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Must See News Video Clip On Michigan Mmj Grower

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It looks like the guy not only might break the law but did by inviting in the news crew, for only he as a patient or caregiver and if he had any other patients of his own are allowed in to that room.


This isn't directed at you what your saying is in the Act .This is a result of my frustration as a patient with all this and i say :


Good point they should arrest that News crew for going in there ! Ignorance of the law is no excuse . I wonder what the MCL statutes state as a remedy( nothing but what a vindictive prosecutor may try to impose )


What should the penality be for having a friend go in and lift a bucket of dirt for you in your room when your not able do to a flare up in health ? Should the penalty be paying $700 a week for a cargiver's product ? Should that vacate all the acts protections so 20 years worth of felony charges are now open ?


Do we really need self serving written laws , enforcement, and penalties where common sense should prevail everywhere in our society ? Why can't someone step inside ; why are we treating all this like we are ? I refuse to buy into this as any different then growing 12 tomato plants for the Lycopene by a cancer patient .Depending on who you talk with 63% of 2008 Michigan voters were illiterate and are in violation of the RICO statutes now .



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Thanks to both the poster and victim of the slanted journalism . The story is never as it appears when dealing with patients especially . I feel this mans pain . He tried to offer our community everything and came out non anonymous unlike many of us - though we pretty much know who we are among the most vocal . Like he doesn't have enough to deal with the same as all of us . Two thumbs up from me and I still need a little Wet Willie thrown in for comfort in the face of difficulties once in a while . It helps to break the tension and smile .It is painful to see a fellow patient Russ has pretty much become a "victim of the system " by being exploited .

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This isn't directed at you what your saying is in the Act .This is a result of my frustration as a patient with all this and i say :


Good point they should arrest that News crew for going in there ! Ignorance of the law is no excuse . I wonder what the MCL statutes state as a remedy( nothing but what a vindictive prosecutor may try to impose )


What should the penality be for having a friend go in and lift a bucket of dirt for you in your room when your not able do to a flare up in health ? Should the penalty be paying $700 a week for a caregivers product ? Should that vacate all the acts protections so 20 years worth of felony charges are now open ?


Do we really need self serving written laws , enforcement, and penalties where common sense should prevail everywhere in our society ? Why can't someone step inside ; why are we treating all this like we are ? I refuse to buy into this as any different then growing 12 tomato plants for the Lycopene by a cancer patient .Depending on who you talk with 63% of 2008 Michigan voters were illiterate and are in violation of the RICO statutes now .




Great post

This is not the first time we have seen the News in some ones Grow room remember (Archie) i think he was the first person to be on the News

Med Grow had them his classe room/grow room on the news they Brok the Law we know it

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

It breaks my heart to see exploitation by the press like this against this obviously challenged individual/patient. Since when has it been alright to beat up on the sick. You can tell by looking at him he is beyond distraught. If he needs a place to come and talk, he'll be welcomed here. Shame on the press and the government for putting this kind of garbage in the public domain. STOP HURTING PATIENTS :growl:


"lets find the most obviously distraught patient so we can exploit the shyte out of him and his movement, shtyy azz ,shoddy reporting, they dont have the facts straight a bout pat -pat transfer.Nothing worse than inaccurate jounalism, they call themselves"professionals" too i bet

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I know of three people that have fallen victim to curative editing done by the media. In each case they pulled together words from the interview that where not connected and not related to make it appear as the person was saying something totally different than what they said.



As an example, during the Catholic Church sex scandals, channel 7 news came out with a story saying that they got a hold of a "secret document" that showed that the pope knew about the sexual abuse and was told the bishop to move the priest to a different parish. The reality was, it was a document downloaded from the churches web page(could not get less "secret") that addressed the issue of priest having affairs with adult consensual partner, not sexual abuse.


Outrage by the spin and lying, a local bishop called 7 news and asked them to retract the story. They invited him on for a interview and told him that they would give him a full 20min on air to correct the story. Channel 7 only ran three minutes of the interview and when he went on a rant about how bad and irresponsible 7 news was, they edited out 7 news and replace it with the catholic church. So it appeared as the bishop was saying bad things about the church instead of 7 news. Talk radio played the whole interview and pointed out where they pulled each word from to totally change what the guy said.

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In the written story it states "Cheyne and his daughter do not meet the qualifications to provide marijuana to others with cards." Does this imply that he and his daughter both have felonies and cannot GROW for other patients? Or just simply ignorance of the law/recent rulings regarding p-2-p transfers?


Regardless, it's plain to see they went for the one who is in the most desperate of situations....probably unemployed, in the 3 yr wait for a SSDI hearing. The system is too slow, and that now is HIS fault....


Although, I feel for the guy, I'm not sure of his decision-making process in allowing a news crew into his home... and, as for, getting others to join in growing under his roof, honestly....who would be dumb enough to join in after this???


Just my opinion...

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