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Daniel Grow, For Attorney General Of Michigan

Wild Bill

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From Daniel Grow's web site:


What can the AG do to protect your rights?


As a practicing attorney, I have first hand knowledge of the importance of the attorney-client relationship. It is impossible to properly counsel your client unless you have a relationship of trust and confidence. The doctor-patient relationship used to have the same significance. There is no more intimate professional relationship than the one between a doctor and his patient.



Today, the doctor-patient relationship has been eroded and diluted to the point where it is nearly meaningless. Between insurance and third-party payer systems, government aid, drug testing, the vaccine scare and “public health concerns,” and electronic snooping, there is very little left that’s private between you and your doctor. And the imposition of new federal laws under the guise of healthcare “reform” stand to destroy any relationship now survives, potentially dictating and regulating every aspect of your relationship with your doctor.



Further, the career politicians in Washington D.C. intrude more and more into our lives every day. From natural foods that are basically banned (like raw milk), arbitrary rules that make it nearly impossible to obtain locally sourced meats, and the pending attack on the herb and supplement market. Our rights to decide how to stay healthy, care for our children and family members, and heal our selves when we are sick will soon be gone. Someday soon it might only be with the permission of a federal bureaucrat that we will be allowed to eat a french fry.



A small step forward in asserting our rights has occurred in the arena of medical marijuana. Many states, including Michigan, have decided to allow patients with qualifying medical conditions to use marijuana for medical purposes. Notwithstanding that this Act was overwhelmingly supported by Michigan voters, the law enforcement community has attacked the law as being ill defined, vague, and too open.



And of course they are; they have to justify their budgets and salaries, all of which are at the taxpayer’s expense. It makes no difference that the lives of a few sick individuals get destroyed because they have an extra plant or left their card at home.



The Michigan Medical Marihuana Act (MMMA) is a clear and present threat to the corrupt alliance between pharmaceutical companies (with the far more dangerous drugs they pedal) and their friends in Washington D.C. Only if marijuana is illegal can they command a treatment monopoly, and deny those who are in need the relief they could provide for themselves. It is violates the unspoken rule against challenging the assumption that only the “experts” in beltway can decide what is good for you. Likewise, prohibition give the criminals a monopoly over whatever is banned, making it very profitable for them as well.



What can we expect from Bill Schuette? He was the public face behind the anti-medical marijuana campaign (even though he acknowledged marijuana use in college). He has been praised by the Michigan Association of Chiefs of Police (MACP), just like Granholm was when she was attorney general. Tom Hendrickson, executive director of the MACP, said "Without Bill's initiative, there would have been no organized opposition to the medical marijuana initiative. Our major concern was the vague wording of the legislation and the likelihood that it would cause all kinds of implementation problems.”



Hendrickson’s comments are somewhat ironic; that’s also what the Democratic Party’s hopeful is saying. In a video clip on David Leyton’s website, and referring to the MMMA, he takes the limp position of “I’m not gonna to fight that.” Perhaps lamenting over the fact that 64% of Michigan voters wanted the prosecution of patients to stop, he says, “we’re lost in the dark.” Instead of recognizing that the citizens of Michigan were demanding an end to the massive waste of public resources by supporting the MMMA, he calls the the Act “a problem,” and adds, “It’s hampered our ability to prosecute.” Well of course it has, David, wasn’t that the idea?



I expect Michigan wants an Attorney General that will stand up for the right to make your own decisions regarding the medicines you take and the foods you eat, and who is willing to stand up to the increasingly arbitrary, capricious, and burdensome mandates by the feds. If you want an AG brave enough to say the MMMA should be applied as written, and to challenge the “ruling” D.C. aristocracy of “experts,” then you only have one choice this November. Vote for me, Daniel Grow, for Attorney General of Michigan.

Daniel Grow, for Attorney General of Michigan

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now this is a guy you can VOTE FOR, he has MY VOTE, NOT schutte,NOT leyton, they dance with the DEVIL. THANKS wild bill for this GREAT piece of NEWS. this what im talking about, out in the open knowing exactly what you stand for,not hiding behind a cheap piece of window treatment. again thanks w.b.

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I think Mr. Grow is going to have a prominent place in our community this year.

He stands for your rights as an individual to live for your own sake, unencumbered by force or the threat of force from some gang or tyrant or king or government!!

This is a correct principle. We need to support him and any others we can find like him. Your chance to take a step towards freedom and away from tyranny is here. Take it!

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now this is a guy you can VOTE FOR, he has MY VOTE, NOT schutte,NOT leyton, they dance with the DEVIL. THANKS wild bill for this GREAT piece of NEWS. this what im talking about, out in the open knowing exactly what you stand for,not hiding behind a cheap piece of window treatment. again thanks w.b.

I wish more politicians would have the courage to speak out for what is right and not speak for those who line their pockets.

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I have another post going on Bernero and nobody can answer a simple question like WHO HE IS, how can you vote for a nobody if people wont stand up and say anything about the man they stand behind.................oh im sorry, he wont mess with OUR LAW. there is MORE to this election than OUR LAW.

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so why is leyhton being pushed when he danced around the question about medical, yet this guy, Grow, says he's for us and OUR rights?



kinda seems like a no brainer too me, unless i'm missing somthing. i am new to politics




as far as who i'm voting for.....hell ya my vote is going to go for whoever will protect OUR LAW! fought to darn hard to loose it!

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And I am saying, Maybe do some research on him. We know what his stance is on the MMJ law. This is a Michigan MMJ website. People are from all over the state, and there are only like 60+ people on right now. I dont think many people know really what the guy is about on other subjects, I can say I dont know. I would do some research on him from both biased sides and research some balanced stuff about him if you really want to know about him. Then you will know the good, bad, and neutral about him.

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Does anyone know where the polls are t on this? Not finding the info. Grow sounds like our candidate, but it also sounds like he is splitting the Democrat/pro-cannabis vote which will ensure the guy we don't want gets elected.


Michigan Messenger Sept. 10


43% Schuett 34% Leyton 21% undecided - Grow not even on the radar screen.



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This guy sounds like he is the real deal. On the flip side though, I am worried he will take votes from Leyton and I don't know if he has a real shot at this point in the race. I would hate for him to get 10% of the vote and Leyton lose by 5% to devil man. Can he really pull off a win mere weeks, or even days now, away?

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This guy sounds like he is the real deal. On the flip side though, I am worried he will take votes from Leyton and I don't know if he has a real shot at this point in the race. I would hate for him to get 10% of the vote and Leyton lose by 5% to devil man. Can he really pull off a win mere weeks, or even days now, away?

Even if it is too late for this election it seems like it would be good to form a working relationship with like minded individuals.

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I wish more politicians would have the courage to speak out for what is right and not speak for those who line their pockets.

There are politicians that do that and they're the ones called unelected. Remember Mondale saying he WOULD raise taxes? Remember Ralph's Nader's position on the environment and consumer protection? The list is long. The whole idea is for politicians to try and appeal to the center in order to get enough votes to win. Do I like it? No. But it's what is logical to get enough votes to be elected. Grow doesn't stand a chance. Sad but true. And if anything voting for him will split the democratic vote and put Shuette in office. A vote for grow will end up being a vote for Shuette.

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Does anyone know where the polls are t on this? Not finding the info. Grow sounds like our candidate, but it also sounds like he is splitting the Democrat/pro-cannabis vote which will ensure the guy we don't want gets elected.

This sums it up for me.


As much as I would love to vote for Daniel Grow for AG, I feel that if I do that is actually one less vote for David Leyton.


Just my opinion folks.






p.s. but, if Schuette wins by less than a couple thousand votes I'll be the first one to say, "I told you so..." - many times it is better to simply vote for the lesser of two evils

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The whole idea is for politicians to try and appeal to the center in order to get enough votes to win.

63% of the voters looks like a fairly good percentage to me. Maybe we should start reminding everyone who runs for office which way the wind is blowing. :thumbsu:

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Does anyone know where the polls are t on this? Not finding the info. Grow sounds like our candidate, but it also sounds like he is splitting the Democrat/pro-cannabis vote which will ensure the guy we don't want gets elected.

Glengariff Group Poll - September 7 – 8, 2010 [30]

Candidates Percentage

Bill Schuette ® 43.2%

David Leyton (D) 34.0%

Undecided 21.8%

Total voters 600


Public Policy Poll - September 17 – 19, 2010 [32]

Candidates Percentage

Bill Schuette ® 43%

David Leyton (D) 36%

Undecided 22%

Total voters 497


While Grow definitely seems to be more of the type of candidate that we wish would win, he is not even a blip on the radar.


I agree that we should try and form relationships with folks like Daniel Grow, and perhaps try to get them into other positions. This race is down to 2, and there is only one acceptable candidate out of those 2. Simple math.

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I had the opportunity to hear Attorney Grow address the BCCC. Later, while shopping at the local Hardings I ran into him by chance. It was a pleasure and privilege. He is a young man committed to reducing the needless incarceration and court actions against any marijuana offender as well as protecting the rights of patients.


True, he has no chance on winning. True, also, Shuette would be a disaster-at least as bad as Cox.


But to not vote for any candidate with Dan Grow's credentials would be a decision that should be given quite a bit of thought. I personally don't see what either major party has done to alleviate the prohibition of the past seventy-five years and doubt they'll take action until forced to do so.


A good tally for Attorney Grow would be a start I'd say.

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Anybody have a direct line to either of the 2 candidates? Perhaps, getting these 2 guys together to form an alliance would be the way to go. I am not sure, but doesn't the AG get to appoint his assistant AGs?


Just a thought... also not sure if that sort of discussion is illegal here in Michigan... back home it occurs all the time. Just look at our current president, the senate seat he vacated, and the rest of the pols fighting to keep quiet about those discussions. Guess who the next mayor of Chicago will be, Emmanuel will get the nod as Daley steps down.

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