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Response To Bouchard And Cooper

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Any that have read the Opinions in The Oakland Press by Sheriff Bouchard and Prosecutor Cooper know me as a criminal.  I am one of the owners who has been charged with operating a medical marijuana dispensary in Ferndale, Clinical Relief.


My counsel advised against responding to Bouchard and Cooper’s opinions. But for the sake of something larger, I feel compelled to respond.


Let me begin by stating that Clinical Relief operated within the law. It is well known our case is a test case that will help define the Michigan Medical Marijuana Act. Our clinics want to be members of their communities.  Recently we had a criminology class from EMU visit.  We’ve discussed our venture with a County CEO, local municipalities, and several local police forces; we wanted to do it right.  We have no secrets. I’ve stated before and I’ll state again, I welcome clearer and stronger Michigan law.


I am an entrepreneur and believe medical marijuana is the next best thing since sliced bread.  Simply stated, it’s an opportunity.


Let’s talk about Michigan caregivers providing Michigan’s medical marijuana needs. That could be thousands of Michigan families off the unemployment ranks. And, 20,000 less incarcerations, although that’s probably bad for the policing and prosecution businesses.  I am not a drug kingpin or gang member, I am simply an entrepreneur trying to create a business within the law.


After their open letters in the Oakland Press, in an attempt to prosecute me in the media instead of a court (what’s that about?), their motives are a little more confusing to me.  In their written opinions, Bouchard and Cooper wrote about many of the issues Big Pharma (the pharmaceutical industry) wants decided in their financial interests.  Here’s an idea on possible motives, how about Bouchard and Cooper signing waivers stating once they leave public service should they become employed by Big Pharma within 5 years (or any employment associated with this case) then Bouchard and Cooper would personally reimburse the taxpayers for the cost of this trial.  Kind of like the good-old-days type of public servant where a wink and a nod for future employment was unethical.  Far fetched?


A man once wrote “most propaganda is not designed to fool the critical thinker, but only to give moral cowards an excuse not to think at all.”  Read the opinions of Bouchard and Cooper in The Oakland Press and then educate yourself on the facts.  A good place to start that education process is the online comments generated from their opinions.  The comments, pro and con, will begin in helping to understand how a renegade Sheriff and Prosecutor use their elected power to circumvent a referendum that two-thirds of Michigan voters voted into law.


One thing that the political left and right agree on is the concept of personal rights. If Bouchard and Cooper have their way; we, you, have no rights even within the law. It’s a little scary from where I sit at the moment.  You could be next.

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Any that have read the Opinions in The Oakland Press by Sheriff Bouchard and Prosecutor Cooper know me as a criminal. I am one of the owners who has been charged with operating a medical marijuana dispensary in Ferndale, Clinical Relief.


My counsel advised against responding to Bouchard and Cooper’s opinions. But for the sake of something larger, I feel compelled to respond.


Let me begin by stating that Clinical Relief operated within the law. It is well known our case is a test case that will help define the Michigan Medical Marijuana Act. Our clinics want to be members of their communities. Recently we had a criminology class from EMU visit. We’ve discussed our venture with a County CEO, local municipalities, and several local police forces; we wanted to do it right. We have no secrets. I’ve stated before and I’ll state again, I welcome clearer and stronger Michigan law.


I am an entrepreneur and believe medical marijuana is the next best thing since sliced bread. Simply stated, it’s an opportunity.


Let’s talk about Michigan caregivers providing Michigan’s medical marijuana needs. That could be thousands of Michigan families off the unemployment ranks. And, 20,000 less incarcerations, although that’s probably bad for the policing and prosecution businesses. I am not a drug kingpin or gang member, I am simply an entrepreneur trying to create a business within the law.


After their open letters in the Oakland Press, in an attempt to prosecute me in the media instead of a court (what’s that about?), their motives are a little more confusing to me. In their written opinions, Bouchard and Cooper wrote about many of the issues Big Pharma (the pharmaceutical industry) wants decided in their financial interests. Here’s an idea on possible motives, how about Bouchard and Cooper signing waivers stating once they leave public service should they become employed by Big Pharma within 5 years (or any employment associated with this case) then Bouchard and Cooper would personally reimburse the taxpayers for the cost of this trial. Kind of like the good-old-days type of public servant where a wink and a nod for future employment was unethical. Far fetched?


A man once wrote “most propaganda is not designed to fool the critical thinker, but only to give moral cowards an excuse not to think at all.” Read the opinions of Bouchard and Cooper in The Oakland Press and then educate yourself on the facts. A good place to start that education process is the online comments generated from their opinions. The comments, pro and con, will begin in helping to understand how a renegade Sheriff and Prosecutor use their elected power to circumvent a referendum that two-thirds of Michigan voters voted into law.


One thing that the political left and right agree on is the concept of personal rights. If Bouchard and Cooper have their way; we, you, have no rights even within the law. It’s a little scary from where I sit at the moment. You could be next.



I totaly respect your honesty! mm is the best thing since sliced bread! your an entrepreneur you are looking to make some money! in a legal way!

I have read all the articles in the news, I dont beleive everything i read, i have been in the news and they dont report the news truthfuly or accuratly!


I dont want to see any one get arrested for mm that is close to within their limits! I respect you for putting your self out there, and maybe facing big fines jail time or set a good precendent for future cases!


I say there are gray areas in the law, people say there are no gray area's, they made the law the way it is to protect all people who use mm whether they have a dr.s rec or not!

the law has left that all open for a reason! maybe they want the anti mm people to decied these greay area's!


I dont want any changes to the law, I dont think it is unreasonable for citys, countys to have regulations for where they should be located, but on that note dispense should not have any more regulations than a drug store that dont sell liquir! I know there are not to many, we have a wall greens in westbranch that dont sell liquir and they are rite in a busy section of town! also my better half can go pick up my meds from the pharmacy for me, why cant she go get my meds from my c.g or a dispense for me? what if I was home bound or bed bound?


I guess my bottom line is, If i want to go check out a dispense and try something diff from what i have to help me decide what works best for me, I want to be able to have that rite!, I may only go to one ...one time, but that dont mean that aLOT of people wont use them because they dont have many choices to get good mm, alot of folks are older and didnt grow up using weed so they dont even have a clue where to get it from,(in 20 yrs ill be a grandpa in my rocker asking my great grand kids to go find me some bud)lol


I wish you the best! if you win we all win!

I would listen to my attny though, that is what you pay them for!





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Guest Happy Guy

Any that have read the Opinions in The Oakland Press by Sheriff Bouchard and Prosecutor Cooper know me as a criminal.  I am one of the owners who has been charged with operating a medical marijuana dispensary in Ferndale, Clinical Relief.


My counsel advised against responding to Bouchard and Cooper’s opinions. But for the sake of something larger, I feel compelled to respond.


Let me begin by stating that Clinical Relief operated within the law. It is well known our case is a test case that will help define the Michigan Medical Marijuana Act. Our clinics want to be members of their communities.  Recently we had a criminology class from EMU visit.  We’ve discussed our venture with a County CEO, local municipalities, and several local police forces; we wanted to do it right.  We have no secrets. I’ve stated before and I’ll state again, I welcome clearer and stronger Michigan law.I am an entrepreneur and believe medical marijuana is the next best thing since sliced bread.  Simply stated, it’s an opportunity.


Let’s talk about Michigan caregivers providing Michigan’s medical marijuana needs. That could be thousands of Michigan families off the unemployment ranks. And, 20,000 less incarcerations, although that’s probably bad for the policing and prosecution businesses.  I am not a drug kingpin or gang member, I am simply an entrepreneur trying to create a business within the law.


After their open letters in the Oakland Press, in an attempt to prosecute me in the media instead of a court (what’s that about?), their motives are a little more confusing to me.  In their written opinions, Bouchard and Cooper wrote about many of the issues Big Pharma (the pharmaceutical industry) wants decided in their financial interests.  Here’s an idea on possible motives, how about Bouchard and Cooper signing waivers stating once they leave public service should they become employed by Big Pharma within 5 years (or any employment associated with this case) then Bouchard and Cooper would personally reimburse the taxpayers for the cost of this trial.  Kind of like the good-old-days type of public servant where a wink and a nod for future employment was unethical.  Far fetched?


A man once wrote “most propaganda is not designed to fool the critical thinker, but only to give moral cowards an excuse not to think at all.”  Read the opinions of Bouchard and Cooper in The Oakland Press and then educate yourself on the facts.  A good place to start that education process is the online comments generated from their opinions.  The comments, pro and con, will begin in helping to understand how a renegade Sheriff and Prosecutor use their elected power to circumvent a referendum that two-thirds of Michigan voters voted into law.


One thing that the political left and right agree on is the concept of personal rights. If Bouchard and Cooper have their way; we, you, have no rights even within the law. It’s a little scary from where I sit at the moment.  You could be next.

I'm sure you do want a stronger law. Most patients want to keep the law as it is. Your lobbyist, attorney and co conspirators have been tossing around the idea that we can't grow safely for ourselves. Better re-think that. You could say that you are not responsible for what your attorney says to get you off the charges. We know that they say what you pay them to say. If you want to be a solid part of the patient community here in Michigan you had better get your mouth pieces on track. We can grow safely for ourselves. You have been very wrong saying we can't. You say you have no secrets. That is because your secrets have all been found out and displayed now in public for patients to read.

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Guest Happy Guy

You could be next.


well not us we are the first here inn Mich so we got it over right from the beginning lol

'You'? I think the difference would be public sales. Most of us do it in private. So I'm not going to be next, if that's what you meant. There is no comparison to be made between public and private sales. Apples and Oranges.

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Guest Happy Guy

On the other hand.... I would like to show the bright side;

I have been growing my 12 since 12/4/08 and everything has been just peachy. No OMG! LOL I always have enough to support myself and I NEVER use any poison on my meds. I haven't burned my house down or taken advantage of any other patients. It works just like it should. I would like to get my cards quicker but changing the law will not help that.

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'You'? I think the difference would be public sales. Most of us do it in private. So I'm not going to be next, if that's what you meant. There is no comparison to be made between public and private sales. Apples and Oranges.



Homer woohoo!


Yep gotta do it in private! bottom line!


yep I enjoy the heck out of seeing all the grow pics and all the knowledge on here, and yep I have a ton of posts on here, but I try my best not to let peeps no some of my most private biz!, I have even pm'd peeps to tell em not to show them kind of pics(unsecured room, scattered alll over the house,etc, even me doing an outside hill billy grow,) on my pics you could never ever know where them plants were, (maybe they were a friends and I talked him into letting me secure it with chicken mesh and a lock lol) I feel there are a few people on here that like publicity (kinda like public sales) and im not talking about pt's fighting for the rights in court! Im talking about all the growers. especialy the new growers! Hey im excited for you new growers, I know you will get it rite and enjoy the heck out of the fruits of your labor, I dont do c.c meeting, but if I was serious and a new grower, i would most likly go to c.c meeting to get comfortable with a few people and ask my questions there!


MM (weed for medicinal purposes) is legal and yep it is legal to grow your own, at home or where ever you choose I guess! but to many of you are growing at home and telling to many people and that can only lead to trouble, leo, thieves, etc!


we realy need to keep our grows private, I already think some one is letting out our info to leo! its either that, or to many people with big mouths, You tell me!





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I'm sure you do want a stronger law. Most patients want to keep the law as it is. Your lobbyist, attorney and co conspirators have been tossing around the idea that we can't grow safely for ourselves. Better re-think that. You could say that you are not responsible for what your attorney says to get you off the charges. We know that they say what you pay them to say. If you want to be a solid part of the patient community here in Michigan you had better get your mouth pieces on track. We can grow safely for ourselves. You have been very wrong saying we can't. You say you have no secrets. That is because your secrets have all been found out and displayed now in public for patients to read.


Our lobbyist? What are you speaking about? You are misinformed. Read todays op-ed in the oakland press, http://www.theoaklandpress.com/articles/2011/01/03/opinion/doc4d2266f494323433691824.txt?viewmode=2


I like the law and plan to lobby to preserve it.

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Our lobbyist? What are you speaking about? You are misinformed. Read todays op-ed in the oakland press, http://www.theoaklan....txt?viewmode=2


I like the law and plan to lobby to preserve it.


Certainley managed to rut out some hornery mates ! I'll give you that. Maybe they got their own little thing goin on there, Like Polluting their Livers ! A much better way ...

to deal with Lifes little quirks.

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