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Carrying A Ccw And Mmm?


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Thank you most kindly for the rep pts.


And yes, I am "legal" for both CCW & MMJ.


Some think that the legalization of certain rights (i.e. - defense, caring for one's self, imbibing in some manner, etc) will make our civilization the "Wild West". And yes, I said rights, versus privileges. It is my firm belief that what made the Wild West wild, were the wild people. And those people who care nothing for others, that are idiots or sociopaths or whatever, will get what they want, and use it as they want, with no respect or concern for others. They could care less whether they're legal or not.


We on the other hand care, and have respect for others on this planet. Unfortunately, we need a card to let others know that.


And an observation....where the West was/is not wild, and where care & respect were/are present, we had/have a civilized society - regardless of who's armed, medicated or tipsy. I'd rather be in a roomful of medicated folks carrying guns, than a city-full of unimpaired idiots with 2x4's.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Admittedly I never went to any of "those open carry picnics" but your broad brush insults on people you do not know or have never sat down with to find out their reasoning makes people wonder what kind of attention you are seeking by saying such.


I have carried a gun for around 35 years so I think the newness, attention seeking, or thrill died about 34 years, 11 months and 29 days ago. if you think to carry a gun is all fun and games you are dead wrong. It is a pain in the rear with most guns weighing enough to become a literal pain in ones side. It is something you have to be constantly aware of as people with your mindset often calling the police on us, and making false accusations, and then hiding when it's time to confront the truth. These mystery 911 callers often make illegal and false claims against those who carry. I am thankful I was never a victim of that....yet. Then the utter insanity of some of the anti gun mindset who would dare to confront someone often making a scene over our rights to carry. Nothing like meeting a hard core Marxist face to face while they insult you for having and using your rights, often getting louder and louder to the point of yelling because most others didn't join in their fear tactics.


So far I have had a few encounters by mostly people over age 60 who actually congratulated me for standing up and being counted. It's a good thing most people don't share your disdain for those who dare to exercise their rights.


I guess some might want attention, or maybe they are trying to make a statement and are as willing to defend your right to Medical Marijuana as they are to defend the right to carry. I am betting on the latter as I have in my years met many of these people, both open and concealed carry in my profession. I carried a gun as a result of my profession, and still do today and will continue till I can't pick one up anymore.


Funny thing though, on those web sites for open carry, they do openly defend medical Marijuana use.... Too bad you don't see them as allies.


Here's a couple links for those who want to know the truth about Open carry.









In closing I admit I was infected at a young age with the dreaded "common sense" so why would it be legal to carry while under the influence of prescription drugs like Vicodin, Methadone, Morphine, Lunesta and a host of mind altering drugs like Prozac, and not legal while a medical Marijuana patient? Frankly I would fear someone on Prozac long before a Medical Marijuana user.



Remember those minute men who overthrew tyranny and gave us our freedoms? They were also those types who you might have labeled as in need of attention.. Often it's the odd one's who sit on the sidelines of societal norms who fight for our rights, just like those who have fought the battle for medical marijuana. It is all too often that the one's who trash others for being different are the ones who seek attention and wish to be popular. In reality being the 1/100th of one percent who dare to fight back against tyranny are not very popular and only gain disdain from the 99.999% who seek attention by being a lemming and following the masses.





Yea it is legal to open carry pretty much everyone at those open carry picnics is some idiot who feels like they need attention.

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I am sitting here shredding some papers. I have here ATF Form 4473 (5300.9) Part I Revised August 2008.


Page 1, question e asks: Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance? If the truthful answer is yes, you cannot purchase a firearm.


From my understanding, you can OPEN CARRY in Michigan. Would you really want to do that while you are carrying marihuana or marijuana?


If you have a CPL, I would suggest that you adhered to strict competence to both licenses when carrying both products.


Keep in mind, there are other conditions that will prevent one from owning or having a firearm.

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The right to be safe, and defend oneself is "unalienable" and are granted by the creator. Unalienable means not even you can surrender your rights as they are not your to surrender they are God's and are granted to you by that creator and no man including you can take them away. Your right to use any medical device that gives you comfort is also unalienable. You have the "right" to life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Those rights are not inalienable they are unalienable.


As far as the wild wild west that is a fictional account made by Hollywood. Actual history shows us otherwise. The average idiot watching Television, see's a few hundred thousand death depictions by Hollywood and well over 99% are fictional. Often when recorded history is looked at the bad guys who were stupid enough to terrorize a town they were buried there shortly there after. Any fool today who thinks the Hollywood depictions were accurate fails to comprehend that these people who braved Indians wars, Grizzly bear attacks, Mountain lions, deadly rattle snakes, various wolverines, badgers, poisonous insects, starvation and weather were not going to allow themselves to be victims of criminals.


I agree that someone on Medical marijuana with a gun is far less a concern for me than some thing bent of killing me for my wallet and cell phone.






Thank you most kindly for the rep pts.


And yes, I am "legal" for both CCW & MMJ.


Some think that the legalization of certain rights (i.e. - defense, caring for one's self, imbibing in some manner, etc) will make our civilization the "Wild West". And yes, I said rights, versus privileges. It is my firm belief that what made the Wild West wild, were the wild people. And those people who care nothing for others, that are idiots or sociopaths or whatever, will get what they want, and use it as they want, with no respect or concern for others. They could care less whether they're legal or not.


We on the other hand care, and have respect for others on this planet. Unfortunately, we need a card to let others know that.


And an observation....where the West was/is not wild, and where care & respect were/are present, we had/have a civilized society - regardless of who's armed, medicated or tipsy. I'd rather be in a roomful of medicated folks carrying guns, than a city-full of unimpaired idiots with 2x4's.

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It said "UNLAWFUL" not Lawful. Hence since the Constitution clearly says "Amendment X The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people." means that NO Federal agency can restrict those rights, and frankly not even the state if we the people say no. So the Feds have NO jurisdiction under the Constitution to overrule the State Law of we the people. To carry while in possession is legal according to the tenth amendment. Yes we do open carry here in Michigan and to be honest well over 90% of people never even notice, I watch peoples eyes, and you would be surprised how many never see that holster or Auto loader in it. I just was approached by some one who has known me since 1996 and just three days ago noticed I carry open. I have never not carried. Even at Walmart you would be shocked at how many have no clue, or don't care. Around 250,000 people carry concealed (CPL) in Michigan and some estimates that well over 300,000 carry concealed in violation to the law and yet people freak out about that 1/100th of a percent that carry open, kinda odd isn't it? I am never worried about the gun I see, it's the ones I don't see that concern me a little. VERY LITTLE!



I am sitting here shredding some papers. I have here ATF Form 4473 (5300.9) Part I Revised August 2008.


Page 1, question e asks: Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance? If the truthful answer is yes, you cannot purchase a firearm.


From my understanding, you can OPEN CARRY in Michigan. Would you really want to do that while you are carrying marihuana or marijuana?


If you have a CPL, I would suggest that you adhered to strict competence to both licenses when carrying both products.


Keep in mind, there are other conditions that will prevent one from owning or having a firearm.

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OREGON SHERRIF Winters is appealing an Oregon Court of Appeals ruling saying he cannot deny a concealed handgun license to a medical marijuana cardholder.


Winters' discontent

Once again, the sheriff is appealing a court ruling unlikely to be overturned

August 06, 2010

Jackson County Sheriff Mike Winters apparently has not yet learned that his role is to enforce the law as it is, not as he would like it to be.


Winters is appealing an Oregon Court of Appeals ruling saying he cannot deny a concealed handgun license to a medical marijuana cardholder. Winters is not alone in his belief that issuing the license would violate federal drug law. Washington County Sheriff Rob Gordon, who denied two concealed carry permits on the same grounds, also has appealed the ruling.


But Winters is not appealing a separate ruling ordering him to release the names of concealed handgun license holders because the information is public record under state law. The sheriff would not say why he made that decision, referring questions to Frank Hammond, Jackson County counsel.


Hammond said attorney-client privilege barred him from discussing the reasons for the decision, so we are forced to speculate. It is more than likely Hammond advised Winters he had no chance of succeeding, because state law on the matter is clear.


In the case now on appeal, Winters may have a slightly stronger argument, but only slightly. That's because the issue this time is a potential conflict between federal and state law.


The federal Gun Control Act of 1968 makes it illegal for an illegal drug user — the statute specifically mentions marijuana — to possess a firearm. But Oregon state law, enacted by voter initiative, allows Oregonians to use marijuana to treat specified medical symptoms.


The federal law allows states to set their own rules for gun ownership. And the U.S. Justice Department has said it will not seek to prosecute medical marijuana users in states where the law allows such use.


Like the medical marijuana law or hate it, it remains the law. And police officers, including county sheriffs, are sworn to uphold it. That doesn't mean they have to like it, and many clearly do not.


It's hard not to see Winters' and Gordon's denial of concealed handgun licenses as their way of expressing opposition to the idea of legal marijuana use. But that's not their call.


In Oregon, marijuana is legal when used as a medicine by those qualified to do so. That makes it no different under the law than prescription painkillers such as Vicodin or OxyContin, both of which are sold on the black market and used illegally.


Unless the sheriff intends to deny a concealed handgun permit to a person holding a valid prescription for Vicodin, it's hard to see why a medical marijuana cardholder should be treated differently.


Winters' appeal of the public records case wound up costing Jackson County taxpayers at least $20,000 in legal fees.


If Winters wants to deny concealed handgun licenses to marijuana cardholders, he should ask the Legislature to give him the power to do it. He still might not succeed, but at least it would be cheaper.



Michael A. Komorn

Attorney and Counselor

Law Office of Michael A. Komorn

800-656-3557 (Toll Free)

248-351-2200 (Office)

248-357-2550 (Phone)

248-351-2211 (Fax)

Email: michael@komornlaw.com

Website: www.komornlaw.com

Check out our Radio show:http://www.blogtalkradio.com/planetgreentrees

NEW CALL IN NUMBER: (347) 326-9626

Live Every Wednesday 8-9:30 p.m.

PLANET GREENTREES w/ Attorney Michael Komorn

The most relevant radio talk show for the Michigan Medical Marijuana Community. PERIOD.

If you have a medical marihuana question or comment, please email them to me, or leave them on the forum for the MMMA, and I will try to answer them live on the air.


PLANET GREENTREES Call-in Number: (347) 326-9626

Call-in Number: (347) 326-9626

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if the law says unlawful use, as defined, then if a state makes it lawful, how can he have a stronger argument? The tenth Amendment makes it clear that the States have the right to say what is legal or not in their Jurisdiction. The Federal Government or Sheriff can not over rule the 10th amendment. The citizens should target the sheriff for replacement with a special election and recall process. This Sheriff is violating the will of the people. I wonder why can't people see this?

We recalled many in the 1980's here in Michigan, it's time to start that process again and remove the dictator wanna bee's




OREGON SHERRIF Winters is appealing an Oregon Court of Appeals ruling saying he cannot deny a concealed handgun license to a medical marijuana cardholder.


Winters' discontent

Once again, the sheriff is appealing a court ruling unlikely to be overturned

August 06, 2010

Jackson County Sheriff Mike Winters apparently has not yet learned that his role is to enforce the law as it is, not as he would like it to be.


Winters is appealing an Oregon Court of Appeals ruling saying he cannot deny a concealed handgun license to a medical marijuana cardholder. Winters is not alone in his belief that issuing the license would violate federal drug law. Washington County Sheriff Rob Gordon, who denied two concealed carry permits on the same grounds, also has appealed the ruling.


But Winters is not appealing a separate ruling ordering him to release the names of concealed handgun license holders because the information is public record under state law. The sheriff would not say why he made that decision, referring questions to Frank Hammond, Jackson County counsel.


Hammond said attorney-client privilege barred him from discussing the reasons for the decision, so we are forced to speculate. It is more than likely Hammond advised Winters he had no chance of succeeding, because state law on the matter is clear.


In the case now on appeal, Winters may have a slightly stronger argument, but only slightly. That's because the issue this time is a potential conflict between federal and state law.


The federal Gun Control Act of 1968 makes it illegal for an illegal drug user — the statute specifically mentions marijuana — to possess a firearm. But Oregon state law, enacted by voter initiative, allows Oregonians to use marijuana to treat specified medical symptoms.


The federal law allows states to set their own rules for gun ownership. And the U.S. Justice Department has said it will not seek to prosecute medical marijuana users in states where the law allows such use.


Like the medical marijuana law or hate it, it remains the law. And police officers, including county sheriffs, are sworn to uphold it. That doesn't mean they have to like it, and many clearly do not.


It's hard not to see Winters' and Gordon's denial of concealed handgun licenses as their way of expressing opposition to the idea of legal marijuana use. But that's not their call.


In Oregon, marijuana is legal when used as a medicine by those qualified to do so. That makes it no different under the law than prescription painkillers such as Vicodin or OxyContin, both of which are sold on the black market and used illegally.


Unless the sheriff intends to deny a concealed handgun permit to a person holding a valid prescription for Vicodin, it's hard to see why a medical marijuana cardholder should be treated differently.


Winters' appeal of the public records case wound up costing Jackson County taxpayers at least $20,000 in legal fees.


If Winters wants to deny concealed handgun licenses to marijuana cardholders, he should ask the Legislature to give him the power to do it. He still might not succeed, but at least it would be cheaper.



Michael A. Komorn

Attorney and Counselor

Law Office of Michael A. Komorn

800-656-3557 (Toll Free)

248-351-2200 (Office)

248-357-2550 (Phone)

248-351-2211 (Fax)

Email: michael@komornlaw.com

Website: www.komornlaw.com

Check out our Radio show:http://www.blogtalkradio.com/planetgreentrees

NEW CALL IN NUMBER: (347) 326-9626

Live Every Wednesday 8-9:30 p.m.

PLANET GREENTREES w/ Attorney Michael Komorn

The most relevant radio talk show for the Michigan Medical Marijuana Community. PERIOD.

If you have a medical marihuana question or comment, please email them to me, or leave them on the forum for the MMMA, and I will try to answer them live on the air.


PLANET GREENTREES Call-in Number: (347) 326-9626

Call-in Number: (347) 326-9626

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Guest Wayne

Shoot some perp while medicated and some prosecutor may charge you, and some bright tort lawyer is gonna sue ya. Will they be successful? Who cares, your alive!!! Rather be dead?

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  • 3 months later...

One card allows you to defend yourself with deadly force. The other allows you to medicate yourself with a natural medicine. In either case, without the card, you are performing an illegal act. Even with the cards, in the right instances, possession and/or use of either can be illegal. It's up to you to make sure you don't cross the line with either. Like any law, they're not invoked until need be. Don't be stupid, and you should be fine. That being said.....


If LE needs to discuss something with you, make sure they know about your CCW, and if you're carrying. They fear weapons, and rightfully so, because in the wrong hands weapons make their jobs more difficult, and their lives shorter. If you produce your CCW and tell them if you have a gun, and do so in the right manner, they'll grant you tons of respect. Then they know they're dealing with a level-headed person, who understands their rights, who can be trusted, and who understands laws and their connotations. And they know more about the person they're dealing with because they were granted a CCW, and handle themselves appropriately. My guess is (your mileage may vary, based on the LEO you encounter) your encounter with that LEO will become a much more civil matter, based on how you acknowledged your CCW (and weapon, if need be). They may not even need to know about your MMJ or MMJ card, if you handle the more important matter correctly.


Keep this in mind. Guns don't kill people, people kill people. Marijuana doesn't make people stupid, inconsiderate or dangerous - they're that way without marijuana if that's their inclination. CCW's deal with matters of life and death and are paramount to LE. MMJ has yet to kill anyone. If you're an idiot with a gun or marijuana, you're still an idiot. There's a reason why some folks can't get a card for either.



I think this post pretty much sums it up. I could not put it any better myself. I would like to add, however, that trouble usually finds people who are looking for it. If you mind your business and follow the rules, you should not run into problems. LEO's are people too and nobody typically wants trouble.

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With my wife getting stabbed and robbed a couple weeks ago,its time to protect our selves.



The big question is can you open carry a gun via Michigan's right to bare arms or get a CCW being a medical MM patient? What are the laws?


Any help would be great!






it is legal to open carry a gun problem is everybody and there momma calls the cops when u dont look like one and happen to a holstered weapon on ur side... i wouldn't recomend the combination of the 2

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No not me i already did


I wish the two of you all the best. I hope you are getting a lot of support from the community.


If anyone decides to go the open carry route just remember you have to unload and lock it in the trunk of your car if you don't have a CCW. The minute it is put in the car it is concealed in MI even if it is in plain sight.

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