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How The Raids Occured..!

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OK, for those of you that did not read it yet Oakland County NET NARC COPS used Fake paperwork to infiltrate the locations that were busted. I advise to only work with people with PHYSICAL PLASTIC CARDS. Does this make you sick that police are entrapping people...? It should, write Bouchard, Cooper and COX and tell them of your disgust. Hell write OBAMA he is not doing jack smack.


THE FACT POLICE are targeting patients is grossly DISGUSTING!! The cops names will surface in court. Until then show your support either on 9-8-2010. And donate whatever you can.! They have struck first below the belt.


Tell everyone how Oakland County is waging WAR on it's own people. They are not saints either. They illegally arrested patients for helping patients.

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The ONLY remedy for this is educating your friends who may or may not support MMMP. Show me ONE case where a doctor was raided for medi-care fraud (look and see, there have been many) and the patients in the waiting room were forced to the floor and handcuffed. Show me ANY CVS, Rite-Aid or Walgreens who was held responsible for the actions of a pharmacy patient selling Vicodin in their parking lot. Show me ANY case where HIPAA Laws were not only ignored but TRAMPLED UPON. There seems to be a new perception that law enforcement officials are now legislators, doctors and judges. The system of checks and balances begins and ends WITH THE PEOPLE within a republic. If your neighbor (who personally does not support MMMP) allows actions such as we witnessed in Oakland County to occur then not only is there no hope for us.....but there is also no hope for THEM.


They came first for the Communists,

and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist.


Then they came for the trade unionists,

and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist.


Then they came for the Jews,

and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew.


Then they came for me

and by that time no one was left to speak up.


-Pastor Martin Niemöller




"If the people let government decide

what foods they eat and what medicines they take,

their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state

as are the souls of those who live under tyranny."

-Thomas Jefferson



This is NOT a marijuana issue. This strikes at the core of WHO WE ARE AS AMERICANS.


God bless you all.

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Guest drcanna-pest

where was this written? if that is the case all of the people arrested will get off. there is no way a judge will uphold that. I have been in the legal system long enough to know. show me where it says they used fake paperwork...there has to be more too it. It definitely wasnt right but that cant be the case...

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The ONLY remedy for this is educating your friends who may or may not support MMMP. Show me ONE case where a doctor was raided for medi-care fraud (look and see, there have been many) and the patients in the waiting room were forced to the floor and handcuffed. Show me ANY CVS, Rite-Aid or Walgreens who was held responsible for the actions of a pharmacy patient selling Vicodin in their parking lot. Show me ANY case where HIPAA Laws were not only ignored but TRAMPLED UPON. There seems to be a new perception that law enforcement officials are now legislators, doctors and judges. The system of checks and balances begins and ends WITH THE PEOPLE within a republic. If your neighbor (who personally does not support MMMP) allows actions such as we witnessed in Oakland County to occur then not only is there no hope for us.....but there is also no hope for THEM.


They came first for the Communists,

and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist.


Then they came for the trade unionists,

and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist.


Then they came for the Jews,

and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew.


Then they came for me

and by that time no one was left to speak up.


-Pastor Martin Niemöller




"If the people let government decide

what foods they eat and what medicines they take,

their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state

as are the souls of those who live under tyranny."

-Thomas Jefferson



This is NOT a marijuana issue. This strikes at the core of WHO WE ARE AS AMERICANS.


God bless you all.

do i know you because i tell this story all the time Because it's so true

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OK, for those of you that did not read it yet Oakland County NET NARC COPS used Fake paperwork to infiltrate the locations that were busted. I advise to only work with people with PHYSICAL PLASTIC CARDS. Does this make you sick that police are entrapping people...? It should, write Bouchard, Cooper and COX and tell them of your disgust. Hell write OBAMA he is not doing jack smack.


THE FACT POLICE are targeting patients is grossly DISGUSTING!! The cops names will surface in court. Until then show your support either on 9-8-2010. And donate whatever you can.! They have struck first below the belt.


Tell everyone how Oakland County is waging WAR on it's own people. They are not saints either. They illegally arrested patients for helping patients.


Oakland County NET NARC COPS used Fake paperwork to infiltrate the locations are we sure thats what happen? just asking

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I think there is a more likely possibility that real patients were arrested and filled with fear.


With that fear being used, these legal patients agreed to help the police.


Probably with some sort of promise of release. Little realizing that the police didn't have a case against them.


That would avoid problems with forged paperwork.


HOWEVER!! The police have been complaining about possible forged paperwork for a long time now .. Is this how they make their point? It seems they have been thinking about it for a while now.

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I think there is a more likely possibility that real patients were arrested and filled with fear.


With that fear being used, these legal patients agreed to help the police.


Probably with some sort of promise of release. Little realizing that the police didn't have a case against them.


That would avoid problems with forged paperwork.


HOWEVER!! The police have been complaining about possible forged paperwork for a long time now .. Is this how they make their point? It seems they have been thinking about it for a while now.


Fine. Let's say that's the case. Maybe Bouchard can link ANY case where a bank was held responsible for someone providing them with fraudulent paperwork or writing bad checks. If someone forges paperwork to gain admittance to a dispensary then charge the FORGER not the dispensary. The same as charging the bad check writer not the bank.


What does Bouchard want? A cop in every party store, bank, post office, library, Walmart check out counter, high school dance, garage sale, bus stop, tire center, real estate office, antique shop, barber, law office, book store, McDonalds, Kmart, video store, grocery store and bowling alley?

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where was this written? if that is the case all of the people arrested will get off. there is no way a judge will uphold that. I have been in the legal system long enough to know. show me where it says they used fake paperwork...there has to be more too it. It definitely wasnt right but that cant be the case...

it came directly from the Cr boys. They have the officers name and everything.....ask them...it;'s all going to come out in a few days...weeks when they get in court. it's all public now...sadly.

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Oakland County NET NARC COPS used Fake paperwork to infiltrate the locations are we sure thats what happen? just asking

Yes Bob that is exactly what happened.!! You will see very soon...I believe it is entrapment as well do most of us. Thats why I say only accept the PLASTIC CARD>!!!

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Yes Bob that is exactly what happened.!! You will see very soon...I believe it is entrapment as well do most of us. Thats why I say only accept the PLASTIC CARD>!!!


This isn't the law. Do not relent. Never surrender.


NO patient should go without necessary meds due to the inadequacy of the michigan department of health's ability to do their job.

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it came directly from the Cr boys. They have the officers name and everything.....ask them...it;'s all going to come out in a few days...weeks when they get in court. it's all public now...sadly.


We need a complete list of every law they broke.


We need a list of every single felony committed by police that day.

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What does Bouchard want? A cop in every party store, bank, post office, library, Walmart check out counter, high school dance, garage sale, bus stop, tire center, real estate office, antique shop, barber, law office, book store, McDonalds, Kmart, video store, grocery store and bowling alley?


Hurray the solution to the unemployment problem

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what we need is to get our people in positions of power, be it local government, state governemnt or even law enforcement...of course you could not let your objective be known prior to election but thats the way of elected officials....put your best false foot forward and lie lie lie, then chase your agenda while in office....

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Show me a politician who is a saint



Tap, Tap.....Let me introduce myself! I'm Dizz and I am a local politician who has not even once abused my powers that be. I am pro MM and pro legalization and working on a fair ordinance for my community. I fair to all people whether I like them or not. That is what a true public servant is all about......LOL!



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Tap, Tap.....Let me introduce myself! I'm Dizz and I am a local politician who has not even once abused my powers that be. I am pro MM and pro legalization and working on a fair ordinance for my community. I fair to all people whether I like them or not. That is what a true public servant is all about......LOL!



Yea Dizz!




Fake paperwork...... that is seriously disgusting. Must have been a slow day at the office.

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OK, for those of you that did not read it yet Oakland County NET NARC COPS used Fake paperwork to infiltrate the locations that were busted. I advise to only work with people with PHYSICAL PLASTIC CARDS. Does this make you sick that police are entrapping people...? It should, write Bouchard, Cooper and COX and tell them of your disgust. Hell write OBAMA he is not doing jack smack.


THE FACT POLICE are targeting patients is grossly DISGUSTING!! The cops names will surface in court. Until then show your support either on 9-8-2010. And donate whatever you can.! They have struck first below the belt.


Tell everyone how Oakland County is waging WAR on it's own people. They are not saints either. They illegally arrested patients for helping patients.


Would it not be right to put the Malfeasants' names and fascists' faces on the 3MA forum post site to help highlight the frightful plight of Michigan / America's hunted-down and terrorized, brutalized and painfully victimized citizens?


America's Most DAUNTED! comes to mind.



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Tap, Tap.....Let me introduce myself! I'm Dizz and I am a local politician who has not even once abused my powers that be. I am pro MM and pro legalization and working on a fair ordinance for my community. I fair to all people whether I like them or not. That is what a true public servant is all about......LOL!




And we could use about a million more like you. Know where we could find some? lol

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This isn't the law. Do not relent. Never surrender.


NO patient should go without necessary meds due to the inadequacy of the michigan department of health's ability to do their job and process my card.

You are darn right i should not go without MM card. So it's my bad the Mich Health Dept. can't get me my card FOR 8 MONTHS!!~!!

The doctor told me at the clinic, expect this MM card to take 8 mmonths.


I have my paperwork and its the real deal so,,if the law has a problem with me, they can just check the freakin law and leave me alone.

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My team that will run in the 2012 election are hand picked and are not yes men! "Some" of us stay true, the others, actually to many of them fall into the game of filling their campaign coffers with money from those who EXPECT favors. Its these who expect that will give you the maximum allowable contributions per election cycle...... so therefore you must give all of these their expected political pay back once elected......hummmm can anyone say bought off????



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They used fake state issued cards.


They can't be state issued AND fake.

Either they are cards obtained under false pretense or they are valid cardholders working with LEO as snitches.


Snitches can be valid MM cardholders, cops cannot - because the MDCH only issues those cards to qualified patients and CGs.


So, either fake cards, or snitches with state issued cards.



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Guest Happy Guy

They can't be state issued AND fake.Either they are cards obtained under false pretense or they are valid cardholders working with LEO as snitches.Snitches can be valid MM cardholders, cops cannot - because the MDCH only issues those cards to qualified patients and CGs.So, either fake cards, or snitches with state issued cards.-DN

Careful man! You are making too much sense and will have to leave again. ;)

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