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How To Make A Lozenge

Wild Bill

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Lozenges are easy to make using edible gum such as Tragacanth or Acacia to make a basic mucilage. Tragacanth is available at herbal pharmacies and some specialist food stores, but you can also get it from artist's material suppliers.


1) Soak 30g/1oz Tragacanth in water for 24 hours, stirring as often as possible... Boil 500ml/1pt of water. Mix in the Tragacanth.


2) Using a wooden spoon, beat the mixture to a uniform consistency. Force it through a muslin strainer to make a mucilage.


3) Mix enough of your chosen herb (in dried, powdered form) into the mucilage to make a paste. Add unrefined brown sugar if you like (especially when using white horehound).


4) Dust a pastry board and rolling pin with icing sugar or cornflour to prevent sticking and roll out the paste to a layer about 1.25cm/½inch thick.


5) When the paste has cooled slightly, cut the paste into lozenges, in any shape and size you like. Leave to dry. Store in an airtight container.


Excerpted from "The Complete Illustrated Holistic Herbal" by David Hoffman.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I suffer from migraines and it's not always convienient or I'm not always feeling up to vaporizing when I'm sick. I'm looking for something like a candy that would be easier for me to use. I've messed around with making brownies but they never come out right...either too strong or not strong enough. Any suggestions by anyone would be greatly appreciated.

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I suffer from migraines and it's not always convienient or I'm not always feeling up to vaporizing when I'm sick. I'm looking for something like a candy that would be easier for me to use. I've messed around with making brownies but they never come out right...either too strong or not strong enough. Any suggestions by anyone would be greatly appreciated.


I've found that to be a challenge with all sorts of edibles. The dosage curve seems to be steeper and more sensitive than with smoking or vaporizing. I ask people to try edibles in stages, and it frequently goes like this (note: I ask them to wait a day in between each step):


  1. 1/2 serving "nothing..."
  2. 3/4 serving "Oh, maybe it wasn't a regular brownie, but ho hum"
  3. 1 serving " yawn ... why are you feeding me brownies, again?"
  4. 1 1/4 serving "Ohhhh, that's better"
  5. 1 1/2 serving "Ahhh! Too much! Too much! Too much! (repeat for 6-12 hours)"

People seem to have different appropriate doses -- the right dose might be 1.25 doses for one person and 0.75 for another. But the steepness of the dose-response curve is something that should be understood and appreciated. In other words, start low and work your way up slowly.

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