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Holder On Drug Clemency:1000S Will Apply And Have Sentences

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blacks and latinos are unfairly targeted, sentenced and policed in all facets of life.


even from school, black kids get more suspensions and explusions than white kids.

blacks and latinos get longer sentences than white people.

blacks and latinos get arrested more than white people, sometimes 3 times as much, sometimes 10 times as much in some cities.

dont believe me, look up the stats yourself. aclu just did a few big studies. thats why the naacp switched sides on the drug war.


obama and holder are going to right the crack cocaine sentencing fiasco.

theres a lot of people in prison (thousands!!) for crack cocaine doing 20+ years.


The administration is looking at inmates who have "clean records, no significant ties to gangs or violence, and who are serving decades behind bars for relatively low-level offenses."

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Look balck people and latinos get short shrift. Its a fact jack. Ever hear the expression driving while black? If you are born white in America it is easier for you. Kurt Vonnegut pointed it out in breakfast of champions. That he knew which side of the bread was buttered and he was glad that he was born white cause it was better. 


Do people who smoke mmj get a bad deal from the cops. Sure they do Just not as often. 

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Look balck people and latinos get short shrift. Its a fact jack. Ever hear the expression driving while black? If you are born white in America it is easier for you. Kurt Vonnegut pointed it out in breakfast of champions. That he knew which side of the bread was buttered and he was glad that he was born white cause it was better. 


Do people who smoke mmj get a bad deal from the cops. Sure they do Just not as often.

Steve Martin also in his comedy satire The Jerk.

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