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Mass Assistance? Can Anyone Help Me Finish This?

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Citizens of MI, All Industry Leaders, Groups, Associations,Caregivers, patients, friends, and family. Especially those in EmmetCounty.



Hello,my name is Richard Neill.


Iam a Michigan Medical Marijuana patient, as well as a caregiver.


There are several issues in Emmet County here, all documented, that we thecitizens of Emmet County, MI beg you, the patients, caregivers, andcitizens of MI to come to our defense and aid in, as to the rightsviolations (unsigned search warrants, excessive force (my fiancee'snose was broken and she passed out during the second raid my sisterwas shoved to the floor having scoliosis, degenerative disks.. etc),strip searches, blatant lies by the prosecutor, police detectivesusing obscene and abusive language in front of citizens and children,harassment after the arrest and currently, and so many others that itwould take all the active patients on the MMMA website to list themto you for me. . My sister, a parent of 8 minor children, has a 12 yrhistory as a foster parent, adoptive mother to 3, has already losther children, as the Judge would not allow her to admit into evidenceher patient card, thus removing the children for drug use. Ourhome was raided on June 17th, 2010, and Jan 25th, 2011. Chargesare pending still, in which both were legally operated. My wife isbeing charged with crimes for simply being in the home and around myuse of my medicine, the police have now kicked in the doors andwindows of my home 3 times..(the last being for 200 dollars in owingchild support).


In the June 17th raid, i was awarded a court appointed attorney, as i amindigent. The Public Defender (the Prosecuting Attorney in Emmet formany, many years) would not challenge the unsigned search warrants,nor would he file a motion to dismiss as is required under sections 4and 8, stating to me that he "already knows how the Judge willdecide, he is completely against medical marijuana”) therefore Iasked for a new attorney, and was awarded Hilary Briolat as my PublicDefender. Jan 25th, my home was raided again, and this time myfiancee was subsequently charged, having access to my medicalmarijuana in the common area of the home(not the plants or growitself).


April 11th the same Magistrate that issued the unsigned warrant issued asearch warrant on the MDCH for all of the records containing my namefrom a search parameter of April 8, 2009 till June 30, 2010. Thereturn however contains errors, and rights violations of my otherpatients whom were not in the parameter of the search, and yet all ofthere information, including sensitive information, was just handedover to the prosecutor like it was nothing, based on a horribleaffidavit in the first place.


Currently the Prosecutor has issued a 2nd[/sup] Motion in Limine with no grounds or understanding of the law. In one of my court proceedings the arresting officer's of Straights Area Narcotics, And the Emmet County Sheriff's Department, as well as the Petoskey City Police testified to not ever reading the law, in fact one stated that he just finished a medical marijuana class in which they never were afforded the opportunity to read the act at all!This is not just the case regarding me, as it is happening repeatedly all over Emmet County. We encourage any patient or caregiver or citizens of Emmet County directly effected by this to please consider standing up for your rights here, regardless of your personal outcome, and please also encourage the MiNORMAL, American's for Safe Access, Mom's Against Prohibition, MMMA, and so many other Organization's of importance to please consider making a direct effort to turn over the blatant disregard for the citizen's of the County or State for that matter in regards to Medical Marijuana, it's business, patients, or caregivers. The Constitutional Rights of patients and citizen's are in jeopardy at the State and Local level here, second only to Oakland County. Well we need help here, and while the fight is in the lower portion of the state, we are losing kids, rights, homes, and so much more. Just ask the one's strip searched and beaten and ridiculed and followed and has the broken noses. Ask the one's whose compost pile of stems is now evidence. Ask us up here, Please.



Richard Neill











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I don't know annie but its coming to a head here. Violence and robberies and patients as well as caregivers are afraid. I was member number 1 for instance in the Little Traverse Compassion Club, which no longer exsists, out of fear. We are lacking in all of the fundamental needs here. Support, media, letters, and bodies. Letters from prominent agencies and organizations like those mentioned putting the judges, prosecutors, Probate, CPS, Friend of the court, etc. That WE ALL are watching the outcomes of MANY unlawful, unwanted, and undeserved acts of tyranny here. Access to medicine is nearly impossible unless you are well connected. Simpson's, pb oil, tinctures.. Needed desperately all over. The evil network of the conservative boys club made up of only a few is undermining and beating down patients and caregivers, even with prior knowledge of such, with the blessing of the prosecutor!

IDK for sure, but it's way over my ability alone, and with all the love and support for us (here in the north) we have no rally, no blueberry knocking doors over, no peanutbutter screaming at people that cannabis cures. I need a Michael here to explain things and I know Emmet can't have them, so... Letters? Petitions? How can we put them on notice that everything here is just as monitored?

Remember the darn warrant wasn't even signed!

Much love and ramblings,

Always on the run Rich

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i will do whatever i can to raise awareness of your persecution.

we will help from the East Side. Alcona County prosecutor is running many of the same scams on cannabis users in our neck of the woods, and we are tired of being pushed around.

we are about to push back.

they are elected, not us, and our signs speak volumes. signs in the lawns now folks, i thought we should wait until spring to start the war on the outsiders, but maybe we should start the political attacks now. well in advance of the opposition speaking up...


Join Marijuana Earth today.

Your either with M.E. or your against ME... so stand up and be counted!


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Emmet County Prosecutor's 2nd Motion in Limine hearing tomorrow, Sept 21, 2:00 p.m. attempting to not allow the farm to use the MMMA as a defense at trial. We patients and caregivers in MI know all to well that this is a bs attempt at any conviction at any cost. Please support the farm tomorrow friends, and let Judge Johnson know we are all watching his decisions!

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