allow limited cultivation for medical purpose. google turned up enough to convince me of it. I've never grown cannabis outside this country so I don't know for sure.

Most people spout the industrial benefits of industrial hemp farms in the US(none, but one currently) and also the medical benefits of other types of cannabis. CBD comes from industrial auto flowering varieties of hemp, and found usually in very low numbers in our favorites. It will be found maybe that industrial hemp holds "more" of the treatment than OG Kush does ? I personally think its not just one constituent working magic here, but several working in synergy.

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