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Got Bugs? Increase Your Brix To 12 And Bugs Will Leave.

pic book

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12+ in a finished product would indicate a figurative ton of unburned carbs/sugars remaining in the plant material. This causes harsh, black burning, throat irritating smoke. I know you meant to say during their mid flowering though, not at harvest.

Plants cannot uptake sugar but instead count on a balanced diet to produce all of the carbs it needs. Feed the soil, because the plants already know what to do. Molasses, sugar, etc is best used in a compost pile or bubbling tea, as nutritious feedstock for beneficial bacteria, necessary for the breakdown of organic material, and flourishing fungus in a soil medium. when the fungus finally breaks down the mineral rich rocks and bits, elements are released in a form the plants can then uptake. One form is magnesium salts, which is what the plant uses to make "sugar".


Everyone I know of that suffers mites admit  they invited them-infected people, plants, cuttings, clones into their garden.


I used a refractometer for years daily in my hydroponics systems. Now, I see its just not necessary with an organic approach to soil building. Many hydro nutrients lack quality controls, and some are even made in folks garages.

anyone want to buy a quality refractometer, ph meter, ppm meter too, and mops, fittings, pumps, hoses, nutes....... :yahoo-wave:

but top meds have brix of 12+

Edited by grassmatch
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