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Medicating On Private Property

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Is a car considered "private property" as in can you medicate in your car on a public road as a passenger? Or in a park in the passengers seat?


Can you medicate in your yard? Or on your boat?


This is obviously a dumb question but what if someone was riding a bike and medicating, technically the bike is private property and your on that, even if your riding on public property.....?

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I was smoking one in the national forrest in aug this summer, a ranger snuck up behind me, I guess he could smell it or some one complained,,I was not close to any other campers, but he came up and caught me, I told him I had my card, he laughed and wouldnt let me go into my camper and get it, he called the local sheriffs dept, they wouldnt let me get my card either, I was sitting under my canopy medicating,,,,long story short, I spent the nite in jail, and my girl brought my card down in the morning and my possesion and use charge was dropped than and there, I guess they could have got me cause i was on national land (i.e government) that was in alcona county,,,now i hear if you get on probation there they dont let you use your mm, so im just glad it got dropped imediatly. and I got one nite w/o mosquitos, but had to deal with arsonists and thiefs and woman beaters!. or should i say they had to deal with me. lol





(i smoke in the car when im the passenger, but if we got pulled over im sure they would want the driver to do a blood or urine screen to see if they are medicating also, and yes you can on your boat, as long as your not driving, im not sure about a park)

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There is no expectation any more of privacy anywhere. Cameras on every intersection in cities and burbs, all store fronts, wire taps, x-ray cameras in vehicles looking into your homes, a LEO claims a neighbor smelled something (even though you are legally meducating), and bogus warrant or not you have no privacy any more. These rogue regimes of today will not rest until they have a total police state-type control over every individual human being. They will use jack-booted thug tactics right out of Nazi Germany to infringe on your privacy, to achieve the "greater good" while sacrificing individual humans and ruining their lives.

So, if you want to stay out of prison or to stay alive, you must obey the masters. They will tell you if you can have any privacy or not.

Obvious that previous statement is so true, or we would not have to discuss this.

What have you got to hide, I mean, really?.....

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There is no expectation any more of privacy anywhere. Cameras on every intersection in cities and burbs, all store fronts, wire taps, x-ray cameras in vehicles looking into your homes, a LEO claims a neighbor smelled something (even though you are legally meducating), and bogus warrant or not you have no privacy any more. These rogue regimes of today will not rest until they have a total police state-type control over every individual human being. They will use jack-booted thug tactics right out of Nazi Germany to infringe on your privacy, to achieve the "greater good" while sacrificing individual humans and ruining their lives.

So, if you want to stay out of prison or to stay alive, you must obey the masters. They will tell you if you can have any privacy or not.

Obvious that previous statement is so true, or we would not have to discuss this.

What have you got to hide, I mean, really?.....



Go Bish!


Phaq the Government! Dont ever let them take your weapons! Oh wait, i guess they could just nuke me!?! rotglmfao


Dude you need to come up here where they dont have as many cops,,,but they do seem to find me!


hmmm wonder if it is because i sent the state some forms telling them I SMOKE WEED!





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There is no expectation any more of privacy anywhere. Cameras on every intersection in cities and burbs, all store fronts, wire taps, x-ray cameras in vehicles looking into your homes, a LEO claims a neighbor smelled something (even though you are legally meducating), and bogus warrant or not you have no privacy any more. These rogue regimes of today will not rest until they have a total police state-type control over every individual human being. They will use jack-booted thug tactics right out of Nazi Germany to infringe on your privacy, to achieve the "greater good" while sacrificing individual humans and ruining their lives.

So, if you want to stay out of prison or to stay alive, you must obey the masters. They will tell you if you can have any privacy or not.

Obvious that previous statement is so true, or we would not have to discuss this.

What have you got to hide, I mean, really?.....

You hit the nail on the head :goodjob: !! We are living in a "police state" - no longer a democracy. :growl:




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Where or when? Here ya go...


(b) This act shall not permit any person to do any of the following:


(1) Undertake any task under the influence of marihuana, when doing so would constitute negligence or professional malpractice.


(2) Possess marihuana, or otherwise engage in the medical use of marihuana:


(A) in a school bus;


(B) on the grounds of any preschool or primary or secondary school; or


© in any correctional facility.


(3) Smoke marihuana:


(A) on any form of public transportation; or


(B) in any public place.


(4) Operate, navigate, or be in actual physical control of any motor vehicle, aircraft, or motorboat while under the influence of marihuana.


(5) Use marihuana if that person does not have a serious or debilitating medical condition.

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Am I the only one that thinks spelling MARIHUANA is stupid? Not you Rev,but the State. Kinda like the card with "no photo available" in the photo space?

The reason they did it is because that is the way it appears in the Health Codes... Don't worry I am sure they will figure a way to make us send in a passport photo kind of thing in the future which will cost us another 20 or 50 bucks...

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i think it also helps when citing and difining the law, in other laws dont they use the j instead?i guess i could look, i just thought about it, so i will, lol.


also, and this is what i think, IMHO, i think it helps keep the medical marihuana as well as industrial hemp as a secluded, specific, entity, and could be perceived as a "back door" so to speak written into the law long ago for the purpose of future endeavors, to justify the hypocritical nature of our government by allowing its use as mariHuana for purposes of this act and or any other acts regarding Hemp/Cannabis at the governments discretion in the future, but still saving face internationally by fighting mariJuana on a global level due to deals struck with other countries for inclusion in matters in return for assistance with the "war on Drugs" .


or, it could be that the H is helping to keep extremists trying to invoke other laws and have them apply to the MMMAct itself and upon those affected by the MMMAct.

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