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Call For Quotes On Regularly Supplying Plants 30"

pic book

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I am finishing this week in Southfield a 10,000 watt build-out for flower-only (not hydro). This experienced, well-financed 40's female caregiver/patient/grower is going out on her own after leaving a multiple-partner grow, and in the split has agreed not to use the party who supplies her former partners with ready-to-flower 30-inchers, and thus she needs her own source. This is a call for bids to supply multi-topped plants 30 inches tall. One strain is Blue Widow (15 every 63 days), the other is Lemon Cake (15 every 53 days), for a year. Firm $ quotes and terms (including deposit $ required per plant). She will pick them up with cube truck with lift gate where u grow (u bag them in opaque black cloth bags); no other option available. Serious professional producers only. PM only. Thanks.

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No one in their right mind would veg plants to 30" and sell them, would they?


It doesn't make sense not to bud them out themselves, even if they got $100 a piece for them, they would be worth 10 times more in 8-10 weeks?


There are cultivators who will switch out Mothers and I have received some 30" in height. But i haven't heard of any one strictly doing it for the above reason.

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There are cultivators who will switch out Mothers and I have received some 30" in height. But i haven't heard of any one strictly doing it for the above reason.



Im trying to think of why anyone would be in that business?


Using your plant count just for veg, then getting rid of them for a 1/10 of their projected worth? Maybe im missing something?

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Mememe, re: what happens if smething goes wrong?

Good ? On both sides.

What happens on receiver's side if she gets backed up when one strain runs a bit over and she doesn't pick up til ten days long and she consequently both puts u over count and gets more plant as a bonue? Say 36?" Or what happens if rats invade the supplier's grow and cut down the Blue Widow, causing a skip in the supply of plants? I think she'd say propose a penalty on whichever was the offending side, so they are both movivated to fulfill their role as agreed but and know what it cost if either fails to fulofill their obligations.

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She has a 10k grow but can't bother to make her own clones and veg them? Sounds like a logistical nightmare and who would want to use up their plant count just to supply someone like that? Good luck to your client Pic Book, but I don't think it will work.

Prefers to flower only, like the multi-partner grow

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No one in their right mind would veg plants to 30" and sell them, would they?


It doesn't make sense not to bud them out themselves, even if they got $100 a piece for them, they would be worth 10 times more in 8-10 weeks?



Personally (and I have no say in her decision-making) but why cap at $100 donation? If I was to do this I'd put the donation at $175, or $250, recover some of that opportunity cost.

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Absolutely bringing plants in from another location is detrimental to your grow area i got two cuttings from my brother two weeks later my growrooms been assimilated and ive been fighting the borg like mad but i think ive taken out the beasts only time will tell . :growl:


She had built a detached quarantine of 3000 watts.

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No one in their right mind would veg plants to 30" and sell them, would they?




A grower with low ceiling?

A grower who needs an upfront deposit to get re-started?

A grower who needs an assured known amount they can count on regularly?

A grower who cannot risk flower odor escaping.

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I've heard of a person doing it. There must be something to it. I just don't know what it possibly could be....but she is on a scale much larger than me....so, I wouldn't know.


Im trying to think of why anyone would be in that business?


Using your plant count just for veg, then getting rid of them for a 1/10 of their projected worth? Maybe im missing something?

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i get it..

PM sent

plants have a specific value at each stage of life. they are an asset from the second they are cloned, or seeds are cracked.

they also have a marketable value, and if a person wanted to use their plant counts for flowering only, i could see why that would work.

i love the idea of producing a consistent amount of flower ready plants for a specified value. it's called a foundation.

if my plant counts can support it, Pic i can help. i am already flowering enough to help my patients and still have plenty of space on my counts. i am not sure about 15 every 53 days and 15 every 60 days. would these be running offset? or together? so it would be 30 plants every 60 days (ish) or would it be 15 one month then 15 the next in a staggered form?

PM details.


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I have received some expressions of interest but no quotes as to price and deposit(except from California. LOL!) While driving distance does not matter to her (if it's within Michigan), CA is ridiculous.


Any idea of what she is willing to pay?


And she really wants Blue Widow and Lemon Cake? I can think of 30 strains I would rather have.


Build her a veg room and call it a day:)

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