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Jeffrey Hank, Us House Candidate, Calls For Release Of Lansing 7

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LANSING- Lansing attorney Jeffrey Hank, who has announced his intention to run for the United States House of Representatives in 2014, will appear on a local television program to speak about cannabis law reform and to call for a release of the Lansing (Okemos) Seven.

The group of businessmen were following the Michigan Medical Marihuana Act when they were raided, federally charged and convicted of crimes for their state-legal actions. Some of the men are still imprisoned, including Lance Forsberg and The Compassion Chronicles co-founder Ryan Basore.

In an email message to supporters, reprinted here with his permission, Hank outlines his plan to seek the 8th District seat currently held by Mike Rogers. Rogers, a Republican, has held the office since 2001 and is a former FBI special agent.


Attorney Jeffrey Hank speaks to the crowd at Hash Bash 2014

The Lansing-area newspaper City Pulse featured a cover story on this week’s edition that included the headline, “Can the Dems Take Rogers’ Seat?” That paper has an e-version that is available on their website HERE.

Hank is most notable for his successful effort to place a legalization of marijuana proposal on the ballot in Michigan’s capital city, Lansing, in 2013. That proposal won by a 63% margin. Hank has committed to repeating his effort in the neighboring town of East Lansing, home to Michigan State University, for the 2014 election.

The notice from attorney Hank is contained below.

I am running for US House of Representatives in the 8th District. This is Big Brother Mike Rogers’ current seat. Of course, I support the de-scheduling and liberation of the cannabis plant in all aspects. I will be calling for re-legalization and a modest tax on non-medical cannabis. I suppose we could debate what is medical vs. non-medical use, but that’s not the point of this posting. In an ideal world, cannabis would not be taxed, but I can live with a modest tax and regulation model as an improvement compared to what we have now.

Tomorrow I will be on the City Pulse Newsmaker TV show in Lansing, Michigan. I’ll be issuing a call for a unified demand for all 8th District Candidates, Dems and Repubs (they’re 7 of us total), to demand President Obama release and pardon the Okemos 7 from federal custody. All of these men from our District are non-violent ‘offenders’, most without any criminal record, who were in compliance with state law, and are now serving time in federal prison for being involved with medical marijuana.


It is unconscionable and immoral from a freedom and civil rights perspective, from a states rights perspective, from a pro-family perspective, and from a taxpayer perspective, that we’re jailing non-violent innocent able-bodied men for the ‘crimes’ of growing plants or the ‘thought crimes’ of conspiring to grow plants. This will be a litmus test for all candidates to test their commitment to civil liberties and limited compassionate government.
With news that the federal government is looking at rescheduling and/or a possible pardon of some drug offenders, now is the time to apply greater pressure to assure we see this righteous struggle through to victory.
I will keep you posted and appreciate the support of anyone who wants to elect a pro-cannabis candidate to Congress.

Information regarding Hank’s appearance on City Pulse Newsmaker TV can be found HERE.


contact information for the prisoners: HERE

Lance Forsberg writes an Op/Ed in The Compassion Chronicles: HERE

The Safer Lansing benefit and Seven party prior to their surrender: HERE

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Where are the Patriot Freedom Fighters, the Posse Comitatas,the Militias, etc.when we need them? Let some rancher out in Nevada refuse to pay grazing fees to the government and they are Johnny-on-the-spot with their guns drawn to protect the rancher's "rights". It seems like the Lansing 7 case has a lot more to do with government overreach than some millionaire rancher who is stiffing the American public by refusing to pay rent.

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