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Cannabis Telepathy

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I came across some interesting information on the psychic abilities of plants and thought I'd share it. I've always known that a plant will grow better when listening to classical music rather than death metal, but I was surprised to learn how deep plants' feelings will actually go. As usual, there is much debate over the following article with scientists being the usual skeptics but I'll get to that. Just remember this is not accepted by the scientific community at large and is considered more of an occult theory.

Cleve Backster

philodendron.jpg    The story starts with Cleve Backster of the Cleve Backster School of Lie Detection. It was in 1966 that the curious Backster decided to hook up a polygraph machine to one of his philodendron plants to measure the time it took for water to reach the large leaves. Backster noticed that the plant was measuring what would be excitement in a human subject. He then tried different things with the leaf that had the polygraph electrode attached - even sticking the leaf in a cup of hot coffee. The plant showed no other reactions and even seemed to be getting bored after 15 minutes of testing.

Burn it!

   Backster decided that he should do something far more threatening - he was going to burn the leaf to see what reaction he could get from the plant's polygraph reading. He didn't have any matches so he left the room to find some. When he came back, he noticed the plant's readings jumping all over. It was evident that just the thought of burning the leaf was enough to throw the plant into a state of fear. The plant would sense the intended assault whether it was in the next room or even miles away. The process was performed numerous times by different people and the same results were happening, although, after time the philodendron began to realize it was just a test and wouldn't really be burned. They had to try something else.


   By now, the tests were becoming rather severe. Backster took 6 of his students and had them draw straws. The loser of the draw then had to sneak into a room with 2 plants and kill one of them. He yanked it by the roots and then ripped the leaves off one by one. Later, the other 5 students entered the room and the surviving witness (the other plant) remained calm, but when the plant killer entered the room, the philodendron knew exactly who the killer was and registered its fear on the polygraph.

Registering the Deaths of Other Creatures

   Cleve Backster then used some tiny shrimp used as goldfish food and dumped them into boiling water. Each time the shrimp hit the water, their deaths were registered on the plant's polygraph. Backster then moved the shrimp to another room and used different barriers - even metal - to separate the plant from the shrimp. The same results were still recorded. He then set the shrimp to fall by using a timer to make sure there was no "contamination" by his own telepathy. Separated by different barriers in separate rooms with no human interaction, the results were amazingly still the same.

The Backster Effect

   The idea of telepathy from plants is not new, but is now known as the Backster Effect. Since it involves use of psychic communication it's not surprising that scientists don't take the idea as anything more than an occult theory. Even though Cleve Backster had nothing to do with the occult, he is now famous among occultists for his plant research. When viewed using Kirlian photography, plants show the same aura as humans and every other living organism - that much is now accepted by scientists because of the physical proof - but with what we know of the human aura and how it holds a large key to the art of telepathy, we can easily imagine plants being able to use the same "bioenergetic fields" to communicate in a way that a brainless organism might communicate. There have been other researchers into this field but they do not include professional scientists - who say that the tests can't be replicated in controlled conditions.

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I have not. I saw it on myth busters once, and they said death metal was a better plant tender, but others say opposite. I do talk to my plants of course, and I have played with electronics/plants, oscillators, polygraph type equip etc.  They are alive, and somehow "conscience" of their surroundings, their tender, and eachother, somehow.

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dunno about "screaming", but they do emit more electrical activity when nearby plants are cut, I figure it was the smell, like pheromones maybe. there's an old documentary showing a cow grazing and a nearby corn stalk getting scared as it approached, electrically reporting the stress.

the op is not my experience at all, I forgot the quote marks.

Then when you are trimming,are your plants screaming in pain?

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