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Not Registered -Patient Grower

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I know I am allowed to buy and use medical cannabis with only my physicians recommendation. I know the seller is taking a risk.


Can I also (legally) grow my own with just my physicians rec. ?

Can I be a patient of a cg with only my rec?

Can I have patients of my own, and/or grow their supply with only my rec?




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No, no and no!


You can do what ever you choose but if you want to stay within the law and not have to hire attny's after you get caught, you need a card, which requires you to register with the state,


the answer is no to all if you want to use sec 4!



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. I feel better knowing I'm legally allowed to use my own medicine, be a positive statistic,  and have NO legal issues, and none expected either.


however, you surely have seen regrets of folks who have registered, right?  I saw one this week here, and that spurred the op.

also was addressing the small amount of cancer patients or glaucoma too, in another thread, but didn't want to hijack that one with the concern.

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I suppose I have seen the complaints, but I still don't understand them.


The source of complaint or regret for me is that the government now has a written confession of federally illegal cannabis usage.  Do I trust that going forward that confession will never be used against me by any government official?  I guess the answer for me is, no, I don't have complete trust in that regard.  Do you?


It amounts to a risk/reward thing.  The amount of protection provided by the card, the reward, is much less than I expected when I signed up.

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i had no clue that the Law was going to be used in away it is today 


i don't think anyone knew Leo was going to be so hard on the sick because the way i felt for the first 5 years of our Law  was i could not believe that cannabis stores where opening up all over the State and here we where in Court for growing and using Cannabis and we where not worried about if we where side enough to have a Rec./card 


i myself was turned down the first time i tried to get my Rec. from THC-F and had to Waite until they came back into town just because of the medical records i had my Hip Doc give me


they had to say  a  spacial  word only a government agent would think of

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The source of complaint or regret for me is that the government now has a written confession of federally illegal cannabis usage.  Do I trust that going forward that confession will never be used against me by any government official?  I guess the answer for me is, no, I don't have complete trust in that regard.  Do you?


It amounts to a risk/reward thing.  The amount of protection provided by the card, the reward, is much less than I expected when I signed up.

understandable ^^

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I'm trying also to wrap my head around the unlikely low number of glaucoma and cancer patients in the program. I totally expected flocks of people from around the states to be seeking alternative cancer treatments, with legal registrations in MI, but it didn't happen. I'm wondering if the "alternative thinkers" may also be the very types that would regret a registration, and just go with their physicians recommendation maybe. 

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