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Grow Room Heat

relaxing state

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I am just wondering if there is really any chance of being caught growing indoors from the helicopters that fly over in the fall.

Ive had copters over my house twice in the last year once hovering over my house right above my deck when my 1k was burning bright and nothing ever happened as long as your within the limits you have your defense already in place.

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If your not running many 1000 watt lights in a house then you probably don't have too much to worry about. I wouldn't say that 'legal == safe', though. Look at Budz-4-U's story for example. He was inspected by the police, found perfectly legal, then hassled and had his driver's license potentially suspended anyway.


I have read stories, though, about thieves using IR cameras to scout around and find grow houses. I mean thieves besides the police.

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I live right off 8 mile. I get SO many helicopters flying around my house I quit worrying. last summer OCSD's black copter spent 3 days going back and forth. even on the wayne county side. if they didn't see my heat signature their blind!! over 5000w in use here! I see DPD on a regular basis too.



Gotta love the hood, there's bigger fish to fry here!

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I run (2) 1K lights in a 9X6 room, both are inline 8" cooled by a Maxfan with an A.C. that cools the ambient room temps in the summer and pulls outside air to cool in the winter. Nothing in my growroom exceeds any other 'normal' zone temps in the rest of the building so there would be no specific heat signatures from any spot in the building to even tip off a grow. Its all about controlling your logisitics.

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I would think that were they to use that technique they would focus it on finding commercial rather than residential grows. Much easier to find 40k watts than 4k watts, and more likely to be illegal than medical (if they even care at all about that at this point). Also a much bigger haul on the eventual seizure with better press.


Additionally, it would be an expensive endeavor, I'd think, though I wouldn't put it past some overzealous county with too many resources and not enough oversight like Oakland or Livingston.


Watching "Cop's" type shows and documentaries over the years show they're as happy to bust joe blow and his 2 plants as they are the big commercial grows. It's all numbers to them.

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With Litro Glow Lights I do not need AC at all I Have been using Litro Glow lights the past 2 months and they are just simply amazing they will out grow a 1000 metal halide in veg and equally perform to 1000 watt in bloom these are Full spectrum t8 4 foot bulbs that originally designed about 8 years ago for health and mood and to combat system affectiveness disorder but were also shown to be very effective in growing these run cooler then a t5 or any other t8 bulb so cool that you can burn you plants even if they grow into the light. These use 63% less electricity and run on 110 or 220 and only consume 24 to 18 watts of power these bulbs are unique and one of a kind there the only bulb that glows for several hours after loss of power this glow does not effect the plants. I am currently selling all of my Hps and Metal halide lights ballast and hoods and converting to Litro Glow. These Lights are endorsed by Poenix Tears and the Cannabis Science Institute. The Cannabis Cancer Project is proud to be able distribute Litro Glow Lights for every bulb that is sold 1 dollar goes to the Cannabis Cancer Project to helps provide cannabis oil to medical marijuana cancer patients that can not afford it free of charge. please check out this link. http://investorshub....ge_id=60518096#


If interested in getting so bulbs for yourself you can contact me at 989- 607 -0384 or email me at jroberts661@gmail.com

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I am personally using Advanced brand LED lights and have to heat my room cause the lights give off little to no heat. Led is the waive of the future, well quality 3 watt LED that is, about 3 manufactures out there currently making them. Heat signature alone is not sufficient reason for a warrant, but that does not mean they are not used for fishing if you will. But like many posted, keep simple, keep legal and keep safe.

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