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Palm Beach Vapors M-System

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Some recent coverage of a group that says it has a novel system for making cannabis oil pg vape fluid.

They intend to patent it.  Does this look like anything new or just someone trying to patent a known method?





"Native Grow LLC is a subsidiary of Palm Beach Vapors, www.palmbeachvapors.com.  Native Grow came into existence when, working on a solution to eliminate propylene glycol from tradition vapor products, a group of Palm Beach Vapors researchers stumbled onto the M-SYSTEM."




How do we insert oil into glycerin?


By using our soon to be patented M-SYSTEM.  The M-SYSTEM involves a three step process and can scale from ML of production to 50 Gallon drums.


1.  The oil is prepared.  Alot of the preparation of the oil depends on if you are preparing a rendering, or an extraction, or just inserting straight oil.  There is a small amount of prep work which needs to be done.  This can be accomplished in less than 15 minutes.


2. The glycerin is prepared.  This is a quick process and can be accomplished in under 5 minutes.


3. The oil and the glycerin are combined!


At this point you have created M-JUICE!

You can control the concentration of M-JUICE!!!

M-JUICE can be flavored and vaped in its natural state.  It is completely food safe and can be taken orally as well as vaped.




We actually stumbled on our system while trying to eliminate propylene glycol from our normal e-cigarette vapor juices.  We discovered a method for inserting concentrated oils into glycerin.  We then applied that same method using hemp oil and were able to create a stable suspension.


When we created a stable suspension we knew we were onto something and we began perfecting the method.  Below is a hemp oil insertion into glycerin.  This is a 24 hour suspension.  On the left is our method, on the right is the best current know method.




We have now taken our technology and tested it with all different extraction methods.  We wanted to make sure that, regardless of the method which produced the oil, rendering, or extract we could insert it into the glycerin.  We were successful.




E-cigarette firm eyes emerging cannabis oil market




OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — As more states approve the medicinal and recreational use of marijuana, an Oklahoma-based electronic cigarette retailer is looking to build a national franchise.


The growing availability of legal pot opens the door for Tulsa-based Palm Beach Vapors to market a method for producing a cannabis oil product that can be inhaled through a common e-cigarette, according to CEO and co-founder Chip Paul.Marijuana is illegal under federal drug laws. But voters in Oregon, Alaska and Washington, D.C., approved ballot measures Tuesday to legalize the recreational use of marijuana, joining Washington state and Colorado. And in more than a dozen other states, medical marijuana is available.


"This is a wave that's kind of sweeping the nation," said Paul, whose company is looking to patent the method and has already signed licensing deals in California and Colorado for what it calls the M-System. He said he intends to set up franchise locations in other states.


The use of marijuana is currently illegal in Oklahoma, but the market for cannabis products is projected to grow as more states move to legalize it. Advocates plan a big push for legalization initiatives on 2016 ballots in California, Arizona, Maine, Massachusetts and Nevada, according to Ethan Nadelmann, executive director of the Drug Policy Alliance.


Paul was one of the organizers of an Oklahoma initiative petition calling for the legalization of medical marijuana, an effort that ended in August when volunteers failed to gather the needed signatures of more than 155,000 registered voters. The failed petition sought voter approval of classifying marijuana as an herbal drug that would be regulated by the Oklahoma Department of Health. Doctors would have been authorized to prescribe it for a variety of medical conditions.


Cannabis has a history of medicinal use to treat pain or alleviate symptoms such as nausea and vomiting in chemotherapy patients and people with AIDS. Paul plans to launch another petition drive in August 2015.


But Mark Woodward, spokesman for the Oklahoma Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs, says the agency is concerned about the inhalation of cannabis oils via e-cigarettes.


E-cigarettes work by heating liquid nicotine into an inhalable mist; cannabis oils and waxes work much the same. Palm Beach Vapors does not buy, sell or ship marijuana but licenses the preparation method and additive that produces a vegetable glycerin base in which cannabis oils remain evenly distributed, which is key to labeling concentrations, similar to the nicotine measurements in e-cigarettes, Paul said.


The company has applied for a patent, and expects the M-System to account for 30-40 percent of its annual revenue by 2018, provided the country continues its march toward wider legalization, Paul said.


Marijuana is still illegal in Indiana, but Nate Renschler, who has a Palm Beach Vapors franchise in Newburgh, Indiana, said that sentiment could change when state officials realize the tax benefits of legalization.


"The whole country is going one way and Indiana is taking two steps back. We'll be one of the last steps to legalize marijuana," Renschler said, noting that the e-cigarette product is still viable regardless of what state it is sold in. He uses the Palm Beach Vapors method to sell hemp oil, which he claims is good for a person's general well-being.


Even though marijuana is not legal in the majority of the United States, Woodward said teens are obtaining e-cigarettes and cannabis oils. "It's an easier way for people, especially our youth, to disguise their marijuana use," Woodward said.


He said investigators for the agency have already intercepted couriers traveling across Oklahoma who have purchased cannabis oils legally in one state with plans to sell it where it's illegal.


"It can be hard to detect," Woodward said.

Edited by iwombat
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