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Arrested In A Dispensary

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If a legal y registered patient is arrested in a dispensary that is raided, can he sue the dispensary?

No why would you blame the dispensary for something law enforcement did?


And to even think about this makes you seem like a lawsuit hungry person unless something they did caused you to be arrested like sold meds to an undercover cop with no paperwork in your presence i don't see how you would have a Case.

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Don't know about suing the dispensary .. but attorneys are looking for people to join in the class action against the police.


I would suggest that Oakland county might have the deeper pockets.

Hey PB, class action suit regarding what in particular? Is this about having names and copies of registration cards/ driver's license seized by LEO at the dispensary? Haven't heard.

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For the record, I am not considering suing anyone nor do I use a dispensary. I just thought it was an interesting question, and the videos were funny.



Suing a place that was there to serve the disconnected people would be very dishonorable. Us lucky lifelongers who got more connections than ATT have no issue whereas some patients cannot find a safe source. Please fight the problem dont contribute to it. :))

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For the record, I am not considering suing anyone nor do I use a dispensary. I just thought it was an interesting question, and the videos were funny.




Man .. did I have a deal for you!!


Oh well ..


OK .. anyone that thinks they had their records used against them, please send a PM to myself or Michael K.


thank you and back to the show ..

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Yeah, why not sue the dispensary? I'm just sayin'. If the dispensary hadn't have been there selling all that sweet MMJ I wouldn't have been arrested. Can't anyone follow that line of thinkin'? Like, I woulda never got arrested after plowing into those four cars in the bar parking lot if they didn't serve me alcohol. Darwin's evolution theory strikes again maybe?

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Yeah, why not sue the dispensary? I'm just sayin'. If the dispensary hadn't have been there selling all that sweet MMJ I wouldn't have been arrested. Can't anyone follow that line of thinkin'? Like, I woulda never got arrested after plowing into those four cars in the bar parking lot if they didn't serve me alcohol. Darwin's evolution theory strikes again maybe?

Wouldn't the person that plowed into those 4 cars in the bar parking lot, technically be preventing crime, by not allowing those folks to also drink and drive? ;) The obvious lawsuit would be against the automobile manufacturer, cuz if they didn't make those vehicles nobody would ever be injured by them.


I agree with your point though. It is truly a shame that we don't allow Darwin's theory to be tested, protecting folks from themselves costs way too much money,liberty, and time.

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Wouldn't the person that plowed into those 4 cars in the bar parking lot, technically be preventing crime, by not allowing those folks to also drink and drive? ;) The obvious lawsuit would be against the automobile manufacturer, cuz if they didn't make those vehicles nobody would ever be injured by them.


I agree with your point though. It is truly a shame that we don't allow Darwin's theory to be tested, protecting folks from themselves costs way too much money,liberty, and time.

Thanks RevThad, I never looked at it that way. Plowing into cars to prevent drunk driving while drunk, that's pretty funny.

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Um, I think a big difference in using the drink and drive comparison... An establishment can indeed get into trouble for continuing to serve a person after they are drunk, and for letting them out the door without at least trying to get a cab for them instead, or calling the cops to prevent the person from driving... At least in Chicago that's the case.

Had to watch alcohol responsibility films while I was in my Bistro class, and was sort of surprised at just how much trouble a proprietor can get into.


I'm not sure how wise it is to get sue happy on anyone though. Other than the ones that actually did wrong, like arresting a person who is legal.

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