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From The Detroit News: http://detnews.com/article/20110428/METRO02/104280390/Farmington-Hills-attorney-sentenced-for-smuggling-pills-into-jail#ixzz1Kv7x6Z8A



<H4></H4>Pontiac— A Farmington Hills attorney who smuggled drugs into the Oakland County Jail for her fiance was sentenced Wednesday to 18 months' probation and told to have no contact with the man during that time.


Nina Marie Backon, 35, wept before Circuit Judge James Alexander, telling him she was ready to accept her punishment and was eager to "get my life back on track."




Alexander didn't mince words.


"See this?" he asked, holding up a copy of the oath all attorneys take before entering law practice. "Ever say it? Read it?


"You're a lawyer and have a large responsibility … but you blew it. You took an oath to conduct yourself as a person of high standards.


"There is no excuse for what you did. I don't think you have a right to be an attorney for what you did. … I don't know how you could ever look another judge in the eye. You have to get your life together, young lady."


Backon, whose law license has been suspended, told Alexander she regretted her actions.


"I'm ashamed at where my life is at," she said. "… It's so humiliating. But there was no malicious intent. I did not intend to harm the jail or security of the jail."


Backon was escorted out of the jail in May 2010 and told not to return after deputies became suspicious when she was seen acting affectionately toward a jailed man they said she misrepresented as her client. Eric Edward Wilamowski, 23, who was jailed on a drug-related charge, told a deputy she was blowing kisses to him because they were engaged to be married.


Backon later returned with legal papers stating she was his attorney. On a subsequent visit, Wilamowski was found to have six Xanax pills and 10 pouches of chewing tobacco he admitted had been slipped to him by Backon.


She was charged with furnishing contraband to a prisoner and delivery of a controlled substance. The charges can carry up to five years in prison and fines. There is evidence she smuggled items into the jail on more than one occasion, Assistant Prosecutor Beth Hand said.


Hand said she had reviewed telephone conversations in which Wilamowski told Backon "the pills came in handy, could you bring me some more?" and told her he had sold the drugs to other inmates for cash.


"She took a position of trust (as an attorney) and abused that trust," Hand said. She argued Alexander should order Backon not to have any contact with Wilamowski, whom she described as "the biggest manipulator" she had ever seen.


"But just probation is not enough …" said Hand, noting Backon was on probation at the time of her arrest for a 2007 reckless driving arrest in Novi.


The Oakland County Sheriff's Office also conducted a search on the couple's Crest Forest Drive apartment after obtaining information that Wilamowski told Backon to get rid of marijuana plants.


Seventeen plants and a pound of marijuana were found inside the house, deputies said. Other seizures included grow lights, fertilizers, growing soil, scales, a germination station, power convertors, a drug tally sheet, literature and other drug paraphernalia, including heroin needles. They were both charged with manufacture of marijuana with intent to deliver.


Backon, currently jailed until June 2 for violating her probation for reckless driving, will have several conditions to her probation. She is barred from using drugs or alcohol, must submit to random drug testing, serve 100 hours of community service, get counseling for domestic violence and pay more than $1,600 in fines and court costs.


Alexander warned Backon that if she doesn't comply with all conditions — including staying away from her fiance for 18 months — she was looking at 11 months in jail.


"She is paying a huge penalty for this," said her attorney, Neil Rockind. "Not just the fines and sentence but the loss of her license to practice law and reputation in the legal community. It's going to be an uphill battle for her, but I think she can do it."




From The Detroit News: http://detnews.com/article/20110428/METRO02/104280390/Farmington-Hills-attorney-sentenced-for-smuggling-pills-into-jail#ixzz1Kv94o8YY

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From The Detroit News: http://detnews.com/article/20110428/METRO02/104280390/Farmington-Hills-attorney-sentenced-for-smuggling-pills-into-jail#ixzz1Kv7x6Z8A



<H4></H4>Pontiac— A Farmington Hills attorney who smuggled drugs into the Oakland County Jail for her fiance was sentenced Wednesday to 18 months' probation and told to have no contact with the man during that time.


Nina Marie Backon, 35, wept before Circuit Judge James Alexander, telling him she was ready to accept her punishment and was eager to "get my life back on track."




Alexander didn't mince words.

"See this?" he asked, holding up a copy of the oath all attorneys take before entering law practice. "Ever say it? Read it?


"You're a lawyer and have a large responsibility … but you blew it. You took an oath to conduct yourself as a person of high standards.


"There is no excuse for what you did. I don't think you have a right to be an attorney for what you did. … I don't know how you could ever look another judge in the eye. You have to get your life together, young lady."


Backon, whose law license has been suspended, told Alexander she regretted her actions.


"I'm ashamed at where my life is at," she said. "… It's so humiliating. But there was no malicious intent. I did not intend to harm the jail or security of the jail."


Backon was escorted out of the jail in May 2010 and told not to return after deputies became suspicious when she was seen acting affectionately toward a jailed man they said she misrepresented as her client. Eric Edward Wilamowski, 23, who was jailed on a drug-related charge, told a deputy she was blowing kisses to him because they were engaged to be married.


Backon later returned with legal papers stating she was his attorney. On a subsequent visit, Wilamowski was found to have six Xanax pills and 10 pouches of chewing tobacco he admitted had been slipped to him by Backon.


She was charged with furnishing contraband to a prisoner and delivery of a controlled substance. The charges can carry up to five years in prison and fines. There is evidence she smuggled items into the jail on more than one occasion, Assistant Prosecutor Beth Hand said.


Hand said she had reviewed telephone conversations in which Wilamowski told Backon "the pills came in handy, could you bring me some more?" and told her he had sold the drugs to other inmates for cash.


"She took a position of trust (as an attorney) and abused that trust," Hand said. She argued Alexander should order Backon not to have any contact with Wilamowski, whom she described as "the biggest manipulator" she had ever seen.


"But just probation is not enough …" said Hand, noting Backon was on probation at the time of her arrest for a 2007 reckless driving arrest in Novi.


The Oakland County Sheriff's Office also conducted a search on the couple's Crest Forest Drive apartment after obtaining information that Wilamowski told Backon to get rid of marijuana plants.


Seventeen plants and a pound of marijuana were found inside the house, deputies said. Other seizures included grow lights, fertilizers, growing soil, scales, a germination station, power convertors, a drug tally sheet, literature and other drug paraphernalia, including heroin needles. They were both charged with manufacture of marijuana with intent to deliver.


Backon, currently jailed until June 2 for violating her probation for reckless driving, will have several conditions to her probation. She is barred from using drugs or alcohol, must submit to random drug testing, serve 100 hours of community service, get counseling for domestic violence and pay more than $1,600 in fines and court costs.


Alexander warned Backon that if she doesn't comply with all conditions — including staying away from her fiance for 18 months — she was looking at 11 months in jail.


"She is paying a huge penalty for this," said her attorney, Neil Rockind. "Not just the fines and sentence but the loss of her license to practice law and reputation in the legal community. It's going to be an uphill battle for her, but I think she can do it."




From The Detroit News: http://detnews.com/article/20110428/METRO02/104280390/Farmington-Hills-attorney-sentenced-for-smuggling-pills-into-jail#ixzz1Kv94o8YY


That should be asked of every single judge, LE, and politician, who is going against the voters will!


They all took an oath to uphold the laws, the Constitution of Michigan and The United States of America and they continually violate that oath, the laws, the Constitutions, and our trust.


Either they capitulate to the voters will and our demands to be treated as the law states, or they go!!

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That should be asked of every single judge, LE, and politician, who is going against the voters will!


They all took an oath to uphold the laws, the Constitution of Michigan and The United States of America and they continually violate that oath, the laws, the Constitutions, and our trust.


Either they capitulate to the voters will and our demands to be treated as the law states, or they go!!


i and others were at the court house the day of this guys day and we did not know at that time he was on other drugs we were their to support him until we found out

he had came to a meeting and ask if we would help so we did then found out the whole story

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Just my take, but this is what to expect of anyone on heroin. Not even a law practice will support that habit, so they she (they)turned to marijuana manufacture (and that is just one indicator of the amounts of cash to be made from growing/dealing). Given my acquaintance with numerous heroin addicts I expect addict Backon to once again violate probation, serve the 11 months, be released to destitution, destruction and eventually, death by age 45 by overdose, of course after getting married, giving birth, losing parental custody, etc. This is not an aberration, it is the route of heroin addiction. Wake up! The story is not that a professional smuggled pills, broke the oath of law she took. She's just an average junky with more than an average ed. degree, in the pre-throes of total destruction by heroin. It isn't that she's a lawyer (she does and cannot stop herself from pissing on that). It is just that she's a junkie and junkies have no bounds that can withdtand the force of their addiction and their natural end is death by overdose in a flophouse or under a freeway overpass, after turning tricks and finding that that fails to suppport her habit. It's ain't nothin' but heroin, man--it's how it is.

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The stupid things people do never ceases to amaze me. 7 years of hard work to get a lawyers license and then throw it all away in a moment of recklessness. What the hell were they thinking? Not much apparently.

Probably something to do with love and addiction. Hormones. Gambling. Thrills. The highs and lows....


Hopefully she will recover and find a more rewarding career elsewhere.


I would say she might of picked up a couple other tidbits of education in her 7 yrs at it.


Only thing she has to do now, besides her sentence, is to come clean with herself.

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Just my take, but this is what to expect of anyone on heroin. Not even a law practice will support that habit, so they she (they)turned to marijuana manufacture (and that is just one indicator of the amounts of cash to be made from growing/dealing). Given my acquaintance with numerous heroin addicts I expect addict Backon to once again violate probation, serve the 11 months, be released to destitution, destruction and eventually, death by age 45 by overdose, of course after getting married, giving birth, losing parental custody, etc. This is not an aberration, it is the route of heroin addiction. Wake up! The story is not that a professional smuggled pills, broke the oath of law she took. She's just an average junky with more than an average ed. degree, in the pre-throes of total destruction by heroin. It isn't that she's a lawyer (she does and cannot stop herself from pissing on that). It is just that she's a junkie and junkies have no bounds that can withdtand the force of their addiction and their natural end is death by overdose in a flophouse or under a freeway overpass, after turning tricks and finding that that fails to suppport her habit. It's ain't nothin' but heroin, man--it's how it is.

I won't argue with your scenarios, however what you are doing is not identifying the problem: The People are treated as Criminals and not as Sick People.


Thats the start of and only possible solution to this tooo long ignored problem. It is the same with Alcoholism, the original drug of choice for the not so adventurous souls.


If thats what you call Socialism, I'll take it and learn to live with it ! We've been living with a lot less for too long . I dont care what it cost ........

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If anyone wonders why I am so skeptical when folks come along and ask for support from our community, I will fess up and say that it was my Birmingham Compassion meeting that Nina and Eric presented at which erroneously drew "supporters" from our community. She had presented Eric's case as a judge abusing her authority against a medical marijuana patient.


After that event, Nina attached herself, one after the other, to a handful of members of our community, abusing their kindness for months until people finally realized that they were simply riding on our good will.


Between that and mistakenly giving Anthony Freed a platform early on, I have learned the hard way, but I have learned.


Don't feel bad it was not your fault or your club lots of people fell for it me too you have a great C.C Club and i know you work hard for it

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What is this talk about heroin and such? The story says she slipped her boyfriend a few Xanax pills to get him through a rough time and ended up getting probation for it. Done deal- unless the cops catch her at the "Fiancee's" :rolleyes: apartment. Oh yeah, that will last. But really what an obnoxious order- probation but no seeing her Fiancee?


flower this donkey rectum arrogant judge. I took one of my wifes Vicodin today for my back so I guess I am guilty as well (OK, I know she smuggled it into the jail but still).


This society of ours is fixated on two things- drugs and controlling the people and it is all fruit of the poisonous tree.

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