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Silica Soil Scoop


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Some growers believe using silica in a soil garden is redundant. An article I appreciated;



t1346677088141.jpg Silicon: don’t leave your plants without it

Here’s the science bit, pay attention! Silicon is the second most common element in the earth’s crust – only oxygen is found in a greater abundance – it is found as sand (silicate dioxide) and more commonly as sheet silicates. These are compounds containing silicon, oxygen and an additional metal or mineral and there are literally hundreds of different variations of them forming over 90% of the earth’s crust.


Silicon extracts itself from these sheet silicates in the form of monosilicic acid; this is how it is made available to plants. Soil water – run off from naturally occurring soils – can contain around 400 ppm of silicic acid, which is absorbed by plants. Studies of tissues taken from plants grown in naturally occurring soil show a Silicon content of up to 10% of dry weight. In some cases, Silicon can be found at the same % as calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. Certain grasses can even contain Silicon at a higher % than any other mineral. 

It is widely regarded and agreed that plants require 17 key elements to successfully develop. These are comprised of macronutrients; nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium, calcium, magnesium and sulphur, and micronutrients; iron, manganese, boron, copper, molybdenum, zinc, chlorine and nickel. Plus, the obvious elements of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.

However with Silicon being found in such abundance in plant tissues, there is now an argument that it should be considered as a relevant macronutrient.



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silica plays havoc with your pH. you WILL have to adjust if you use the full dose all a once. I only use at  like 1/4 strength.


it helps with stem strength and pest control in veg since silica makes the cell walls stronger. I find the best use is in bloom. the "string test" is how I determine when needed. if I rip a leaf off and it tears a piece of rope down the stem, needs silica. if the fan leaves just snap off, no need to add.


makes harvest SO much easier when you can pick all the fan leaves off by hand and not destroy any buds

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I used it from veg till finish in hydro, and same in organic dirt now. I never saw a ph swing, and never adjusted it either. I was working with 4 25 gallon reservoirs and one 75 gallon. Now I add it to the full time bubbling tea my worms make for me and water it into the soil every few days. It doesn't seem necessary like the article says, but I know better.

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