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Pure West ....club House Opening In Holland Mi


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On August 4, the City Council of Holland passed a 6 month moratorium on all medical marijuana dispensaries. The ordinance defines a “dispensary” as "the use of real property by more than one primary caregiver." In your invitation to attend your club you state, "we will be having caregivers with meds at the meeting." The activity this statement suggests appears to me to be in direct violation of the moratorium. (However, you may not be having your meeting within the city limits of Holland, in which case this reply does not apply) I do not know whether you know these things or not. If you do not know them, you are clearly unaware of things that no person in your capacity should be ignorant. All the people you invite and who show up could be in violation of the moratorium. If you are aware of the moratorium and its implications and are deciding to proceed anyway, well, I will let others decide what kind of behavior that is and how it may negatively impact the entire local mmj community.


If you could state that you have contacted city officials about your plans and they have approved of them as falling outside the moratorium, you should say so.


Do not conclude from this post that I am against coops or dispensaries. I am only stating the facts as I know them.


I am eager to work with anyone in the city who is interested in opening a dispensary or coop in the future.


By the way, the Holland Compassionate Care Community has, by majority vote, decided not to sponsor a coop or dispensary. Though I am the director of this Club, my interest in starting a coop in the future has no connection with the club whatsoever.




Director, the Holland Compassionate Care Community.

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Our Club House for Our Compassion Club will be meeting soon in the Holland Area. Hit me up if your interested in attending our first meeting Sept. 9th we will be having caregivers with meds at the meeting.


Pure West Compassion Club

I'm a Holland area patient. PM me a where and when.

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Letter from Karen O'keefe on dispensaries:


Subject:15 Arrested in Oakland Sheriff's Pot Raids


I would encourage folks to fully realize the risk they're running if they

...do anything that is not clearly and explicitly allowed by Initiated Law 1.

Anyone treading outside the scope of what is clearly protected from arrest

could very well end up being prosecuted, which is generally extremely

expensive and stressful, even if one is ultimately acquitted. And, if

they're convicted it's even worse ... In addition, the current federal

policy that advises against targeting those who are state-legal only applies

to those in "clear and unambiguous compliance" with state laws.


The affirmative defense is meant as a safety net (such as for those who

are not registered or who need more marijuana), but it is not clear that

judges will interpret it as it was intended. I think the affirmative defense

is clear, but some courts have pretty much interpreted it out of existence,

so it is very risky to rely on it. In addition, one is way better off only

doing what is explicitly protected from arrest (getting an ID card and

abiding by the limits). Getting arrested and getting a lawyer, etc, is not a

pleasant experience even if one ultimately prevails.


In addition, public support could easily turn if there becomes a perception

that the law is being abused or what is happening is not what voters

expected. It's important that folks not do anything to undermine public

support. In Montana, there was a petition campaign to repeal the state's

medical marijuana law. It got off to a late start and they only had two

weeks or less to gather signatures. It didn't qualify, but it did show that

there is some strong and concerted opposition in response to things like a

proliferation of dispensaries, doctors that are not doing thorough exams and

a huge increase in patient numbers, etc.


I would love to see an add-on bill to allow well regulated dispensaries in

Michigan. I don't know if it'd have much of a chance, but a Republican

sponsor got one passed in Colorado last year and Montana lawmakers are

looking at doing the same thing next year. Maine and Rhode Island also have

new dispensary laws that were added on to their existing laws in 2009.



Note: this is not intended as legal advice. Please consult with a

Michigan-licensed attorney for legal advice

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You state,


My point to the Grand Rapids people and others in west michigan that have run CC's is that we do not have to let these moratoriums keep us separated. why don't we meet informally as a bunch of people with a common interest?


Good point, but . . .


The best procedure, currently, is to keep it all totally private. Let me point out, however, that keeping it totally private means not placing a post on a web site that is available for all the public to view.


If there is anyone who reads or posts on this site and has never considered the possibility that LEO is reading all the very same things you are, then they should probably get out of all mmj activity because this kind of lack of reflection is probably generalized in them and they should get out of all mmj activity to save the rest of the mmj community from the negative consequences of their ignorance.


EVERYDAY DAY MANY LEO READ THIS WEB SITE. (Hello to all of you. Have a good day.)


It is a complete contradiction to invite the public to a private event, wouldn't you agree?


Private means private invitations too.


Please people, everyone complains about all the injustice against the mmj community by LEO.


I very rarely hear about HOW INCREDIBLY STUPID SOME PEOPLE IN THE MMJ COMMUNITY ARE. Why are we not more often calling out STUPID AND CLEARLY ILLEGAL BEHAVIOR FOR WHAT IT IS? Our community deserves rebuke for failing to do this more responsibly and often, in my opinion.


We as a community are not entirely blameless for the stupidity in our midst.


Of course, not many will like to hear this judgment.


I understand there will be negative reactions. As a person trying to give responisble leadership to the local mmj community, I have sufferred backlash from people who disagree with this kind of direct approach. It's part of the job.



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you do make a good point. i just want to find the balance between having a healthy skepticism about potential LEO issues, and paranoia. i AM legal, and, in theory, should not have to concern myself with snooping LEO's. But, as we have seen numerous times, LEO doesn't care if you are legal or not. they just might decide to raid and terrorize your family anyway.

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you do make a good point. i just want to find the balance between having a healthy skepticism about potential LEO issues, and paranoia. i AM legal, and, in theory, should not have to concern myself with snooping LEO's. But, as we have seen numerous times, LEO doesn't care if you are legal or not. they just might decide to raid and terrorize your family anyway.


i see your point

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I see no mention of a location other than Holland, maybe not the biggest city but still hard to find something if the location isn't public. He did say to PM him. That should in my humble opinion be considered private, and by invitation only..

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There is no moratorium on compassion clubs in Holland. Your comments seem to be a little harsh. I have watched you in action and think you might be well advised to not give to much advise. Your conduct before the Holland city council meeting was a thing to behold. There are actually folks that know as much or more than you do about the laws. Don't be so quick to judge the actions of others who just might know as much as you. A Holland patient.



On August 4, the City Council of Holland passed a 6 month moratorium on all medical marijuana dispensaries. The ordinance defines a “dispensary” as "the use of real property by more than one primary caregiver." In your invitation to attend your club you state, "we will be having caregivers with meds at the meeting." The activity this statement suggests appears to me to be in direct violation of the moratorium. (However, you may not be having your meeting within the city limits of Holland, in which case this reply does not apply) I do not know whether you know these things or not. If you do not know them, you are clearly unaware of things that no person in your capacity should be ignorant. All the people you invite and who show up could be in violation of the moratorium. If you are aware of the moratorium and its implications and are deciding to proceed anyway, well, I will let others decide what kind of behavior that is and how it may negatively impact the entire local mmj community.


If you could state that you have contacted city officials about your plans and they have approved of them as falling outside the moratorium, you should say so.


Do not conclude from this post that I am against coops or dispensaries. I am only stating the facts as I know them.


I am eager to work with anyone in the city who is interested in opening a dispensary or coop in the future.


By the way, the Holland Compassionate Care Community has, by majority vote, decided not to sponsor a coop or dispensary. Though I am the director of this Club, my interest in starting a coop in the future has no connection with the club whatsoever.




Director, the Holland Compassionate Care Community.

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  • 6 months later...

I'm a Holland area patient. PM me a where and when.

Give me a Call we open and for you dumb asses again...you can advise me and tell me this and that but actions speak some much more then words. You can be the most educated person ever but if you dont have a set of balls you will never make it happen. Thanks to the support of the people who believe in this movement and know we can't give up without a fight...Pure West 616-466-4204

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Give me a Call we open and for you dumb asses again...you can advise me and tell me this and that but actions speak some much more then words. You can be the most educated person ever but if you dont have a set of balls you will never make it happen. Thanks to the support of the people who believe in this movement and know we can't give up without a fight...Pure West 616-466-4204

Say what? Are you talkin' to me? I ask you to let me know where and when you meet and it takes you half a year to call me a silly billy? WTF?

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Guest thequietone

Give me a Call we open and for you dumb asses again...you can advise me and tell me this and that but actions speak some much more then words. You can be the most educated person ever but if you dont have a set of balls you will never make it happen. Thanks to the support of the people who believe in this movement and know we can't give up without a fight...Pure West 616-466-4204


Watch the name calling, we will not allow it on this forum.

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