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So to start, my caregiver will not be able to supply me with enough MM to get off Morphine and Hydrocodone and provide me 24 hour a day pain relieve. So I want to start to grow myself. I will be using Soil to grow with. My main objective is to obtain clones and then veg them, and then flower them. At the moment I dont have the money to buy two seperate lights so all veg and flower will have to be done under the same light at the same time :( Its not how I want to do it, but it will work till I get more set-up. I was wondering what would be the best light to use for ONLY 12 plants as I dont plan on taking on other patients. I want a good light/ballast reflector unit but dont want to pay out the rear for one tho... Another thing would be how big should I build my room? I want to have enough room to walk all the way around a 4 plant long x 3 plant wide plot, have enough room for my water bucket, soil (if I have extra) and all the other stuff that comes along with growing? Thanks to anybody that replys.


PS: I live near the Manistee/Ludington/Caddillac area and I am looking for a new light system.

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Be careful, thats a lot of plants to do at once and when harvest comes.... :o:D


You will be over your Limit like this Fellow Quoted Below.



I just did nine plants under a 400 watt switchable and had good yield. about 21 grams per plant


9 x 21 = 189 / 28 = 6.75 Ounces, Obviously this Person is making Hemp Oil to end up with about 3/4 of an Ounce.


Use a Rotation and Harvest a plant or two every week to stay within Legal Limits.


You will need Two Lights, CFL's are very cheap and will work just fine for getting started. Then purchase a HPS Light when you are ready to Flower.

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a 4 bulb t5ho fixture ($119+ shipping) works perfectly for vegetating your plants then you need a 600-1000 watt light if you plan on growing 12 at a time if you do a staggard grow meaning 6 in veg 6 in flower your limits would be much easier to control.

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2 negative reps for my reply to this thread. Wow...someone has a hard on for me... :rolleyes:


I hit ya a plus one for good advice. Some background on me really quick. I live in a very small (very poor) town. I also live in a very small house. I am also very poor...lol I would stay legal tho, just keep my plants hanging till I need them in a dark cool place (a place that I have). But there are things that I would like to make too, Hash, Hash Oil/Rick Simpson Oil (I think they are pretty much the same thing) Butter, Tincture's. I want to experiment with some of it to see what the best form of pain relieve is. I want so much to get off of the Morphine (two 50mg a day) and Norco/Hydrocodone (two 10/325mg a day). But being legal is up to one person and that is me. If I am doing anything to get caught, then I did that to myself and I would not be able to say otherwise.

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So to start, my caregiver will not be able to supply me with enough MM to get off Morphine and Hydrocodone and provide me 24 hour a day pain relieve. So I want to start to grow myself. I will be using Soil to grow with. My main objective is to obtain clones and then veg them, and then flower them. At the moment I dont have the money to buy two seperate lights so all veg and flower will have to be done under the same light at the same time :( Its not how I want to do it, but it will work till I get more set-up. I was wondering what would be the best light to use for ONLY 12 plants as I dont plan on taking on other patients. I want a good light/ballast reflector unit but dont want to pay out the rear for one tho... Another thing would be how big should I build my room? I want to have enough room to walk all the way around a 4 plant long x 3 plant wide plot, have enough room for my water bucket, soil (if I have extra) and all the other stuff that comes along with growing? Thanks to anybody that replys.


PS: I live near the Manistee/Ludington/Caddillac area and I am looking for a new light system.


back to the issue at hand, and the original question......... lighting and area.


the very first answer is probably the best post in this thread. if i were you, this choice would be influenced greatly on my future plans as well. you said you dont really have $$ right now. thats fine. you said that you would like to have 2 lights now, but you can't. well, when you DO have the money for another light, what is your grow room going to be looking like? will you be using 2-400 watt lamps? 2-1000w lamps?


the versatility of great cultivation methods allows you tons of options for this "get things off the ground" grow.


the "ideal" way to go would be a 1000w switchable ballast and a 4.5' x 4.5' footprint, giving each plant 1.7sq.ft. and 50 watts per square foot to play in. but a good 1000w switchable ballast with hood and both HPS and MH lamps can run you well over $400 for just a budget model. if you cannot do this right now, then look into a 600w set-up. a 600w will cover 12 plants in that same set-up too. it is a bit of a stretch for a 600w to cover that area so you may wanna back it down to 4 x 4 for better coverage.


or do you REALLY wanna "just get by on this one"? because if you do, you can pick up a complete 400w HPS setup for $100 here: http://www.insidesun.com/defccf1686b8e72e72d9c136cba7cdf9.item , use it through the entire grow, and put 12 plants in a 4 x 3 print and get what you get out of it.


you got the $$ for a high end 1000w kit right now and wanna grow 12 plants all at once and get MAX results? build a 10' x 10'' screen and scrog them. veg 12 plants of the right strain in that screen for 30-45 days and then flip the lights to 12/12.............. with a lot of "know-how" and a little luck, you can surpass the "holy grail" 1 gram per watt plateau and shoot for 1200 grams. thats 43 ounces in around 100-115 days. i wouldnt do it because of the legal issues, but that choice is yours. i am just saying that it can be done.


the options are endless..... it's more about how much $$ you have now, what your plans for the future are, and what you expect to yield on this particular grow.

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Mez said it best, do what your budget allows.


If you have the funds and are doing 12 plants at once

Id try to purchase a 1000 watt switchable ballast.




You have a CG you said...

If you have a CG you are not allowed to grow or posses plants.

Your card and paperwork will state whose allowed to posses plants.

Be smart and don't play around, if you appointed a CG and grow on

your own you will be a VERY unhappy camper if you ever get visited

by LE.


As for how big to build the rooms, as big as you can..... The more space

they have the bigger than can get with proper training.

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OK, To start, I do have a CG at the moment, but as I stated he cant not supply the extra MM I would need to get off pain pills. It is not in our contract (a verbal one subject to change on both parties approval). So as soon as I get everything set up, I will put in the change forum, wait 20 days after my check is cashed, then start growing. I would say for the light setup, going by the site that Cannastyle posted, the 1000w Switchable Economy one would do me the best. I think it was around 450-500. The building that I will have to build will most likley be a 6ft. wide x 10ft. long x (I am hoping...) 10ft high. I want it this way so I can have all my grow stuff in one room (mainly water) with a "grow area" of 5x6x10ft. My CG will help me on setup and dirt and all that, but his lights were givin to him. (family thing I think). Anywho, I do know the law, read it a few times now, but for me to have a uninturipted supply of MM I would have to use, in one way or another, around 4 oz. a month, so in the 4 month time it takes to grow 12 plants (approx.) That would mean that I would have to have 16 oz. of MM. And that is a guess at that, as I dont know how the pain will be without Morphine and Norco's... I dont really see how EVERY patient can afford to buy the different lights and all the stuff that goes with indoor growing, when they could just get there medicine in bulk, "cure it" while there new grow is starting, and then use it as needed.


(2) The patient and the patient's primary caregiver, if any, were collectively in possession of a quantity of marihuana that was not more than was reasonably necessary to ensure the uninterrupted availability of marihuana for the purpose of treating or alleviating the patient's serious or debilitating medical condition or symptoms of the patient's serious or debilitating medical condition; and


(3) The patient and the patient's primary caregiver, if any, were engaged in the acquisition, possession, cultivation, manufacture, use, delivery, transfer, or transportation of marihuana or paraphernalia relating to the use of marihuana to treat or alleviate the patient's serious or debilitating medical condition or symptoms of the patient's serious or debilitating medical condition.


If I had said 16oz in my possession, given the individual situation, that said 16oz would be reasonably necessary to ensure the uninterrupted availability of marihuana for the purpose of treating or alleviating my pain?


Thanks for all that have replied in here, advice you have given and the warnings, all are appreciated.

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