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Wow Norml Ran A Copy Of The Newspaper I Was Quoted In!

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Great job Casey, it was a great meeting, looked good for us in all ways..The one lady wasnt to happy bout it.dirty looks all night and never said a word. the other lady wanted the hell out of there and she couldnt get out fast enough. But meeting wasnt over.

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Pretty cool. Glad to see a small place like Clare get a little attention!

These cities can shove these MORATORIUMS up there behinds..! They are just circumventing patient from medicine, CG's from being compensated and just same old POlitcal stupid ways of trying to turna mole hill into a mountain. I cannot imagine up in Clare they really have much to do up there except tends the farms....what is the beef with MED MJ growing and patient obtaining medicine. Do they control Walgreens or Meijers from distributing pain killers....

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