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Crime Lab Fraud Imprisons Innocent People

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Over 40,000 people wrongfully convicted. Person caught tampering with evidence and falsifying documents only gets sentenced 3 - 5 years? WTF? To me it should be at least life. I suppose this goes on in all of the crime labs. In this case only one individual got caught.


I have more faith in a bum than I do in our politics and legal system. We live in evil times.

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rarely happened in the couple hundred years of tinkering with the system. Many people seek loopholes to their success, even politicians. I'd never vote a politician into office, how could you trust them, they are after all, human. One of the necessary accompaniments of capitalism in a democracy is political corruption, evidently. Until we stop our diligent support of these monsters, nothing changes. so far, so true.  


this some of the saddest news I've seen lately, and hope that the story is not factual.

Edited by grassmatch
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I think it is factual, but we all know innocent people take plea deals often.

I'm hoping the 40k numbers of affected innocent is incorrect, that becomes an act of terrorism I think, false imprisonment. I also do not believe this gal and her cohorts invented this scheme, and 5 yrs is just short of the life sentence I would have her do, as she wont last that long in jail. That state will go bankrupt paying the class action suit sure to come.

Well it must be factual because she has taken a plea deal

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and hope that the story is not factual.



“I, Annie Dookhan, had taken out samples of safe and tested them

without being signed out as proper procedure. I also went in the Evidence Log

book and postdated and filled the log book in. I signed my initials and an

Evidence Officer’s initials in the book. That was my mistake and I can’t deny

that. I also batched, put similar samples together, and tested some and not others;

I “dry labbed.” I have been doing it for 2-3 years. At times, a few, I had to add a

sample that came back from Mass Spec to make it what I said it was. I would get

the sample from a known sample. I would try to clean it, the original, up first but

if it didn’t I would need to take something, drugs, from another case. I

intentionally turned a negative sample into a positive a few times.”

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Surren Dookhan has not spoken publicly about his wife’s free fall from prolific chemist to the defendant at the heart of the biggest law enforcement scandal in recent Massachusetts history.

But former assistant Norfolk district attorney George Papachristos told police that Dookhan’s husband contacted him in August 2009 after he befriended Annie Dookhan.

“This is Annie’s husband do not believe her, she’s a liar, she’s always lying,” Surren Dookhan texted to the prosecutor, according to an interview Papachristos gave to State Police on Oct. 3, 2012. “She is looking for sympathy and attention.”

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Thanks for the link T-Pain.


"Dookhan’s alleged misdeeds may affect tens of thousands of cases and cost taxpayers millions by the time investigations are completed.

She has pleaded not guilty to all criminal charges and remains free on $10,000 cash bail.

On Wednesday, Dookhan is scheduled to be arraigned on charges of obstruction of justice in Middlesex and Norfolk counties. In those cases, she is accused of lying in court by testifying that she had a master’s degree."



This is crazy! I don't know what is worse, the crimes that she has committed or the crimes our justice system has just committed by prosecuting her. Discrimination, favoritism, terrorism. How is it $10K and you don't even have to stay in prison with having committed such a great crime? That sounds like favoritism to me and discrimination to anyone who does not work for some form of government office. Our president considers children who are computer hackers terrorists but this crime lab tech is not considered a terrorist? She is only being charged with obstruction of justice? We don't have a functioning legal system in this country any more, nor do we have a functioning government. All we have is a bunch of psycho tyrants. Looks that way to me. The whole system has failed us once again. Makes you wonder if this kind of stuff is going on in nearly all of the crime labs across the country. Now tell me, who are the terrorists? Who terrorizes the people? Who terrorizes the whole planet? It is really sad to see our country seek to such low levels. When you read the article, all of the warning signs were there. It is almost as if they aided her to do those horrible things. I am guessing there was some form of a plea deal even though the plea entered was not guilty. I think the deal was that she keep her mouth shut and not rat out all others involved. Or rat them out on other dirty laundry. If you are a whistle blower these days you could be charged for espionage. I just cannot comprehend crimes like this being only $10K bond and only 3-5 years imprisonment, just cannot comprehend that. 

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i dont understand, in the prosecutors sentencing recommendations, it says she lied under oath about having a masters degree multiple times. but then they only charged her one count of perjury?


then it says she has a clean record and is a first time offender.


can you be doing illegal things for 3-9 years, and admitting this! and still get a reduced sentence because you were only caught once?


isnt the fact that you were doing evidence tampering and perjury in multiple cases, proof that you were a habitual criminal ?

this is not at all how the rest of us are charged in court for anything!


imagine this: "oh, you were a hitman for 10 years and killed hundreds of people every year. but since you have a clean record, we're going to give you 5 years jail and $10k fine."


once in a while a judge will give leniency. like for victimless crimes.

but this wasnt a victimless crime. this is a travesty of justice.

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did you read any of those other horrifying stories on the website? OMG !  can someone tell me how to put an end to these things at once?


 the system on her end is total corruption, top to bottom, and demands a full investigation into each case handled by them all. where is the FBI in this?

Thanks for the link T-Pain.


"Dookhan’s alleged misdeeds may affect tens of thousands of cases and cost taxpayers millions by the time investigations are completed.

She has pleaded not guilty to all criminal charges and remains free on $10,000 cash bail.

On Wednesday, Dookhan is scheduled to be arraigned on charges of obstruction of justice in Middlesex and Norfolk counties. In those cases, she is accused of lying in court by testifying that she had a master’s degree."



This is crazy! I don't know what is worse, the crimes that she has committed or the crimes our justice system has just committed by prosecuting her. Discrimination, favoritism, terrorism. How is it $10K and you don't even have to stay in prison with having committed such a great crime? That sounds like favoritism to me and discrimination to anyone who does not work for some form of government office. Our president considers children who are computer hackers terrorists but this crime lab tech is not considered a terrorist? She is only being charged with obstruction of justice? We don't have a functioning legal system in this country any more, nor do we have a functioning government. All we have is a bunch of psycho tyrants. Looks that way to me. The whole system has failed us once again. Makes you wonder if this kind of stuff is going on in nearly all of the crime labs across the country. Now tell me, who are the terrorists? Who terrorizes the people? Who terrorizes the whole planet? It is really sad to see our country seek to such low levels. When you read the article, all of the warning signs were there. It is almost as if they aided her to do those horrible things. I am guessing there was some form of a plea deal even though the plea entered was not guilty. I think the deal was that she keep her mouth shut and not rat out all others involved. Or rat them out on other dirty laundry. If you are a whistle blower these days you could be charged for espionage. I just cannot comprehend crimes like this being only $10K bond and only 3-5 years imprisonment, just cannot comprehend that. 

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I believe it to be foolish to think she did all this with no help. surely others encouraged her, and still others will be protected from her arranged plea deal. I've rarely seen a court case in which truths were told throughout, by either side. 

Thanks you  have hit the nail on the head on this one


If anyone thinks the truth comes out in a Court room they are mistaken 

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did you read any of those other horrifying stories on the website? OMG !  can someone tell me how to put an end to these things at once?


 the system on her end is total corruption, top to bottom, and demands a full investigation into each case handled by them all. where is the FBI in this?


Where is the FBI? Why they are busy covering up their own messes! Far more serious ones too.


I did not get a chance to read the other stores on the link. However, my bookmarked pages is an abyss of dirty laundry. A lot of it is local to Michigan too.


Put an end to it? I think it has been going on for a very long time. I don't see an end coming any time soon.


Civil war? That's a joke. How could we ever have a civil war? We can't have a civil war, they have us by the nads, 90% of the people would be dead in one to two weeks. Our government has full control. If they felt that a civil war was beginning, they have a solution. EMP the power grid. They could claim it was from the sun. We would not know the difference. There would be no working electronics in this country aside from government EMP protected electronics. The national security adviser of our own country said that our greatest threat is the power grid shutting down due to an EMP. We are completely unprotected from such an event. He said it would wipe out 90% of the American people within two weeks. He made our president aware and was denied the funds to protect the grid. The grid needs to be protected, we are overdue for an EMP from the sun, a natural occurrence. Every 100 - 150 years, we are past the 150 year mark already. The last EMP from the sun fried every electronic on Earth, even those that were not plugged in. They started to go crazy, functioning and burning up.

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Thanks for the document t-pain.


As an officer of the state, and working for the large corporation that I do, that type of behavior would not be tolerated. It would be reported to the authorities immediately. Forgery, even if only initials is illegal. I know the owner of the company I work for would not tolerate it, forgeries.


So this woman was having marital problems. Aren't there counselors available to the officers and other employees? My company encourages those having troubles to seek counseling. It really can help.


You would think that dealing with evidence that could make or break a persons life, and with the technology we have available today, well, you would think that there would be some form of security cameras in the lab and especially in the evidence room. Most importantly, the safe. Heck, even my local Save-A-Lot in my little hic town has a camera on their safe!


If this is the way all crime labs are ran, then I do not believe that they have delivered any solid evidence to any courtroom what so ever. All evidence requiring lab testing should not be admissible under these types of conditions. That is not how a legitimate business should run. I expect more from my government. I have lost all faith in the political and judicial system in this country. It will take a lot to gain it back. To be honest, I don't see it happening, it has gone way too far. Seems that the crime lab there in Massachusetts was ran like a circus.


Maybe she is a pansy for a much bigger scheme. Either way, she got caught.


Thanks again t-pain for digging up that document.

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