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Clones For Sale?

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Hello, I've recently recieved my medical marijuana card here in MI. I'm no green thumb, however, I have been researching growing. Can I buy clones in MI to get the process started sooner? Thank you very much for your replies.

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Selling clones is illegal in the state of Michigan. Posting on this site that your selling them is crazy. Could be leo callin ya so be dam careful..........................


Thanks for your opinions sir. Compassion is crazy to a lot of people out there. In fact I dare say incomprehensible to a fair share of yee. Thanks for your help! ALL!

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Selling clones is illegal in the state of Michigan. Posting on this site that your selling them is crazy. Could be leo callin ya so be dam careful..........................



I agree, you realy should get to know a few peeps before posting something like that!




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Guest Wayne

MODERATOR! Is there a limit on pricing for clones and marijuana posted for sale on the MMMA site? Does the MMMA act as broker for marijuana wholesalers?

How much does the MMMA sell marijuana and clones for and where is your office? Does the MMMA cultivate it's own marijuana strains to sell directly to members?

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To the Best of my Knowledge MMMA does Not Sell

Clones , Seeds , Marijuana .....


I believe thats what " Private " Compassion Meetings are for ....


I have reported your Question ...


Hopefully you'll get more Answers S00N ...


I did'nt even think we allowed any Sales on Site ?

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Hello, I've recently recieved my medical marijuana card here in MI. I'm no green thumb, however, I have been researching growing. Can I buy clones in MI to get the process started sooner? Thank you very much for your replies.


"can i buy clones?"


the question has been answered. the answer is "yes"


if you wish to do anything other than answer the question, take to private message.



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Guest thequietone

This is what the Acceptable Use Policy says about this subject.



Any posts made offering marijuana products, including seeds, clones, edibles or any other preparation for sale are strictly forbidden. This includes posts made in the Buy, Sell & Trade forum. All such posts will be removed from the site and a warning will be sent to the poster. All of the above mentioned matters should only be discussed in private and not on a public forum.
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Ok ya, here is a ?' that is baffling me and has my buddy incarcerated right now due to the definition of a marijuana plant.


2 days ago a buddy of mine was transporting 17 clones, ok here is the thing guys why did they arrest him when they didn't even have a root??? they were freshly cut and placed in a rapid rooter cubes, but NO root base!! my understanding from past run in's with LEO was a seed that ROOTS was considered a lb, also the law states; leaves, stems, seeds ARE NOT considered usable MM, correct????

If that is the case he was just transporting a stem with leaves right..??



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Ok ya, here is a ?' that is baffling me and has my buddy incarcerated right now due to the definition of a marijuana plant.


2 days ago a buddy of mine was transporting 17 clones, ok here is the thing guys why did they arrest him when they didn't even have a root??? they were freshly cut and placed in a rapid rooter cubes, but NO root base!! my understanding from past run in's with LEO was a seed that ROOTS was considered a lb, also the law states; leaves, stems, seeds ARE NOT considered usable MM, correct????

If that is the case he was just transporting a stem with leaves right..??




NO. Matt Abel, cannabis council, made it perfectly clear. Any cuttings will be considered as clones. Roots or not. Also...the MSP said they consider ptp transfers illegal.

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Well isn't that just crappy!! I don't agree with that now that I'm hearing it said outloud......... IT isn't usable if you cant grow it with out a root its just a dead leaf =/


I guess there are laws and such I just cant grip my head around seems to be contradicting, to me... thank you for reading.



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NO. Matt Abel, cannabis council, made it perfectly clear. Any cuttings will be considered as clones. Roots or not. Also...the MSP said they consider ptp transfers illegal.


Oh boy...thanks for the info! This was my question that I have been trying to grasp for about 2 weeks now.


I really want to stay within the limitations of the law. I will only try to clone within my 12 plant per patient maximum.


I will not put clippings in water/solution unless they are planned for rooting.

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Oh boy...thanks for the info! This was my question that I have been trying to grasp for about 2 weeks now.


I really want to stay within the limitations of the law. I will only try to clone within my 12 plant per patient maximum.


I will not put clippings in water/solution unless they are planned for rooting.


If you have any other questions, feel free to pm me. I bet it's a beautiful day in TC today...enjoy! I use to live in Thompsonville...about 30 miles away from Traverse.

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I think it boils down to intent. If you put the cuttings in cubed or into a cloner they are considered plant. Of course that is my opinion, it's not spelled out anywhere in black and white. Haven't you ever heard the saying "RULES SUBJECT TO CHANGE FOR MANAGEMENTS AMUSEMENT"with nothing in print they can change at will.



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Ok ya, here is a ?' that is baffling me and has my buddy incarcerated right now due to the definition of a marijuana plant.


2 days ago a buddy of mine was transporting 17 clones, ok here is the thing guys why did they arrest him when they didn't even have a root??? they were freshly cut and placed in a rapid rooter cubes, but NO root base!! my understanding from past run in's with LEO was a seed that ROOTS was considered a lb, also the law states; leaves, stems, seeds ARE NOT considered usable MM, correct????

If that is the case he was just transporting a stem with leaves right..??




First of all. sorry about your friend, I also read it to not count as weight or amount,


but why did your friend get leo's attn to begin with? mite not realy matter but if you are just driving along minding your own business, not breaking any traffic laws, leo dont usualy pull you over! (unless your me lol)


If I was to make a guess, I would say your friend was pulled over for something other than weed! and when leo found the cuttings it gave him more amo to unleash on your buddy!


It dont matter if you are legal or not, dont attract leo's attn! Im sorry if im assuming here, I dont mean no harm, but i dont even get pulled over for no reason, and I have had my share of dealing with the po po's!:sword: next time im gonna chop em up lol!


Free the Weed!


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Actually he was sited for 7 over in a 40 on 8 mile road hit a speed trap and they flicked him... never had a drug charge or ANY felonies in his past "that I'm aware of".

That aside I guess the law still is pretty "green" on the publics and laws side. cause I have ALWAYS been told by different LEOs that a root = plant, a plant = A charge of 1lb per plant..


But now I hear different so wth I dunno, like stated previously "I hope they don't bust in during harvest", cause I'm gonna have way more then 12 sticks without roots and leaves on it so....





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