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Marinol, Moving To Michigan

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I suffer from chronic, widespread body pain (a constant flu-like feeling) and use cannabis to ease my symptoms. Without cannabis it is very painful to walk and I spent most of my time in bed; treated with cannabis I work full time as a Personal Care Worker taking care of mentally retarded adults, I'm studying to take the LSAT (to get into Law School), making films and studying German among other pursuits. My Dr. tells me to take large amounts of Ibuprofen and Acetaminophen. (Neither of which provide me any relief from my pain.) My Dr. is perhaps not extremely anti-marijuana, but either does not wish to properly engage the subject, or does not know very much about it. The problem is that I live in the fascist State of Wisconsin, which has failed to pass a Medical Marijuana Law.


Marinol is the only legal form of THC in Wisconsin. I have never tried Marinol (synthetic THC in sesame seed oil) but have read that it is generally seen as inferior to natural cannabis for a variety of reasons. Marinol is, without insurance at least, much more expensive than cannabis. It must be taken orally and only contains THC, not THC mixed with the many other beneficial chemicals in cannabis. Some sources have suggested that natural THC might be intrinsically more effective in humans than [seemingly identical] synthetic THC.


I would like try Marinol because if it provided any relief at all it would be better than being completely without medicine.


How does one find a Doctor that would be willing to prescribe Marinol to me? I don't feel ashamed at all to possess illegal cannabis, but "shopping" for a prescription in this manner makes me uncomfortable. Still, I need to obtain relief from my symptoms, and would like to try every reasonable option.


Would it be worth my while to go see a Doctor that helps patients achieve certification in a State such as Michigan, Colorado or California? I've heard that it is much easier to get Marinol in States where Medical Marijuana is already legal.


If I can't obtain Marinol, I'm just going to move to the upper peninsula of Michigan, which is less than two hours from where I currently live, and become a certified Medical Marijuana patient. I may decide to do his anyway, since Marinol is, reportedly, such an imperfect treatment. Are there any Doctors in the U.P., right now, helping to certify patients?


I am working in a variety of ways to change the law here and to bring about more reasonable cannabis laws for our nation. :)


SO- how should I go about seeing if Marinol might help, and can I find a Dr. in the U.P. should I choose to become a Michigan resident?


Have a good day! :)



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So you,re a student, too? Im not from the Upper Penninsula (UP for us), only visited a couple times. It is beautiful, though a bit remote. You can get a doctor anywhere in the state to write your recomendation.


If studying you might check out numerous colleges around UM - Ann Arbor, MSU - Lansing, WMU - Kalamazoo, many more too, plus numerous satelite campusus. Lots of Hospitals too, especially around AA, Flint, etc.

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Sorry to hear of your pain, Alexeus. At one point, my ex-wife was prescribed Marinol to help her chronic migraine headaches. she found it inferior to cannabis for managing her pain. i may or may not have tried a couple of them. and, if i did, i may have found them inferior to cannabis in almost every respect.

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The marinol is quite inferior compared to the healing cannabis, and very expensive for what it is.


Isn't it like 7-10 dollars a pill or more? And I would also not trust any synthetic pill after getting off of long term oxycontin use tbh, the best bet you can do is once you move to mi get that ball a rolling and get your cert and card man, MMJ will have such a better effect for you :D

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I tried Marinol once, and I have to say I didn't like the effects at all. It was very difficult to concentrate or focus on anything while on the drug, so if you still need to function while medicating, I wouldn't recommend it. It would be better to go with a nice sativa to take care of your pain during the day :)

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Wow, I'm impressed by all of the support! Thanks folks!


The upper peninsula is a lot closer to where I live right now than the major population centers of the lower peninsula. My parents are going through a divorce and I try to be around to help out my mom, plus I would want to see the mentally retarded folks that I care for sometimes too. Plus I'm making these documentaries (and other video projects) about the city I was born in and would have to go to Wisconsin sometimes to do that. I got done with school over a year ago, it took me a while because of my health problems. I'm not in school right now, just working and studying to take the LSAT. I will definitely go back to school (to Law School) in a State that has Medical Marijuana (or legal Marijuana, if one is optimistic about California.)


Basically I want to try Marinol so that I would have a guaranteed supply of some sort of THC medication while I'm in Wisconsin without having to worry about the legal consequences and the supply issues associated with the "black market." I dose myself with Cannabis very precisely and it sucks when I can't obtain an adequate therapeutic amount. I also spend a little bit of my time as an advocate for changing the laws, and I'm probably just being "paranoid" but I always worry that I will get in trouble, lose my job, have to be on probation or even go to jail.


When I move to Michigan, I still want to get a Marinol prescription in case I travel or have to be drug tested.


Peace and thanks for listening! :)

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