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Waterford Entrapment Is Good...


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Why, you may ask? Because one of these cases has the potential to work its way up to the state supreme court and actually flesh out issues that are important to us.


First you need to understand that entrapment can only be a defense if, but-for the conduct of the police the person would not have done the act. That means that the defense is available to those who would not have sold to the police if they didn't have the ID cards. Now as we all know that is likely how things would have worked---the cops come in with no ID cards they would have walked out empty-handed. BUT, it doesn't stop there! The activity, in this case the selling of the mj to someone with an ID card, would have to be legal in the first place. SO, question of the day is whether it is legal for a cg to sell to a pt to whom they are not connected with via state registration. OR, whether a pt to pt transaction is legal. The answer to both of those is not black and white. So now we may actually get what we want---a black and white answer to those situations! If a registered cg or pt was the seller then hopefully they take the case all the way up the line and get a ruling in our favor. If they do then that is one gigantic load off our backs! This is a good thing folks because the state supreme court, in its current liberal majority, will VERY likely rule in our favor which will, once and for all, get the cops off our backs in regard to this issue!


What we need is either to get the ACLU to pick up one of these cases OR we need to be helping to fund these cases to go all the way upstairs!

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This sounds good let's do it

Anyone know one of the defendants? Let's get the info on them and get them on board with this approach. Preferably 2 defendants. One whom was engaged in pt to pt tranfers and one whom was engaged in cg to pt transfers. If we can sponsor the defendants and cover legal fees then we can push this through. It's time for action and not just talk. Everyone think about loosening up their purse strings a bit. But first let's find a defendant. Someone already charged from the resulting raid. Anyone out there?

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Anyone know one of the defendants? Let's get the info on them and get them on board with this approach. Preferably 2 defendants. One whom was engaged in pt to pt tranfers and one whom was engaged in cg to pt transfers. If we can sponsor the defendants and cover legal fees then we can push this through. It's time for action and not just talk. Everyone think about loosening up their purse strings a bit. But first let's find a defendant. Someone already charged from the resulting raid. Anyone out there?

I don't know him, but this Bryan Vaughan may be a good one to support. His probation officer had him there to work off community service.


"One of those charged, Bryan Vaughan, said he was the doorman of the compassion club and personally “kicked” the officers out of the building on a previous occasion for not having the proper cards and paperwork to attend.

“It will come out in court,” Vaughan said. “They fabricated ID to get in and buy marijuana.”


Vaughan finds it ironic that he was working at the club as a volunteer to meet the community service sentence for having been driving while intoxicated on pain medication for a knee injury.


“It was sanctioned by my probation officer for four weeks,” he said."


From the Detroit News October 8 http://www.detnews.com/article/20101008/METRO02/10080375/1409/metro/Hundreds-protest-at-hearing-for-medical-marijuana-defendants#ixzz12CaCTzsv

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Anyone know one of the defendants? Let's get the info on them and get them on board with this approach. Preferably 2 defendants. One whom was engaged in pt to pt tranfers and one whom was engaged in cg to pt transfers. If we can sponsor the defendants and cover legal fees then we can push this through. It's time for action and not just talk. Everyone think about loosening up their purse strings a bit. But first let's find a defendant. Someone already charged from the resulting raid. Anyone out there?



Yep am here and we need support

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If the defendants prevail, will the PA have the guts to appeal and pave the way for case law in favor of p2p transfers?


Kinda sucks we have to hope for the defendants to lose before they win.

I think their plan is to take these cases all the way to the Supreme Court. Douchard said he wants test cases.


They don't want to fight crime because criminals fight back, but they want to appear as though they are tuff on crime so they manufacture situations with sting operations then get all kinds of free publicity all the while appealing to their base of knee jerk right wing reactionary hypocrites. They claim to be doing this for public safety reasons. Let's make them pay by launching a concerted effort to defeat this axis of evil in the next elections.


But for this election we need to get the vote out for Leyton to clamp down on these renegade prosecutors.

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Why, you may ask? Because one of these cases has the potential to work its way up to the state supreme court and actually flesh out issues that are important to us.


First you need to understand that entrapment can only be a defense if, but-for the conduct of the police the person would not have done the act. That means that the defense is available to those who would not have sold to the police if they didn't have the ID cards. Now as we all know that is likely how things would have worked---the cops come in with no ID cards they would have walked out empty-handed. BUT, it doesn't stop there! The activity, in this case the selling of the mj to someone with an ID card, would have to be legal in the first place. SO, question of the day is whether it is legal for a cg to sell to a pt to whom they are not connected with via state registration. OR, whether a pt to pt transaction is legal. The answer to both of those is not black and white. So now we may actually get what we want---a black and white answer to those situations! If a registered cg or pt was the seller then hopefully they take the case all the way up the line and get a ruling in our favor. If they do then that is one gigantic load off our backs! This is a good thing folks because the state supreme court, in its current liberal majority, will VERY likely rule in our favor which will, once and for all, get the cops off our backs in regard to this issue!


What we need is either to get the ACLU to pick up one of these cases OR we need to be helping to fund these cases to go all the way upstairs!


Given the partisan nature of elected judges I would not count on them to clarify anything in our favor.

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Anyone know one of the defendants? Let's get the info on them and get them on board with this approach. Preferably 2 defendants. One whom was engaged in pt to pt tranfers and one whom was engaged in cg to pt transfers. If we can sponsor the defendants and cover legal fees then we can push this through. It's time for action and not just talk. Everyone think about loosening up their purse strings a bit. But first let's find a defendant. Someone already charged from the resulting raid. Anyone out there?


LOL .. Who has the cash now days?


Maybe money really does grow on trees :)


Then again .. I'm just a cracked up nut :)

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Anyone know one of the defendants? Let's get the info on them and get them on board with this approach. Preferably 2 defendants. One whom was engaged in pt to pt tranfers and one whom was engaged in cg to pt transfers. If we can sponsor the defendants and cover legal fees then we can push this through. It's time for action and not just talk. Everyone think about loosening up their purse strings a bit. But first let's find a defendant. Someone already charged from the resulting raid. Anyone out there?


Tonight I'll be there with defendant Bryan Vaughn and his attorney Michael Komorn.


Live on http://www.planetgreentrees.com




See you there.

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