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Supreme Court Eviscerates 4Th Amendment Over Marijuana Smell


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"In a case decided yesterday, Kentucky v. King, the US Supreme Court has ruled that cops who smell marijuana coming from your home can break down your door and arrest you, just as long as they knock first and claim to have heard you destroying evidence.


They don’t need a warrant or probable cause, either. Today in America, police can now randomly patrol neighborhoods and apartment complexes sniffing around for pot. When they smell it, they can knock on your door and then break it down, claiming they heard noises from within."



Awesome, now LEO can just claim they smell and heard something from any address and raid it w/o warrant. How can privacy rights be taken away from us so easily??

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It is very easy we the people have allowed our government to take us over we are no different than any other dictatorship except they pretend to let us vote. We vote for who they allow us to vote for. The time is nearly at hand for a revolution we need to rise up against the oppression and take back control of our country. If it takes riots in the streets like in the Muslim world so be it! Take back our country !

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Police violence is alive and well and lives in the USA !!!!!


Remember this:


The convicted homicide rate amongst LEO is SIX TIMES higher than that amongst the general population.


The convicted sexual assault rate amongst LEO is TWO and A HALF TIMES higher than that amongst the general population.


In other words, there are a lot of psychopaths amongst "the men in blue".


These statistics generally [hopfully] reflects the behavior of LEOs OFF the clock.


When they are ON the clock, that psychopathy REALLY gets the chance to take off !


"The overwhelming majority of people in this country do not commit violent crime against other people, but how many people if asked would say that violent crime is not worthy of concern or attention. I do not think many people would. In fact, the argument that the “police keep us safe” from violent crime is often the excuse offered for the blind support of all actions taken by the police. But violent crime committed by police officers is just as serious of a problem as violent crime committed by non-police. If you offer your support to the police shouldn’t you also offer support to those that are armed with a video camera and the internet in an attempt keep themselves and others safe from the violent crimes of the police?

For many, enforcing arbitrary laws that result in the caging of people who have not aggressed against another person or their property should also be considered misconduct on the part of the police. But you do not have to hold that belief to be worried about the rate by which police officers commit violence against those they purport to protect. Even if you think that laws against victimless crimes, such as jaywalking, drug possession, prostitution, gambling, etc. should be enforced, there is, as Packman points out, enough violent crime committed by police officers for you to still be outraged by the lack of accountability those police officers face....".






Dr. Jinx

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Some people are so easily mislead, they're given one sided propaganda and made to be so afraid. They didn't just "Let" govt take over, they were forced into it, err, tricked into it. Too many blind sheeple who are too scared to think for themselves, it's so easy to believe an authority figure, "if THEY say so, it MUST be TRUE," they say. They figure their overlords are in the position to know what's best for them. People are not taught how to think for themselves, how to use their Intuition, they're made to be afraid to speak out against the status quo. It's not ENTIRELY the peoples' fault. I used to believe a lot of the crap we're being forcefed, too, till I began to see the failures of their ways. It wasn't always obvious, even to a free thinker like me. I used to believe they spoke the truth, though at times my Intuition would tell me they were wrong and I wondered why. Eventually I found out, and when I did, it was very painful. See the situation in our community- we have our truth, they have their rhetoric, but they have the power to spread their lies and make people believe them, meanwhile, we're struggling to get the truth out. Too many people abuse their positions of power, THAT'S the PROBLEM, and they'll say what the people wanna hear, or what they THINK the people wanna hear, all the while, lying through their teeth, NEVER intending to HONOR THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE.


Sb :growl:

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Sorry SB but just because you get tricked into something doesn't take the fault away from you. I know I followed the republicans blindly for years and prior to that I was a sheep for the democrates ( kind of a prerequisite for a punk rock kid as I was) I blame myself along with others but I have had my eyes open. As for the sheeple they continue to believe that the people who run our government will take care of us. They sell their souls for a lie of being taken care of. They knowingly become slaves even though they don't realise it. When a politician promises you something in return for your vote they make slaves of you. Because if you do not continue to vote for that person your gifts (aka welfare/tax cuts/healthcare/so called entitlements) are taken away. That is when you hear them cry foul. Well had you not expected something for nothing in the first place you would not be without. We need more politicians like Ron Paul and Gary Johnson and Joe Leiberman they seem to understandt hat they are there to do a job for the people that voted for them and not just tow party line. The two party system is where the problem has been created. There is just to much pressure to tow party lines. Down with the two party system and enough with the millions of dollars that are spent to get elected. It prevents normal people that wish to serve from being able to do so. Instead we get two options republican or democrat if you are not one or the other you stand no real chance. What is the solution the only solution I can think of is stop that money. Instead the politicians have stacked the courts with judges that allow even looser regulations on contributions. Wyoming is a prime example of politicians controlling the law for profit for themselves. Jack poll the current mayor convinced the rest of the city counsel to ban mm why because he did not agree with the distribution system. He felt it needed to be regulated via a pharmacy. Well there is a suprise he is a pharmacist. He doesn't want people to be able to produce their own medicine because it takes money from his pocket . I warned people about this man during the campaign I felt he is in it for personal gain just by everything he was saying. Sorry for the rant

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Who will strike down a ruling by the United States Supreme Court?

thats what I'd like to know,in the norml blog it said that norml tried to sue the DEA and it has never worked out in their favor,this will take yrs if ever to reverse this nonsense.

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Police violence is alive and well and lives in the USA !!!!!


Remember this:


The convicted homicide rate amongst LEO is SIX TIMES higher than that amongst the general population.


The convicted sexual assault rate amongst LEO is TWO and A HALF TIMES higher than that amongst the general population.


In other words, there are a lot of psychopaths amongst "the men in blue".


These statistics generally [hopfully] reflects the behavior of LEOs OFF the clock.


When they are ON the clock, that psychopathy REALLY gets the chance to take off !


"The overwhelming majority of people in this country do not commit violent crime against other people, but how many people if asked would say that violent crime is not worthy of concern or attention. I do not think many people would. In fact, the argument that the “police keep us safe” from violent crime is often the excuse offered for the blind support of all actions taken by the police. But violent crime committed by police officers is just as serious of a problem as violent crime committed by non-police. If you offer your support to the police shouldn’t you also offer support to those that are armed with a video camera and the internet in an attempt keep themselves and others safe from the violent crimes of the police?

For many, enforcing arbitrary laws that result in the caging of people who have not aggressed against another person or their property should also be considered misconduct on the part of the police. But you do not have to hold that belief to be worried about the rate by which police officers commit violence against those they purport to protect. Even if you think that laws against victimless crimes, such as jaywalking, drug possession, prostitution, gambling, etc. should be enforced, there is, as Packman points out, enough violent crime committed by police officers for you to still be outraged by the lack of accountability those police officers face....".






Dr. Jinx

that copblock.org is awesome,but it fires me up too much,someday someone is going to get pissed off enough to well I dont even want to say it,but it will happen.

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We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

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We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

how do w get there to abolish these laws??

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