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Even Glenn Beck And Sarah Palin Getting On Board With The Movement?

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I am surrounded by conservatives(including myself),and they all agree with legalization. Hubby's church going straight laced parents want it to be legal BECAUSE they KNOW it helps him. This Video makes many great points,thanks for sharing that,hopefully the GOP and the DEMs will run on these issues,and put thier money where their mouth is.

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Guest Marywanna

Good one,4:20. Us cons are not all bad,in my township the MMJ was passed by more Repubs than Dems. I like Sarah Palin......but not because she is a republican.

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Well even though I still think Sara Palin is a complete retard, even a retard can't argue with fact. The fact is it helps people..It has been proven..However having said that all the states that these laws were voted into effect were voted into effect in such high numbers by voters how could anyone who is possibly gonna make a run for the presidency NOT get behind it?

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Using the "R" word when describing individuals is no less offensive than describing African American's as "N's". It is especially offensive when misused to excuse wanton, willful ignorance spewed by "Sarah Palin's". My daughter was belittled by her ignorant peers and she's smart enough to know it's meant to be offensive. She's also smart enough not to exhibit wanton, willful ignorance. If you can't show any sensitivity or compassion be adult enough to understand respect. PC's got nothing to do with it.


Hasn't been that long since our "founding fathers" could buy and sell "N's" at the local auction house, and "R's" were abandoned to public facilities and were treated as less than cattle, I know I worked at a facility in Michigan during the era we still had "custodial care". My personal saddest experience. Are we seeking the light or will we continue to exist in the darkness? So screw your PC, freedom of speech, vile thinking.


Want to express yourself freely? Join Dr. Laura on a city corner in downtown Detroit, Harlem, Los Angeles, etc and yell the "N" word all day long. Your certainly free to do so without government interference as far as I'm concerned.

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Using the "R" word when describing individuals is no less offensive than describing African American's as "N's". It is especially offensive when misused to excuse wanton, willful ignorance spewed by "Sarah Palin's". My daughter was belittled by her ignorant peers and she's smart enough to know it's meant to be offensive. She's also smart enough not to exhibit wanton, willful ignorance. If you can't show any sensitivity or compassion be adult enough to understand respect. PC's got nothing to do with it.


Hasn't been that long since our "founding fathers" could buy and sell "N's" at the local auction house, and "R's" were abandoned to public facilities and were treated as less than cattle, I know I worked at a facility in Michigan during the era we still had "custodial care". My personal saddest experience. Are we seeking the light or will we continue to exist in the darkness? So screw your PC, freedom of speech, vile thinking.


Want to express yourself freely? Join Dr. Laura on a city corner in downtown Detroit, Harlem, Los Angeles, etc and yell the "N" word all day long. Your certainly free to do so without government interference as far as I'm concerned.

Here is my issue with words...Free speech needs to be left alone! I have no more of a problem with the N word than I do the word cracker!!! They can say cracker and honkey in everything from stand-up to movies to daily life and its generally accepted...The minute you attempt to ban any word you are attempting to limit speech and I draw a line in the sand there...Offensive words be it hateful or just offensive like the C word are simply words in the end..The only thing that gives them power is when people keep targeting them and labeling them as offensive..I say if you can say honkey and cracker when I cut you off in traffic then I can call you the N word AND DO no matter what color you are...Maybe the white man should start calling each other the N word more and make it lose it power!!! Like hey N you forgot the cheese!!! rofl..The thing is just like with this MM movement that people don't understand is that you cant have it half way..You cant say you want free speech, just not that one word..You cant say you want civil liberties then say except Medical marijuana....

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