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Royal Oak City Council Meeting To Ban Mm

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There will be a meeting tonight by Royal Oak City Council to ban MM altogether in Royal Oak and its township. The meeting will be tonight at 7:30 in City Hall at 211 Williams St in Royal Oak 48067. Telephone 248-246-3000. If you live in Royal Oak this is your opportunity to speak up, last meeting to decide the 24,000 building issue was viewed by the council to have more outside the city representatives than city residents. Regardless everyone should attend this meeting due to its nature.

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This seems to be the pertinent bit of the one resolution.


"C. Uses for enterprises or purposes that are contrary to local, state, and/or

federal laws or ordinances are prohibited. This prohibition shall not apply

to the following:


(1) The medical use of marihuana in accordance with the Michigan

Medical Marihuana Act by qualifying patients legally registered with

the Michigan Department of Community Health.


(2) Assisting qualifying patients with their medical use of marihuana

within the patient’s home in accordance with the Michigan Medical

Marihuana Act by primary caregivers legally registered with the

Michigan Department of Community Health.


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This seems to be the pertinent bit of the one resolution.


"C. Uses for enterprises or purposes that are contrary to local, state, and/or

federal laws or ordinances are prohibited. This prohibition shall not apply

to the following:


(1) The medical use of marihuana in accordance with the Michigan

Medical Marihuana Act by qualifying patients legally registered with

the Michigan Department of Community Health.


(2) Assisting qualifying patients with their medical use of marihuana

within the patient’s home in accordance with the Michigan Medical

Marihuana Act by primary caregivers legally registered with the

Michigan Department of Community Health.


Oakland NORML Monthly Meeting




i want to go here but if any one thinks i should go to the Royal Oak i can go

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They only have a few options tonight, and they lay them out in the letter.


The Michigan Zoning Enabling Act, Public Act 110, of 2006, does not require that the City

Commission conduct another public hearing on the proposed amendments, although it may do

so, if desired. The City Charter, however, provides that an amendment to an ordinance cannot

be approved upon introduction but must receive a second review. Therefore, the following

options are available to the City Commission:


• Adopt the ordinance, upon introduction or first reading with or without modification, and

direct staff to prepare the ordinance for final disposition;


•Adopt the ordinance, upon introduction or first reading with or without modification and

schedule a public hearing prior to final disposition;


•Refer the ordinance back to the Planning Commission for additional information or study

identifying specific areas of concern; or


•Reject the ordinance (no further action is required).

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Hmmmm... this is snuck in later in the first reading...



A. Article I, Title, Purpose, Scope, Validity, Conflicts, §770-5, Conflict with Other

Laws, Regulations and Agreements, is amended to add a third subparagraph

© which shall read as follows:

C. Uses for enterprises or purposes that are contrary to local, state,

and/or federal laws or ordinances are prohibited.

B. Article IV, Zone Regulations and General Provisions, §770-38, Office Service,

(B) Permitted Uses, subparagraph (2), is amended in its entirety to read as


(2) Medical and dental offices, including clinics and medical laboratories and

home health care services, except for medical marihuana primary


C. Article IV, Zone Regulations and General Provisions, §770-40, Neighborhood

Business II, (B) Permitted Uses, subparagraph (1), is amended in its entirety

to read as follows:

(1) Office buildings for the use of any of the following occupations: executive;

administrative; professional; accounting; writing; clerical; design; sales;

and medical office, except for medical marihuana primary caregivers.

D. Article IV, Zone Regulations and General Provisions, §770-43, Regional

Business, © Special Land Uses, subparagraph (3), is amended in its

entirety to read as follows:

(3) Hospitals and medical clinics, except for medical marihuana primary

caregivers, subject to the requirements set forth in § 770-79, Hospitals, if


E. Article IV, Zone Regulations and General Provisions, §770-44, General

Industrial, (B) Permitted Uses, subparagraph (6)(e), is amended in its entirety

to read as follows:

(e) Biological products, drugs, medicinal chemicals, and pharmaceutical

preparation, except for medical marihuana

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Royal Oak has long been a haven for stateists. Now their control of human behavior has come home to roost and bitten Royal Oakians who need MMJ right in the butt!!


I will send my thoughts, and I invite all others who will, towards those in Royal Oak who will be making these decisions.

May you all have your hearts softened to include compassion for your fellow human beings.

Please do not sentence us fellow beings to a life of being sick and worse because we are forced to ingest harmful pharmacutical drugs instead of letting us choose a medicinal herb that is allowing many of us to have a happier, healthier, more productive life!

Please stop hating individual human rights.

We think we own ourselves. We do not think you "public servants" own or rule over us.

Please respect all human beings and their individual human rights, and start now, today, please!!!!

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They appear to be positioning against public enterprise directly related to storefront distribution of cannabis. Strictly within their rights. When addressing public forums we must be extremely cautious about even suggesting we are framing them as the enemy. Advocate but never, ever attack. The forums are the therapeutic place to debate among ourselves. We need allies, even in LEO, look at California and who supports Proposition 19. We need to get on track to win hearts and minds.


Yes it's me the new, friendlier, helpful, cannabis advocating Wayne. Not gonna post any more than I feel absolutely necessary. Glad to see the MMMAorg joining in the good fight. We can re-petition for broader, safer access at a later time when we have earned it and they are obligated to consider. In the mean time we can spread cannabis like kudzu across this great state, just on the QT, as our magic is worked.

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Can anyone confirm if royal oak passed a resolution to ban medical marijuana in their city?

I heard it passed 4-3 for a total ban including patients and caregivers residence.

Here are the minutes from last nights meeting... I haven't gone through them yet, been running around to doctor's appointments....






Planning Commission Recommendation for Zoning Ordinance Amendment Medical Marihuana

Semchena/Drinkwine to approve Resolution B (prohibition of marihuana in the City of Royal Oak) – motion

adopted – nays: Andrzejak/Rasor/Mayor Ellison


Hearing Medical Marihuana Moratorium – Mary Jane Flowers, 306 South Main Street – Rasor/Poulton to

Table the Hearing to a future date, per the petitioner’s request – motion adopted – nays: Drinkwine



There should be video available either later today or this week...

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One of my new battle cries is going to be from Section 7 Subsection (e) of the MMMA, when it comes to these municipal and state officials trying to interfere with the medical use of marijuana. It simply states:


(e) All other acts and parts of acts inconsistent with this act do not apply to the medical use of marihuana as provided for by this act.

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One of my new battle cries is going to be from Section 7 Subsection (e) of the MMMA, when it comes to these municipal and state officials trying to interfere with the medical use of marijuana. It simply states:


(e) All other acts and parts of acts inconsistent with this act do not apply to the medical use of marihuana as provided for by this act.



i would say it sounds great to me

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The issue regarding that clause is it will need to be "tested" in court - IMHO I do not think it will simply make these challenges go away or not occur in the first simply because the language exists in the law. There will be a need to have that clause vetted out in court and that will take a lawyer.


Mr. Komorn - do you have a legal opinion regarding Royal Oak's action?

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