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Leo's Version Of Aged Swiss Cheese

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Soo this surprises you, not me. Those f...ers have been doing that for 40 years or more, why should they even think about stopping. Just becasue you enforce a law doesn't mean you have to obey it. I think its just a shame she didnt get at least one of them before she was murdered by the gestapo dogs they are..

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Prosecutors have said that officers regularly presented false information to obtain warrants . . .


The prosecutors were aware of illegalities and condoned them. If the prosecutors knew then I'm sure there were many more in the law enforcement community who were also aware. I'm equally sure that this is not the only jurisdiction where this is a common practice. How many more innocent people need to die before the public wakes up and realizes who the real danger to the community is?

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The prosecutors were aware of illegalities and condoned them. If the prosecutors knew then I'm sure there were many more in the law enforcement community who were also aware. I'm equally sure that this is not the only jurisdiction where this is a common practice. How many more innocent people need to die before the public wakes up and realizes who the real danger to the community is?

how many of hundreds of people are in jail or prison cause of there lies? Man i would think alot of people should be freed.

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