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I don't have time to get in a pissing match this morning, but one thing you have glaringly wrong. Big Daddy's is not CPU, he may be a member ( I will let him say for himself) but that was not a CPU led protest to my knowledge. And again, I am not against dispensaries, I would like to see them drop off the radar for awhile, for their, and our good.


The protest in Lapeer and Oakland counties was orchestrated by the recently formed Michigan Association of Compassion Centers- MACC. A lot of credit goes to Big Daddy and his management group for organizing and fascilitating, what we consider to be, a succesful event.


Check out a video of the protest on the 13th, and the 8th on YouTube - 3rdcoasttv

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Please be advised that the firt protest, organized by Joe Cain was a protest against the arrest of patients, the raiding of patients homes and the taking of medical records. We talked about that openly on our public forum, there was a lot of discussion, thousands of views and comments. If you look at that thread, and read the posts and the thousands of comments you would see that what you are saying is patently false. Specifically that the first protest was not about dispensaries. Because the MMMA does not take a position regarding dispensaries. Also after the raids a man died, it was important that the community rallied and let the Sherrif in Oakland County know that those things could not and would not be tolerated. Again this was openly discussed on our public forum, that you and the rest of the World are welcome to come and see at any time. You dont need special invite or an accidental email to find out what is really going on. If you listend to Joe Cain's speech that was the message, that was his message and that is the message of the MMMA. Someone had to do something, the community was in fear, people were getting dragged out of there houses.

The second rally was organized by Big Daddy's, a group of compassion centers, and CPU. We joined in the support of the second rally because the rally organizer promised it was about patients rights. It would seem based upon blatent misrepesentation and untruths, and the oh so common intrafighting that always destroys the momentum of any movement, some groups could never even hallcinate what a movement looks like. So enough with the facade. As they say in kindergarten, if you dont have anything nice to say, dont say it. Especially when it is not true. Are there not so many more productive conversations that can be had. Couldn't the energy to be spiteful be better utilized. There are people who work very hard on this forum, and are proud of the MMMA and how it has evolved. It is the members of this community that have made this movement evolve. There are many who are committed to the protection of patients rights, please let us continue with our efforts and keep your intentions to distract and divide to your own special secret forum. If i follwed your logic it would seem the only people that seem to say that the mmma is in favor of dispensaries is the group that organized the second rally.




What about Bob? that a good movie

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Bob and Torey were the first cases of violations of this section of our law.


In Oakland county.


The proof is in the court records.


maybe we can have another Rally

i got to do something i have been saying that are case is bigger then we think If and i say IF we do go to tral we could never get a fair tral inn Oakland County


i think it should be moved

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Recent events are causing me a great deal of disappointment with our leadership. We all have ego's, some larger than others, but when we allow our ego's to get in the way of progress of the furtherance of our unique cause, then I have problems. In an effort to bring this community together a meeting was scheduled for next Saturday. Some in this community saw the need to bring the leadership of as many of the different factions together that could be gathered and see if we couldn't come together to fight our common enemy, and for a social event to get in the way of this important work is shameful. It shows the lack of leadership that has been inherent to this movement forever. If we can't sit down and talk through our differences how are we supposed to convince the anti's? I had planned on attending both the Saturday meeting during the day and then driving down to the MOCC event later, it would have been possible and not been that big of a drain on me. Now I have to reconsider how involved I want to be with the MMMA. I am so tired of this b.s. I have always tried to be a voice of unity, tried to work toward my goals with all of the factions, but this is becoming a futile game. When you folks at the top of this movement figure out that you need everyone involved, give me a call, I might come back and give it another shot. Grow up folks! Swallow your own ego's and pride and try to work toward the goals and against the common enemies. This is so damned childish, disgusting behavior from the ones we all look to for direction...I am truely disgusted by the mess you've all made of this.


I'll be taking a break from this forum for a while, hoping that some of us grow up a bit, hoping that we are all indeed working toward the same goals and not just playing games with the lives of patients and caregivers alike.


Wishing and hoping....j.b.


we all need a break


i took one..... although short-lived, it was well worth it.

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Whatever is causing these conflicts, PLEASE can they be resolved NOW so they can be laid to rest? IF certain people/groups wanna work separately, ok, that's your choice, your voice is still important. I feel I'm stuck in the middle because I've seen many of the complaints and accusations, yet I also see the progress happening here. Time's running out. I wish we could all work together, we'd surely be a mightier force. How much you wanna bet that any leo's reading this stuff is LAUGHING THEIR ARSSES OFF at us!


Even if it's done off-board, please do it or drop it. Please?


If expressing disappointment accomplishes something good, I'm glad to see it, but if it drags out old issues that may still be unresolved, or seem to be, and all that happens is it opens up old wounds that just keep on festering, well... THEN what? The bottom line is it's really sad to even HAVE TO have a Unity Meeting. Afterall, aren't we all on the same side?


Sincerely, Sb

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