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E Joints

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Ive been reading so much about these new E cigarettes. Was wondering cant they or do they already exist a E Joint.Where the fake joint just delivers the THC to you like a E Cigarette delivers nicotine. Says the E cigarette is much healthier for you ?? Could be the vaporizer of choice in the future

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Low and behold i go to google type in E Joint here was what pops up.


E-Joints? Company Marketing Marijuana e-Cigarettes

Jun 22, 2010 10:48 AM CDT by Bob Curley | 1 comment(s)

This month's "Cannabis Cup" in San Francisco featured the unveiling of a product sure to take the debate over e-cigarettes to a new level. Vapor Rush delivers a dose of THC from vaporized marijuana "kief," or powdered resin. Three varieties are offered by the company, based in southern California. "Smoke your green without a lighter, smell, even weed!" the Vapor Rush website boasts.


For those that want to read on.http://www.jointogether.org/blog/posts/2010/e-joints-company-marketing.html

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Low and behold i go to google type in E Joint here was what pops up.


E-Joints? Company Marketing Marijuana e-Cigarettes

Jun 22, 2010 10:48 AM CDT by Bob Curley | 1 comment(s)

This month's "Cannabis Cup" in San Francisco featured the unveiling of a product sure to take the debate over e-cigarettes to a new level. Vapor Rush delivers a dose of THC from vaporized marijuana "kief," or powdered resin. Three varieties are offered by the company, based in southern California. "Smoke your green without a lighter, smell, even weed!" the Vapor Rush website boasts.


For those that want to read on.http://www.jointogether.org/blog/posts/2010/e-joints-company-marketing.html



That would be awsome, I realy cant afford a good vape now, I have had a few bad ones, but a little one like the cigs would be kewl, specialy if it worked right.


I realy need to quit smoking cigs and inhaling weed or ill soon be carrying around an oxygen tank!







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Low and behold i go to google type in E Joint here was what pops up.


E-Joints? Company Marketing Marijuana e-Cigarettes

Jun 22, 2010 10:48 AM CDT by Bob Curley | 1 comment(s)

This month's "Cannabis Cup" in San Francisco featured the unveiling of a product sure to take the debate over e-cigarettes to a new level. Vapor Rush delivers a dose of THC from vaporized marijuana "kief," or powdered resin. Three varieties are offered by the company, based in southern California. "Smoke your green without a lighter, smell, even weed!" the Vapor Rush website boasts.


For those that want to read on.http://www.jointogether.org/blog/posts/2010/e-joints-company-marketing.html


sorry your link wasnt working so i put one in!






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Sent them an e mail asking if Michigan patients could buy this product



Them are kewl! Let me know what you hear! Id love one if they work! so its like a capsule, like the e-cigs? im sure some one on here nows how to make the capsules!

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These devices are something you need to buy NOW, the FDA has written letters to the manufactures of the e-cigs and told them to post some type of testing they have done or told them to outright stop making them cause of harmful ingredients in the 'juice'.


I own two of these devices and WOW they are great for reducing the urge to smoke, I have cut down to less than a pack a week.


After reading the links I see that putting some drops of hash oil or powder would make on heck of a portable nearly undetectable vape... like Bong James Bong.


Healthcabin.net is where I buy my juice and accessories


There are so many places you can find designer covers or crazy flavors you should stock up before the MORAL MAJORITY DOOMS US ALL FROM ANY INEBRIATION IN THE NAME OF NATIONAL SECURITY.


LOL just kidding... Congress always knows what is best for us. (SARCASM)

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I heard all the good stories about vaping. So I went out and bought one with a digital temp reading, all that jazz. The things I don't like about it are more than the things I enjoy from it. I get a more medicinal quality smoke from my bong. The taste is different, but ok. Reminds me of smoking hash, without all the punch. Maybe I just did it all wrong. lol Hell who knows. Those e-cigs are intriguing, especially if you can put more things into the capsule, or pack your own. :) If that is the case, I may have to pick one up for emergency medicating in less than perfect situations, while staying completely legal of course.

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Yep. That and some butane. Some folks think it doesn't get hot enough to use all the meds but if you use the duff in capsules the iolite is great.



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Sent them an e mail asking if Michigan patients could buy this product


The flavors include "Male Enhancement" Sorry but I can't take any company seriously that sells that.


Though I wonder if drug dogs can smell this product the same way they can plant material. If not a product like this could be make enforcement impossible.

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seems like just putting hash oil in a normal e-cig could work


Would that work? Do the e-cigs get hot and vaporise the material? It would seem to me they could not hold enough electricity to heat things up that much. That would be very cool if it worked.


I have a Magic Flight Launch Box but it does not vaporize as well as my Extreme does and for some reason is much more harsh.


I'm still looking for a safer alternative for out of state travel.

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420: out of state travel? That could be a very daunting task, drug sniffing dogs are trained for many forms of cannabis... hash, kief, leaf, flowers. What poses a challenge is how to remove the smell without removing any of the beneficial magical chemicals, and that might be an extensive research endeavor.


Topic related... the internals on the e-cig contains a battery operated coil, a compressed wick, and a momentary switch either manually operated or via vacuum. You place a fluid that is infused with nicotine... a FLAVORED fluid. Think of the taste and someone has made it... coffee, blueberry bubble gum, mint, tart cherry and so on.


This fluid is basically veggy glycerin, plain jane and tasteless. So you or the company will add crazy chemicals (which are not FDA approved) and nicotine.


Now here are some real edu-mi-cated hero's of youtube that are from Grand Rapids (formerly Kalamazoo) "The Geek Group" and the video dissecting an e-cig.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Update... there is now a larger e cig vaporizer. It is called "The Inferno" and it looks like a huge cigar.



Comes with... 1000 mAh battery, 650 mAh battery with a USB connector, various chargers for the house n computer, an 'atomizer' where the juice is vaped, 2 special cones to make it look way cooler and a display box.


Choice of THREE colors, red, chrome and black.


Cost $60 dollars, $8 dollars shipping, $2 dollars Hawaiian tax... so for $71 n change two days later you could be vaping some hash in style.

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My wife ended up getting the e-cig as she smokes. They actually work pretty well if you buy the right one. They are kind of cool and much more portable and stealthy than anything else. However one problem. They do not get very hot so you have to have something that vaporizes at a much lower temperature. Just using hash oil will not work. The people who have tried it have run into an issue of getting the thc concentrated enough in the liquid to do anything. The base for the liquid used is Propylene glycol. If anyone comes up with a formula that works feel free to post it.

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  • 4 months later...

That would be awsome,buy e cig

I realy cant afford a good vape now,buy e cigarette

I have had a few bad ones, but a little one like the cigs would be kewl, specialy if it worked right.


I realy buy electronic cigarette need to quit smoking cigs and inhaling weed or ill soon be carrying around an oxygen tank!










Could it be true?

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