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Idk... What Do You Think?

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I have been hearing that Barry Township police are making "visits" to patients homes. One case where they threatened the patient that if they had to go get a warrant they were going to take his kids and run him into jail. So they were let in.. blah blah blah. To make a long story short, aint I breaking the law if I let an uncarded person into my grow room? IDK, I thought I seen something like that in the law... if thats the case then a police officer being let into your room without them having a warrant is breaking the law on my part? IDK juss thinkin and medicating this mornin... Have a great weekend pplz!!



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Po po's and most dr's and big pharmicutical co's are fighting the mm community tooth and nail!

Dont ever let a cop in your house for any reason unless he has a warrant! Period!

if you let them in they will look around and in most cases find something to phaq with you!

I wouldnt let them look at bunny muffin unless they have a warrant, I wouldnt let anyone see my g.r!

Free The Weed!



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Cops will say anything to gain access to your home. If they are asking to come in they probably don't have probable cause. We have all been conditioned from birth to obey authority, so when confronted by police our instinct is to let them in. It is really hard to overcome this conditioning. Cops know this and use it to their advantage to bully the populace.

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Cops will say anything to gain access to your home. If they are asking to come in they probably don't have probable cause. We have all been conditioned from birth to obey authority, so when confronted by police our instinct is to let them in. It is really hard to overcome this conditioning. Cops know this and use it to their advantage to bully the populace.


See!! Can't give + rep to some of the best posts.

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I have been hearing that Barry Township police are making "visits" to patients homes. One case where they threatened the patient that if they had to go get a warrant they were going to take his kids and run him into jail. So they were let in.. blah blah blah. To make a long story short, aint I breaking the law if I let an uncarded person into my grow room? IDK, I thought I seen something like that in the law... if thats the case then a police officer being let into your room without them having a warrant is breaking the law on my part? IDK juss thinkin and medicating this mornin... Have a great weekend pplz!!





Just wondering why you are letting people other than you and your patients in your grow room to begin with? Honestly just keep it for you and maybe a patient but showing it off to people that are not legal seems like a bad idea in general.

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Just wondering why you are letting people other than you and your patients in your grow room to begin with? Honestly just keep it for you and maybe a patient but showing it off to people that are not legal seems like a bad idea in general.


I personally am not, only a select few have. This was a question about the good law that had arisen while chillin and medicating.

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Any idea how Berry township knows who to visit? Are these all folks who visit a local compassion club or something like that?


I only know of the one personally, others I have read about in the papers recently. Ive seen him at a couple different clubs yes. But not in Barry County.

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The police are not following the MMMA. They have been arresting when people have cards, and they are using the cards as a basis to conduct investigations, make threats and harass. This is all wrong. They are not obeying the law that was enacted. Why in the world would anyone ever trust them. When I recently asked a client of mine, who was arrested but was 100 % in compliance with the law after a traffic stop, what he would have done differently he said, "I WOULD HAVE LIED TO THE PLICE." BINGO. The Police are the ones who have created this situation. They have told us that they are not going to follow the law. Why in the world would any patient or caregiver trust them. I cant disagree with this. And my advise is if they are at your house, no matter what they say, do not let them in. In fact don't even answer the door. If you are stopped in a car, DO NOT TELL THE POLICE YOU ARE A PATIENT OR CAREGIVER. If they smell medicine, AND you have medicine in the care and they have asked you to get out of the car, then show them your card. Remember at that time everything you say can and will be used against you.



Michael Komorn

Sotufield, MI 48075

Off: 248-357-2550

Mbl: 248-321-5393

Email: Michael@komornlaw.com

Website: www.komornlaw.com

Check out my Radio show

Live Every Wednesday 8-9:00 p.m.


Click GreenTrees Radio

Call in Number 247-205-9718

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The police are not following the MMMA. They have been arresting when people have cards, and they are using the cards as a basis to conduct investigations, make threats and harass. This is all wrong. They are not obeying the law that was enacted. Why in the world would anyone ever trust them. When I recently asked a client of mine, who was arrested but was 100 % in compliance with the law after a traffic stop, what he would have done differently he said, "I WOULD HAVE LIED TO THE PLICE." BINGO. The Police are the ones who have created this situation. They have told us that they are not going to follow the law. Why in the world would any patient or caregiver trust them. I cant disagree with this. And my advise is if they are at your house, no matter what they say, do not let them in. In fact don't even answer the door. If you are stopped in a car, DO NOT TELL THE POLICE YOU ARE A PATIENT OR CAREGIVER. If they smell medicine, AND you have medicine in the care and they have asked you to get out of the car, then show them your card. Remember at that time everything you say can and will be used against you.



Michael Komorn

Sotufield, MI 48075

Off: 248-357-2550

Mbl: 248-321-5393

Email: Michael@komornlaw.com

Website: www.komornlaw.com

Check out my Radio show

Live Every Wednesday 8-9:00 p.m.


Click GreenTrees Radio

Call in Number 247-205-9718



Once again well put!


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The police are not following the MMMA. They have been arresting when people have cards, and they are using the cards as a basis to conduct investigations, make threats and harass. This is all wrong. They are not obeying the law that was enacted. Why in the world would anyone ever trust them. When I recently asked a client of mine, who was arrested but was 100 % in compliance with the law after a traffic stop, what he would have done differently he said, "I WOULD HAVE LIED TO THE PLICE." BINGO. The Police are the ones who have created this situation. They have told us that they are not going to follow the law. Why in the world would any patient or caregiver trust them. I cant disagree with this. And my advise is if they are at your house, no matter what they say, do not let them in. In fact don't even answer the door. If you are stopped in a car, DO NOT TELL THE POLICE YOU ARE A PATIENT OR CAREGIVER. If they smell medicine, AND you have medicine in the care and they have asked you to get out of the car, then show them your card. Remember at that time everything you say can and will be used against you.



Michael Komorn

Sotufield, MI 48075

Off: 248-357-2550

Mbl: 248-321-5393

Email: Michael@komornlaw.com

Website: www.komornlaw.com

Check out my Radio show

Live Every Wednesday 8-9:00 p.m.


Click GreenTrees Radio

Call in Number 247-205-9718


VERY WELL PUT! Thank you for taking the time to post this! Having an Attorney actively involved here in the Forums is GREAT! Thank you for all you and the rest of the MMMA do for the participants of the MMMP

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only way they are getting in my home is my kicking in the door. Because at that point they will have NO Probably cause to enter because I only deal with my patients. So they willhave a Very Tough time in court telling a judge why a warrant was signed off on over some trumped up BS. THey continue to use intimidation and lies to enforce Thuggery. Sickening.

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I personally am not, only a select few have. This was a question about the good law that had arisen while chillin and medicating.



Brother we talk on chat, I dont remember if you told me your age or not. Please the only person other than myself to see my g.r is my brother and my woman! Thats it dont tell any one even though you are legal!


Now i mite be posting a few pics of my hill billy grow! Im just having some fun im bored! Im pretty sure it wont make it to mason jars, but i only got $3.65 into it lol. so i dont give phaq! would be nice cause I know i can get a better yeild in the plastic half drum with awsome soil out side! But if I dont, I got my back covered!


Free The Weed!



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The police are not following the MMMA. They have been arresting when people have cards, and they are using the cards as a basis to conduct investigations, make threats and harass. This is all wrong. They are not obeying the law that was enacted. Why in the world would anyone ever trust them. When I recently asked a client of mine, who was arrested but was 100 % in compliance with the law after a traffic stop, what he would have done differently he said, "I WOULD HAVE LIED TO THE PLICE." BINGO. The Police are the ones who have created this situation. They have told us that they are not going to follow the law. Why in the world would any patient or caregiver trust them. I cant disagree with this. And my advise is if they are at your house, no matter what they say, do not let them in. In fact don't even answer the door. If you are stopped in a car, DO NOT TELL THE POLICE YOU ARE A PATIENT OR CAREGIVER. If they smell medicine, AND you have medicine in the care and they have asked you to get out of the car, then show them your card. Remember at that time everything you say can and will be used against you.



Michael Komorn

Sotufield, MI 48075

Off: 248-357-2550

Mbl: 248-321-5393

Email: Michael@komornlaw.com

Website: www.komornlaw.com

Check out my Radio show

Live Every Wednesday 8-9:00 p.m.


Click GreenTrees Radio

Call in Number 247-205-9718



+++rep to You! Thanks for your input!

Free The Weed!



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This was a comment of mine to another post... but I thought it fit here as well.


With LEO it hasn't been about 'law and order' for some time now... it's about 'bust and get that promotion' and keep the 'government funds' rolling in to 'expand the force' and get those 'pay raises'.


If a 'police department' can show a 'high crime rate' in its area they become eligible for more government funds for 'special operations squads' and all the rest.


Anybody that thinks otherwise is 'living in LA LA LAND'.


But don't get me wrong I lived there for quite a while until the rent went sky high.



But keep smilin'... it's got to get better...

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Papers, cards, compliance on our part..doesn't seem to make a difference. They are obviously going to do what they want for now.

I sincerely hope that you all be careful when you show anyone anything. They raided my house essentially because a patient talked loosely. As far as everyone knows now, the local leo has forced me to quit. Just like they wanted. Right? :) Yeah, right.

Trust me though, when they bust in your door with weapons threatening your animals and throwing your family in the corner to intimidate, you won't get to see a warrant, you won't get to not answer the door, and your papers and/or cards won't mean crap.

Like Mr. Kaymorn told me on the phone, a new system needs to be put in place where if an officer comes across a grow that is presumed legal, another set of thresholds should need to be met before returning with a search warrant. Someone's big mouth, a stem in the trash and a high electric bill USED to mean grow sure..but now it could mean LEGAL grow.

Don't come back again with THAT b.s..

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