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More Doctors Than Consumers Say Medical Marijuana Should Be Legal: Survey

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The legalization of medical marijuana has more support among U.S. doctors than among consumers, a new survey found.

The survey of more than 1,500 doctors and nearly 3,000 consumers found that 69 percent of doctors said medical marijuana can help with certain conditions and treatments. Only 52 percent of consumers expressed that same belief.


Among doctors, 67 percent said they believed medical marijuana should be a treatment option for patients. Half of those doctors in states where medical marijuana isn't legal said it should be legalized, as did 52 percent of doctors in states considering such laws.



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When I was preparing to have chemo, 3 different doctors recommended marijuana to cope with the side effects and 2 of them offered to write me a script - even though I don't live in a mmj state.  


Among Oncologists, marijuana is known to have some tumor killing effects and most of them would not advise against it's use even if you don't have cancer.  


I'm not surprised that more doctors are aware of the real medical benefits of marijuana.  A lot of regular citizens still think of it as the fun drug they used when they were younger and believe that the medical argument is just an end run around the law.  We need to do more to educate people as to the medical benefits in order to dispel these beliefs.  

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