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Prosecutor Urges Education, Regulation Of Marijuana Act

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Prosecutor urges education, regulation of Marijuana Act



Of The Oakland Press


Oakland County Prosecutor Jessica Cooper wants county commissioners to go back to their communities and educate the constituents about federal and state medical marijuana laws.


In a 30-minute presentation to commissioners Thursday, Cooper said regulations are needed to protect children and to safeguard those who use medical marijuana from drug cartels pushing an unsafe product.


“It’s out of control,” Cooper said. “It’s totally out of control for the people who wanted it, it’s out of control in terms of crime, it’s out of control period.


“What I’m asking my commissioners to do... is go back to your communities and tell them about children, tell them about the need for regulation,” she said.


It’s illegal to use, possess, cultivate, manufacture or sell cannabis in Michigan, despite the state’s Medical Marijuana Act, Cooper said.


“The medical marijuana law did not legalize marijuana,” Cooper said. “It is still illegal.”


Cooper said the law remains an act of “exemption,” meaning people have to comply with a variety of conditions in order to avoid prosecution for its use or cultivation.


Those conditions include being a qualified patient as determined by the Michigan Department of Community Health, possession of 12 plants or less and/or 2.5 ounces or less of cultivated marijuana, and maintaining plants in an enclosed and locked facility.


The other conditions are that qualified patients can designate only one caregiver to grow and harvest on their behalf, and that the caregiver can only have a maximum of five designated patients.


Under the Commerce Clause of the U.S. Constitution, Congress may ban the use of cannabis even where states approve its use for medical purposes, she said.


Cooper said marijuana remains a Schedule 1 substance under both state and federal laws, and that pharmacies are not allowed to distribute a Schedule 1 substance. Nor can they operate unless they comply with state and federal laws.


Dispensaries under state and federal law, she said, are illegal.


Cooper suggested some changes are needed in the law with regards to children, and that better regulation from the Michigan Department of Community Health is needed.


She noted that children under 18 can obtain a medical marijuana card with the approval of two physicians and parental consent, with the parent as the designated caregiver.


Cooper also noted that cardholders can smoke in front of their children as long as it’s not in public, and may use medical marijuana in public as long as it’s not smoked.


In her presentation, said the state health department has approved 63,735 medical marijuana cardholders, has more than 100,000 applications and has not posted the number of caregivers.


“As long as we have that kind of number, we’re always going to have a problem with crime, we’re always going to have a problem with regulation,” Cooper said.


The Michigan Department of Community Health, she said, is “rubber-stamping.”


“They’re not looking at the patient, they’re just rubber-stamping and issuing it,” Cooper said. “They don’t have the money to go behind it and investigate it so that the people who really need it can get it.”


At a different point in the presentation, Cooper said, “The thing I am asking you to do is go back to your communities and ... talk about regulation, talk about getting it pure, getting it safe and taking the criminal element out of it.”


To emphasize the point about crime, she referred to Oakland County Undersheriff Mike McCabe, who talked about an investigation of people from South America who set up a growing operation in Waterford Township.


“The case is ongoing but they’ve told us in interviews that they came here because this is the best place to do business in terms of the profit margin,” McCabe said. “I’m not sure that’s what the governor had in mind when he wanted to create new businesses here but that’s what’s happened.”


Contact Charles Crumm at 248-745-4649, charlie.crumm@ oakpress.com or follow him on Twitter @crummc and on Facebook.


There is a video at the link above.


This is typical fear mongering, "think of the children", that is your normal Reefer Madness.

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Jessica Cooper: “The thing I am asking you to do is go back to your communities and ... talk about regulation, talk about getting it pure, getting it safe and taking the criminal element out of it.”


I can't figure out her motivation here. I mean, I am all for "getting it pure", but I never expected that she would be on the same page as me in this regard. Is there some problem with people lacing marijuana in Oakland Co.? For the most part, I believe that medical marijuana beats street stuff hands down, but why would Jessica Cooper want more medical stuff out there and less import stuff? The medical stuff is indeed "purer", but I don't know about the "safer" part. They are both benign in my opinion. Getting the criminal element out of it would be of immense value to society though. I am near to applauding Ms. Cooper's stance here.

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At a different point in the presentation, Cooper said, “The thing I am asking you to do is go back to your communities and ... talk about regulation, talk about getting it pure, getting it safe and taking the criminal element out of it.”


The only thing that stands in the path of all the above statements is the Police, and Lawmakers.. You wont have people committing marijuana crimes if its legal.


  1. It's proven 'they' the government can't regulate it properly
  2. It's hard to produce a pure product when the state criminalizes its growth thus must be imported from elsewhere
  3. There is no "safe" way to acquire Marijuana when you live in fear of uneducated police forces, and Judges not enforcing the MMMAct per state law.

How can someone use both of these statements in the same interview?


"It’s illegal to use, possess, cultivate, manufacture or sell cannabis in Michigan, despite the state’s Medical Marijuana Act, Cooper said."


then say;


“The thing I am asking you to do is go back to your communities and ... talk about regulation, talk about getting it pure, getting it safe and taking the criminal element out of it.”


Trix :bong2:

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Have we all missed the most obvious answer?

Go educate the general public first - with the truth before the well gets poisoned with miss and dis information.



Amen if the Detroit Free Press after 3 years cannot write a factually accurate article that reflects reporters understanding the basics like recommendations VS prescription's and why for Cannabis ; how can we expect fairness and realistic choices from the uneducated Public or Legislators ? Our press is helping pollute the well . Also people need to stop yelling legalize and tax it treat it like alcohol . Leave the alcohol out they do not compare and you will lose personal grows because they will call it Liquor not Wine . When adults can all grow for personal use the illegal activity ends . Further remember Doctor prescribed ( recommended ) items are not taxable for patients ( cannabis is illegal to prescribe .) .The general population needs to understand the DEA will come for them next if they don't lock up their pills ( discussed all the time ) or CPS when a bag of wine is fermenting around Children . The line of freedom once blurred can be interpreted against anyone for Government's profit for ones own good . Did someone mention something about someone in Oakland County I Gary Buseyed out - Peace .


ps I can only imagine all the wealth of knowledge on this site yet we all need to fact check at times just for when were called on to back it up .







Corn for ethanol = higher meat and food prices causing riots around the world . The equivalent of all Mexico's corn production goes into the US ethanol market yearly . Where's the former innexpensive food for people , feeder and dairy cattle ,chicken and hogs ( affordable Milk + eggs ) ? Now you know why your food is so expensive in addition to these sectors increased fuel costs .





Hemp seed bio diesel would cost $5 a gallon Hemp Cellulose to ethanol is doable now on fallow land in proper crop rotations !


May 25th its a Wednesday before Memorial Day Weekend . March on Lansing or if its all you can do sit or lay with assistance present ( safety first ) at the Capital Steps .

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The "lacing" concept is a total scare tactic. Think about it who is going to add something as valuable as say cocaine to a bag of weed and not charge the buyer extra? It's ludacris to think that a dealer would throw away money in such a fashion. This concept was made up by people "for" the prohibition of marijuana. However I have known people to incorporate "additives" in their herb but they sure aren't selling it to people who are unaware. It's economics people!

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Jessica Cooper: “The thing I am asking you to do is go back to your communities and ... talk about regulation, talk about getting it pure, getting it safe and taking the criminal element out of it.”


I can't figure out her motivation here. I mean, I am all for "getting it pure", but I never expected that she would be on the same page as me in this regard. Is there some problem with people lacing marijuana in Oakland Co.? For the most part, I believe that medical marijuana beats street stuff hands down, but why would Jessica Cooper want more medical stuff out there and less import stuff? The medical stuff is indeed "purer", but I don't know about the "safer" part. They are both benign in my opinion. Getting the criminal element out of it would be of immense value to society though. I am near to applauding Ms. Cooper's stance here.




Has anyone got the connections to look into her past to see if there are any skeletons on her closet in regards to marijuana or drug use? This chick has an absolute obsession over stopping medical use of marijuana. Sometimes people will go on a crusade because a family member was a alcoholic or drug addict. There must be something behind her driving desire to spearhead this war wagon of hers. After years of having people pick apart my life as I pursue my political career I've learned that those who scream the loudest are in actuality those who have some really big skeletons in their closets!!!! Yep it's playing dirty politics to try to get something on her but she needs a good dose of her own medicine!

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