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Detroit Mother Jailed For Weaning Daughter Off Risperdal

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“Unless we put medical freedom into The Constitution, the time will come when medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship.” Dr. Benjamin Rush, a signatory to the Declaration of Independence.


Two areas of medicine encapsulate abuses of the medical dictatorship that Dr. Rush warned against–in both cases, the majority of victims are children.


Case example:

Maryanne Godboldo, a 56-year old Detroit mother who sought help from a Children’s Center for her 13-year old daughter who experienced an adverse reaction–in the form of sudden uncharacteristic behavior problems following a series of vaccinations–wound up in jail after a standoff with police.


The Center’s treatment plan was a prescription for a controversial antipsychotic, Risperdal, which worsened her condition.


The mother sought another doctor who agreed that the drug should be withdrawn. Mrs. Godboldo, thereupon began to wean her daughter off the drug–which improved her condition.


But Child Protective Services intervened, ordering the mother to administer the drug as ordered by the Children’s Center.


When the mother refused, she was threatened with loss of custody. A stand-off with police, resulting in her arrest, hit the news.


The Detroit News reports that “Godboldo’s family and supporters, who gathered outside the court Sunday, said the woman has every right to make medical decisions for her daughter and that child welfare workers overstepped their authority. The unusual circumstances of the standoff attracted a large crowd of volunteers offering to help negotiate with Godboldo, including ministers and community activists.”


Read more news articles on the issue….



Contact: Vera Hassner Sharav





Justice for Maryanne Godboldo web site




My friends it is a undercover dictatorship . Ever heard the word compliance you will if you ever diagnosed with addiction ( you took what they percribed when it hurt you did they help no they called you a criminal or kicked you to the gutter and left you alone to die , abused and bankcrupted you for addition treatment , or worse medicated you further ) Pray for patient rights !

March on Lansing May 25th it's not just about Medical Marihuana it is about Patient Rights , Justice , suffering , supporting choice and ending Discrimination .

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I am speechless,but yet again not surprised. Give the gov't power and its like giving whiskey and the car keys to teenage boys. Who I wonder was the hero that got CPS involved anyways,CPS is nothing but a socialistic entity of our tax paying dollars.

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The description of this post is kind of misleading from what really happened. I am taking quotes from WDIV website.


DETROIT -- A Detroit woman who barricaded herself in her home in a standoff with police over her daughter's care was in Family Court Friday seeking access to her daughter. Actually she was arrested for the barricaded police standoff.



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The description of this post is kind of misleading from what really happened. I am taking quotes from WDIV website.


DETROIT -- A Detroit woman who barricaded herself in her home in a standoff with police over her daughter's care was in Family Court Friday seeking access to her daughter. Actually she was arrested for the barricaded police standoff.




Your absolutely 100% correct they came to take her Daughter away , put her in Foster care back on psychiatric medications after she originally had a reaction to vacinations . Have you ever taken any of these so called " safe drugs " . They do not even have patient saftey histories in terms of decades . Risperdal was introduced in 1994 and is known to cause imbalances that result in suicide . Should the Government choose how a patient is treated over a parent or a patient ever when there is no threat to anyone ? If there is it needs to be very well verified too . She was trying to save her little girl .Who has the money to go up against Government backing Doctors who treat patients like test subjects by force . That is the point Doctors not assisting with information and choices of treatment voluntarily but demanding with the enforcement of Law their choice be taken as treatment . Nobody knows more then the patient how a treatment effects them , second would be their parent in the case of children .


Follow up Article Free Press Ralley of suport








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Croppled... your not the only one outraged by this story... tho this is the first I have heard of it I can honestly say I am for the mother. I have seen first hand in mulitple ways with multiple close people of the "Good" cps does. They are as much of a waste of our tax dollars as the whole dam system is. Its pathetic and sickening. They janked my teenage sister from my parents when the only abuse going on was how unruly she was being and her incessant running of the streets getting into trouble despite what help my parents reached out for. But oohhh NO they were the bad guys. I seen it just recently matter of fact from a dear friend of ours and how they janked her teenage son from her (who may i also add has serious health issues and whose meds they put him on to counter act his anger, depression and hyper activity makes his attitude worse which caused him to go more wild then ever and inevitably get into more trouble despite his mother's (who has MS bad) outcrys for help. NOPE lets just jank him from her for no real reason.. lets tell her shes a bad parent, because she was blamed for him not taking his meds, even tho he wouldnt do it any longer after a while.. they screwed him up so bad he refused to take his meds and like she argued i cannot shove them down his throat.. they make him worse but the drs wont switch him. But of course SHE was the bad guy. She still to this moment does not have custody of him they did however allow him to get out of the foster home he stayed in, which was a nightmare for all, to live with his aunt her sister. OH But the cps's heroic! events in that accomlished nothing, wasted our money, put those good people thru hell for essentially Bullpoop. Nothing. Ive seen the so called "help" police officers (which i wont get into since i have stories upon stories of mistreatment by them) and the cps gives to people when something bad happens to them. I got into a fight with someone BAD years ago. I flicked a hat during a verbal argument and it ended me having to go to the hospital for numerous things.. While there 2 michigans "Finest" roll in. I explain word for word what happened to the very detail. How victimized i was. I was even actively seeking help from the Womens resource center at the time too. They he and his partner left the room for like 5 min. Came back in and this is how they put it to me. Not how it was ok.. They ran the story back to me twisted as Heck every time he made the story wrong I tried to correct him but he told me if i didnt shut my mouth hed cuff me bring me to the shop. Once he finished the story that was all backa$$wards they told me if i pressed charges on the person that cps would be involved to take my child from me and he would take me down to the jailhouse as well. he also told me that "We know how you women GLORIFY your stories to the womens resource center and If i catch wind and I WILL of you Glorifying what happened tonight to them i will make sure to have CPS take your child from you!" No kidding this is NO fabrication. im sitting there with double black eyes. fluid in the ears, chuncks of hair torn out, split lips, i mean the list went on and i was terrified out my hindside this even happend and this is how i was being treated. My friend who was with me the entire time even took me to the hosp had to get up and walk out the room right then. Once the Michigans "Finest" left she came back in raging angry at how they treated me and that she was sorry but if she didnt walk out at that point shed be the one going to jail. At least thank god i had someone to witness what they put me thru. And holding cps over my head like that.. let me tell you that was my biggest fear.. my child was all i had in this world.. The only thing that kept me alive and going. No I ve seen their damd help.. they are pathetic and worthless.. waste of money. and I am for this woman and her fight.. And id have a stand off at my home too if someone thought they could waltz in and try and take my child from me let alone tell me what I can do with my childs health or not. I mean seriously i can understand certain cases but get real this is sickening.. sickening.. And id have fought them to.. sure im sure it would make it worse in the end thats inevitable but NO ONE WOULD TOUCH MY LOVED ONES without one HELLOVA fight one way or another.! And she wasnt in the wrong trying to do whats best for her son ESPECIALLY since the crackpot drs wouldnt help. Trust me had a bunch of those in my day, loved ones still stuck with many of the same kind. Bah they too are pathetic.. This whole crappin country is caving in on itself its really only a matter of time.. Peace and love to all and prayers to that woman and her family!!!!!!

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Back when Comrade Nikita Khrushchev was putting nukes in Cuba and JFK was standing up to him, we were all putting canned food and water in our cellars and basements in case the nuclear war started (like that would have helped Ha Ha).

I distinctly remember how we made fun of their system that allowed the government to take children from parents whenever they deemed it "for the greater good" or for the good of the state, not so much good for the individual humans whom the government destroyed on it's way to that always unrealized utopia. We just didn't think it would happen here.


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There is a reason that under President GW Bush administration Haliburton built 500 internment camps on US soil. There is a reason that under the Obama administration, one of his first acts as President was to authorize their use. There is a reason that the Homeland Security group is slowly encroaching on everything and everyone through the use of "fusion centers". The reason has just not been put on the table yet.

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I got interested in CPS when we had some twit call them on us for our medication choices CPS is a government subsidized industry.In 1998, the Feds passed the Adoption and Safe Families Act. Our present State Child Welfare laws (the Binsfield Acts) spun out of the creation of the Federal Adoption and Safe Families Act. As a result of this, parents lost their rights to parent their children. The States created intrusive legislation like the Binsfield Acts which totally underminded the family and dictated how parents must discipline, educate and rear their children.


The Binsfield Act gave Children's Protective Services vast powers to take children from their parents with little supervision from the state courts. In most states, Children's Protective Services was deemed the superior expert in child rearing and child welfare. The Feds, through the Adoption and Safe Families Act, began pumping federal dollars into the states to adopt and adhere to Federal Mandates in Child Welfare. The Feds paid the states $4.00 for every $1.00 the states spent in enforcing child welfare laws and programs associated with implementing and enforcing child welfare laws. In Michigan, during 1997 only 6,000 children were in foster care. In 2008, 30,000 children were in foster care.



Michigan is ground zero for all new federal policies coming to force. If you look to Michigan, you will know where the rest of the country is headed. Michigan is ground zero for the recession/depression. Detroit leads the nation with unemployment at 35%. Detroit leads the nation in home foreclosures. Unfortunately, Detroit leads the nation in socialist programs to help families and the unemployed. The only viable businesses in Michigan are the state government, the courts and the foster care industry. The Federal Adoption and Safe Families Act is a well-established and realiable source of income for Michigan. Now, couple that with the Feds new health care reform. This is a deadly combination for the annilation of parental rights. State governemtns will be able to completely control the lives of families through health care reform. Remember, there will be a penalty for failing to obtain the "Right Health Care" as dictated by the Feds under the National Health Care Reform Act. We have gone from the states dictating to parents on how to appropriately raise their children through discipline and education to mandating health care, preventative care, vacinations and nutrition. So what will be the penalty when parents fail to abide by health reform mandates.


As it now stands under the Adoption and Safe Families Act: parents are restricted to non-physical displine of their children and providing a non-violent household (no screaming, yelling or name calling). Parents are to provide a socialized education and minimal medical services for their children. Under health care reform, parents will be mandated to provide their children with federal government mandated health care insurance, government mandated health care and vacinations, and government mandated nutrition and diets. Hard to believe, look to Canada, the UK and Sweden where these mandates are already in place. If a parent fails to provide their children with health care or insurance that conforms to the Federal mandates, they will face fines and penalties. Guess what the penalties will be? CPS at your door and removing your children from your care. The rules of child protection will cange drastically when the federal health care reform is passed and we are all forced to com

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I got interested in CPS when we had some twit call them on us for our medication choices CPS is a government subsidized industry.In 1998, the Feds passed the Adoption and Safe Families Act. Our present State Child Welfare laws (the Binsfield Acts) spun out of the creation of the Federal Adoption and Safe Families Act. As a result of this, parents lost their rights to parent their children. The States created intrusive legislation like the Binsfield Acts which totally underminded the family and dictated how parents must discipline, educate and rear their children.


The Binsfield Act gave Children's Protective Services vast powers to take children from their parents with little supervision from the state courts. In most states, Children's Protective Services was deemed the superior expert in child rearing and child welfare. The Feds, through the Adoption and Safe Families Act, began pumping federal dollars into the states to adopt and adhere to Federal Mandates in Child Welfare. The Feds paid the states $4.00 for every $1.00 the states spent in enforcing child welfare laws and programs associated with implementing and enforcing child welfare laws. In Michigan, during 1997 only 6,000 children were in foster care. In 2008, 30,000 children were in foster care.



Michigan is ground zero for all new federal policies coming to force. If you look to Michigan, you will know where the rest of the country is headed. Michigan is ground zero for the recession/depression. Detroit leads the nation with unemployment at 35%. Detroit leads the nation in home foreclosures. Unfortunately, Detroit leads the nation in socialist programs to help families and the unemployed. The only viable businesses in Michigan are the state government, the courts and the foster care industry. The Federal Adoption and Safe Families Act is a well-established and realiable source of income for Michigan. Now, couple that with the Feds new health care reform. This is a deadly combination for the annilation of parental rights. State governemtns will be able to completely control the lives of families through health care reform. Remember, there will be a penalty for failing to obtain the "Right Health Care" as dictated by the Feds under the National Health Care Reform Act. We have gone from the states dictating to parents on how to appropriately raise their children through discipline and education to mandating health care, preventative care, vacinations and nutrition. So what will be the penalty when parents fail to abide by health reform mandates.


As it now stands under the Adoption and Safe Families Act: parents are restricted to non-physical displine of their children and providing a non-violent household (no screaming, yelling or name calling). Parents are to provide a socialized education and minimal medical services for their children. Under health care reform, parents will be mandated to provide their children with federal government mandated health care insurance, government mandated health care and vacinations, and government mandated nutrition and diets. Hard to believe, look to Canada, the UK and Sweden where these mandates are already in place. If a parent fails to provide their children with health care or insurance that conforms to the Federal mandates, they will face fines and penalties. Guess what the penalties will be? CPS at your door and removing your children from your care. The rules of child protection will cange drastically when the federal health care reform is passed and we are all forced to com




Sweety, forced to com??? did i miss something or was there supposed to be more? Overall however you have beyond hit it. you blew my mind away with the facts you presented that i hadnt known. the numbers are staggering.. literally jaw dropping. its sad how humans have come to think they are now GOD. Sure they go to church in the idea of a god to help them when they are weak. But when they walk thru those doors again the facade is back on. we can clone living entities, we can see children in the wombs, we can tell people how to work when to how to live or how to die, we can run thier lives as puppets and make them suffer if they dispute or disobey us better yet make their loved ones suffer to hit to the core, what we can and cannot injest into our own bodies, how we raise our families, the weapons we think are helpful the synthetics created when so called god had not intended it as such, again humans overstepping the line, Humans thinking they are "GOD" treating others as if THEY control the world.. Always trying to assert their evils.. this is beyond ridiculous..

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The 'seperation' of 'big bussiness' and 'government' has to be 'regained'.


Without this 'seperation' ,what 'big business' wants will become the 'law of the land'.


When CPS, which is controlled by 'politicians' can 'dictate' that you 'will' take a certain 'medication' all 'big pharma' has to do is keep on 'purchasing' the 'politicians' that wiil do as 'big pharma' wants them to do.


And this situation of 'politicians' being controlled by 'big business money' is convenietly overlooked by our 'politicians'.


And you can 'bet' I will be paying VERY close attention to who might get my VOTE in 2012.

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