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So a couple of the strains that I'm going to be running are auto's, I just wanted to try them to see how they were, etc. My question is, how are you suppose to feed these girls? It says they finish 60-75 days from germ. If at all possible, in the format of:













Feel free to switch nutes in and out, but I'd prefer to stick with AN if possible.



I was thinking of almost maybe something like:

-Removed, ask me if ya want it-



Anyone have any input on this?

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Well, they go from germination to done in 60-75 days on average, or so these strains claim. I can only interpret that as that they must vegetate for approximately two weeks where they supposedly seem to have a habit of showing their sex, that would mean that flowering has begun, so probably time to switch to flowering nutes, so the switch comes at that stage. The rapid flowering has to happen pretty quickly, so I can only assume that would mean that because of the accelerated cycle the nutrient schedule itself must be altered to approximate growth stages.

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you doing hydro? 

sorry no idea bout autos. :P


i'm an organic gardener and i dont believe in buying large tubs of overpriced water with a few sprinkles of fertilyzer in them. to each his own.


heres what google says for 'advanced nutrients autoflower'


hope it helps!

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I am indeed.  :bong7bp: Will be netting the ladies as well. Fishnets and a good trim will look nice on each of them I'm sure haha.


Had a look at that, figure someone from the forums would have much better and mor current knowledge. Namely, because that is from 2011.

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You know, I've seen a few grown in dirt and a few grown in hydro and the autos in hydro really seem to stretch a lot more. I guess it's debatable though.


I would place that period at...probably the end of week 2 through week 3 possibly? Right around where the girls are moving from veg to flower

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The best place for info for growing auto's is Autoflower.net.

They have all the info you need.

They generally start flowering around 20-25 days of life.

They do have a flowering stretch.

Basic info.

Veg nutes for weeks 1-3 then switch to flowering nutes.

Watch for cal/mag issues, as they seem to need more than usual.

Good luck.

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They're all a little different.  I had some Pineapple express autos from G13 stretch to 3.5 feet and some finished under 18 inches.  Some autos are 12 weekers and some are 8 weeks or less.  Some are more stable as to size and time to finish than others.  That's the problem with perpetual grows and hydro, if they aren't uniform or coming down at the same time the flush will be different and the size will be different, making a table a pain and possibly water flow difficult if some are on the floor and some 3-4 ft. up in the air..  Since autos can take up to 20 hours and flower the 12 hour light cycle may produce a 6 inch plant instead of an 18 inch plant. 

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Don't know.  With the short time I didn't want to fertilize before week 2-3 and then it rained weeks 4-6 so I don't think I fertilized more than 1-2x.  They showed sex by 14-18 days old at about3-4".

  I don't know if it was joint dr who has the super autos that are 16 week hazes and such.

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I'm running Dark Devil from Sweet Seeds, Fast and Vast from Heavyweight Seeds, Red Dwarf, White Dwarf, Deimos, Syrup, and 6 others from Buddhas, and La Diva from Delicious Seeds. all of them claim to be 8-8 1/2 weeker strains, except the 6 extra from Buddhas. I got a few normal photo period ones too though, those I'll look forward to growing out once I move into that territory.

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