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Mike Cox Will Not Respond!

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I have emailed even snail mailed Mike Cox to find out what his feelings are on Medical Marijuana. He will not respond! Nothing, not even a form letter. This fool wants to be Governor! Does anyone know his stance on MM? Do not vote for this cox (pun intended). This guy scares me.

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Just think how much more responsive he will be after he gets into the office he wants. Not responding is worse than sending out a form letter opposing MMJ, at least then we know where he stands (although I think that is already pretty clear).

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He is fundamentally opposed. Have you tried calling? I agree, unresponsiveness is just disrespectful. Reasonable people can disagree, but to completely ignore citizens' questions on issues relevant to the state while running for the highest office in Michigan shows the contempt he has for voters in our community.

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He is fundamentally opposed. Have you tried calling? I agree, unresponsiveness is just disrespectful. Reasonable people can disagree, but to completely ignore citizens' questions on issues relevant to the state while running for the highest office in Michigan shows the contempt he has for voters in our community.


He is opposed to MM? That was going to be the next step, a phone call. I know email sometimes goes unanswered thats why I wrote the fool. Nothing in over a month. He must be busy.

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I have emailed even snail mailed Mike Cox to find out what his feelings are on Medical Marijuana. He will not respond! Nothing, not even a form letter. This fool wants to be Governor! Does anyone know his stance on MM? Do not vote for this cox (pun intended). This guy scares me.


Um . . he's a POLITICIAN; So, it's par for the course.


And, they SCARE the HEALTH right out of me, too!


And, if you think THAT's SCARY . . .


Check this out:


"Are you ready to join Cox's 5200? Become a leader in Mike Cox's campaign for Governor and part of the largest, exciting, and dynamic grassroots effort which is going to turn Michigan around."


Is that a catch-phrase or WHAT?!






(From Politicians)

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I have to laugh, I just called his contact number and guess what? Nobody knows :blink:. Huh. They promised to get back to me. Lets see.


Wait...folks staffing the Attorney General's campaign headquarters don't know how the Attorney General feels about medical marijuana? Of course not. Why would the state Attorney General have a well known position on medical marijuana?!

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yeah he's never responded to me either,he's not even on my short list though. Virg B the mayor of Lansing on D ticket said he supports the will of the ppl.



I just called his office. The person who answered the phone, gave me the answer that , "Mike Cox will follow the law, but he has not yet taken a position on the issue".


I think that he needs to take a position one way or the other. Isn't he a Republican? Aren't Republicans known for taking strong unwavering stances on political issues? If I was another Republican candidate running against him, I would make fun of him for his lack of decisiveness.

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