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Eastern Michigan Bans Medical Pot


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DETROIT — Eastern Michigan University is joining other local universities as it bans the use of medical marijuana on its Ypsilanti campus.


Michigan state law allows medical marijuana card holders to use the plant. However, marijuana use is still illegal under federal law.


If a university receives federal funding, then it must follow federal law.


The University of Michigan and Oakland University also banned medical marijuana use on campus.




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Shouldn't smoke on campus to begin with... I agree with this ..use it on you own time in your home...if you live on campus that's something you have to deal with


How can you agree with someone taking medication?


This is a violation of civil liberties, and the ACLU will likely file a lawsuit.


I do not support any discrimination of cannabis users..... AND I HAVE ZERO TOLERANCE FOR DISCRIMINATION OF PATIENTS

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How can you agree with someone taking medication?


This is a violation of civil liberties, and the ACLU will likely file a lawsuit.


I do not support any discrimination of cannabis users..... AND I HAVE ZERO TOLERANCE FOR DISCRIMINATION OF PATIENTS


If you are using in line with the law, no one should know they are doing it anyway. Perhaps complaints have been filed for public displays of medicating.


It is also a public university, meaning the entire campus is a public area. Pretty sure it will stand.

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School HAS ALWAYS been a place where it is not allowed even before Medical purpose's if your medically disabled then you should be at home takin care of yourself not sitting on a campus where pretty much everyone parties and gets wasted cause honestly that's what MOST people do on campus anyway and everyone knows this.... many people dislike medical users that's just the way it is NOT all people enjoy smell Herb smoke especially when Some of those people are actually there to learn.. it's a distraction for alot of people. Don't get me wrong Im all for legalization 110% as well as decrim. It's still under fed law...feds it's illegal ...colleges and school DEPEND on the FED to run if it's wasn't for the fed 90% of the colleges and what not would look like detroit..50k studnet's isn't gonna pay the bills that college's have..unless they are all billionaire's

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heres my take. per the law, public use is illegal, even if taking xanax or using a morphine patch is not illegal, providing Drs Prescription. this is a part of the act itself. So with that said, any public use is not protected by the act.


now colleges are pretty much public. even private colleges, have a public presance to them. so these areas are illegal to use.


The real question then is, Is a dorm room, where a student Lives while at college, considered a Public area, or a private area? unfortunately, if it is funded via public funds, whether, local, state, or federal, then it must constitute a public arena. if any part of the housing is publically funded, then it is considered the public arena.


honest fact is, their are plenty of places to medicate in and around a campus, without arousing suspecion, or breaking public code. one can always find a "spot" out of public. so while i agree, anyone with a dr rec and is fully carded, should be able to medicate as needed, they must do it within the scope of the Act. as i noted, it clearly states in the act, no public use. Now, i would argue this pertains to the smoking ingestion method of dosing. i would argue hard that a medible or topical rub, or even an oil orally ingested, would not seem that it would serioulsy ruffle the public use law. though i wouldnt want to test this issue myself. use as defined in the act, is pretty broad, with exception of Sale. being the act also Defines use, currently, this would pertain to any use, by any method of application or doseing in a public venue, would not be protected under the act.



IMO, this is one of the down sides that we must stick with to stay within the protections of the act. while i would agree, pertaining to personal living area, dorm, boarding house, hotel/motel, aparment, house, ect, are private areas, reasonable to any place a person resides, whether perminantly or temporarily, Is a Private Domicile. once things recieve money on a public level, then pubic policy is in play.


this also raises the caveat of what if one is homeless? that is an entirely new game.


it is what it is.

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well said ^^ I agree Sure I go to college....I smoke..but I just take a stroll by the park or inside my parked turned off car and med up...grab my books go to class im not harming anyone in my area in my car no one can smell it none can see it ..hell even if you dont wana risk smokin up ..eat a brownie and go to class do ya thang :thumbsu:

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From Wikipedia:

Michigan State University in East Lansing, Michigan has the largest residence hall system in the United States. 16,000 students live within 23 different undergraduate buildings, one graduate hall, and three apartment villages. Freshmen are required to live on the 45,000+ student campus for at least their first year.[3]



A dorm is not a domicile from my quick googling research. If you live in a dorm your domicile is usually your parents home.


I think it is worth watching as we will certainly have patients at MSU and U of M who are going to have this issue come up.

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Shouldn't smoke on campus to begin with... I agree with this ..use it on you own time in your home...if you live on campus that's something you have to deal with



But you can pop a oxycontin or vic on campus with out a problem....no one should be limited to the use of cannabis just inside their home or on their own tme...I dont get sick on my own time...im always sick and I vape everywhere so they and you can kiss my white azz


FYI the law says smoking it says nothing about vaporizing or ingesting medibles

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yes, right to medicate, just not in public arenas. We DO have the right to be Medicated in public and is withing the protections with the exception of Driving or opperating heavy equipment ect...

being the term "Use", and the act of Medical Use in public being out side the protections of the MMMA itself, simplys says, be medicated anywhere you are, you just can NOT ingest or use/apply in public.


as i noted in my first reply, the Act is the Act We voted in, in its entirety. now is not the time to open it up for change, but to follow it to every letter, and remain with in the protections of it. Public use, wheter that use is smoking, topical rubs, oils, medipops (medicated suckers) ect. are not protected.


again, it is what it is.

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considering the definitions outlined under the act of "Medical Use"

(e) "Medical use" means the acquisition, possession, cultivation, manufacture, use, internal possession, delivery, transfer, or transportation of marihuana or paraphernalia relating to the administration of marihuana to treat or alleviate a registered qualifying patient's debilitating medical condition or symptoms associated with the debilitating medical condition.



coupled with the acts wording of Public Use.

333.26427 Scope of act; limitations.



7. Scope of Act.


Sec. 7. (a) The medical use of marihuana is allowed under state law to the extent that it is carried out in accordance with the provisions of this act.


(b) This act shall not permit any person to do any of the following:


(1) Undertake any task under the influence of marihuana, when doing so would constitute negligence or professional malpractice.


(2) Possess marihuana, or otherwise engage in the medical use of marihuana (this must be connected to the definition of medical use as defined per the act, and quoted above for refferance.:


(A) in a school bus;


(B) on the grounds of any preschool or primary or secondary school; or (break: colleges i believe are secondary schools if im not mistaken)


© in any correctional facility.


(3) Smoke marihuana:


(A) on any form of public transportation; or


(B) in any public place.


(4) Operate, navigate, or be in actual physical control of any motor vehicle, aircraft, or motorboat while under the influence of marihuana.


(5) Use marihuana if that person does not have a serious or debilitating medical condition.


© Nothing in this act shall be construed to require:


(1) A government medical assistance program or commercial or non-profit health insurer to reimburse a person for costs associated with the medical use of marihuana.


(2) An employer to accommodate the ingestion of marihuana in any workplace or any employee working while under the influence of marihuana.


(d) Fraudulent representation to a law enforcement official of any fact or circumstance relating to the medical use of marihuana to avoid arrest or prosecution shall be punishable by a fine of $500.00, which shall be in addition to any other penalties that may apply for making a false statement or for the use of marihuana other than use undertaken pursuant to this act.


(e) All other acts and parts of acts inconsistent with this act do not apply to the medical use of marihuana as provided for by this act.




History: 2008, Initiated Law 1, Eff. Dec. 4, 2008

Compiler's Notes: MCL 333.26430 of Initiated Law 1 of 2008 provides:10. Severability.Sec. 10. Any section of this act being held invalid as to any person or circumstances shall not affect the application of any other section of this act that can be given full effect without the invalid section or application.




with a college being a secondary school i beleive, sub section 2, outlines MEDICAL USE is not protected on these public venues.


section 3 does indeed only apply to smoking (as i understand it) but only in regards to public transportation, or other public arena not already outline prior to sub section 3.


considering the definition of Medical use only states USE, and does not single out the Smoking method of ingestion, it should be concluded, to assume ALL Uses in this instance.

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But you can pop a oxycontin or vic on campus with out a problem....no one should be limited to the use of cannabis just inside their home or on their own tme...I dont get sick on my own time...im always sick and I vape everywhere so they and you can kiss my white azz


FYI the law says smoking it says nothing about vaporizing or ingesting medibles




enuff with the pill bunny muffin PILLs DONT SMELL PILLS dont annoy people Cannabis DOES If you lived next to a Crack house or a meth lab Would you Enjoy it? its the same principle I can understand about having a quick brownie...BUT MOST people don't they wana SMOKE

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i too had to make some edits to correct my thoughts and make clear of my thought process.


if a college is not considered a secondary school, then what are they considered to be, and then what is considered a seconary school? like a trade school, or charter school (both givens in my understanding). obvious what a pre, or primary school is, but i am unsure of what constitutes a secondary school.


the only reason i worry on topicals or oils or even medipops, is they fall under the definition of Medical Use, which as you noted, does have its nitch in section 7.

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Secondary school is a term used to describe an educational institution where the final stage of schooling, known as secondary education and usually compulsory up to a specified age, takes place. It follows elementary or primary education, and may be followed by university (tertiary) education.


There are many different types of secondary school, and the terminology used varies around the world.

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Tertiary education, also referred to as third stage, third level, and post-secondary education, is the educational level following the completion of a school providing a secondary education, such as a high school, secondary school, university-preparatory school. Higher education is taken to include undergraduate and postgraduate education, while vocational education and training beyond secondary education is known as further education in the United Kingdom, or continuing education in the United States.


Colleges, universities, institutes of technology and polytechnics are the main institutions that provide tertiary education (sometimes known collectively as tertiary institutions). Tertiary education generally culminates in the receipt of certificates, diplomas, or academic degrees.



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You are confusing two issues. Medical use, and the act of smoking. We must protect medical use on college campuses since the law does. While I only know a handful of college students that are patients, they need their medicine to treat their condition, as all patients do. They use cannabis as medicine without annoying their fellow students or breaking the law by smoking it in public. Yes, I will fight for their right to do it, and I think everyone should.


Everybody that smokes anything needs to be considerate of others, and in this day and age, should assume that someone wants to prosecute them, or at least fine them, for the annoyance. This is a fact of life that plagues tobacco smokers even worse than cannabis smokers.


Smoking, in general, is being driven underground. Please note that our law considered this when it was written.


Take this as an example IF you have kids... You would want your kids to go to college to do their best and with a avg price tag of 25K in 2011 say your kids get alll the way to their final year..then all of a sudden they get caught up smokin cannabis on campus and get throw out of college...Wouldn't you be pissed after spending 25k +? and all your sons/daughters did all that time to get a career goes down the drain including your money. ID be pissed off .....once that happens even if they get fed funding for school...that's gone now too. Meaning if you child wants to go back and finish HE or you have to pay for it ..in full...not to mention the 2k fines from court settlements Jail time for your child.... Untill Cannabis is not in the hands of the fed law this issue shouldn't even be brought up... Im a smoker..but i know better not to smoke in a dorm etc because of consequences Majorly out way ..smoking a spliff on campus...Ill take my education over smokin...smoking dosen't get me through life smoking dosen't pay my bills or my house note....education and a job does tho

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The law states that you cannot use in public. It defines use as "(e) "Medical use" means the acquisition, possession, cultivation, manufacture, use, internal possession, delivery, transfer, or transportation of marihuana or paraphernalia relating to the administration of marihuana to treat or alleviate a registered qualifying patient's debilitating medical condition or symptoms associated with the debilitating medical condition." It doesn't saying smoking, or using medibles, it says USE, you CANNOT use in public. But no one says you can't have the brownie in your car on the way to class, but don't get caught walking around with it in public unless youare delivering it to someone or transporting it home. Read the law people, if you don't understand it then consult a lawyer.


I agree with the fact that MSU and uofm are not protected because they are not secondary schools, I had always thought that they were. But the law is clear people, we CANNOT USE in public!!!!!!!!


Maybe we could get Mr. Komorn's take on this whole matter.

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If this goes. Its gonna create a.domino effect...next thing people are gonna complain about ohhh im a doctor I cannot medicate at my job... its gonna get so bad it gonna hurt what we are tryin to pass. Next thing ya know it will be flat out illegal fed and state. And medical wise ...the feds run schools if ya don't like their rules that's just to bad medicate at home ...

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If this goes. Its gonna create a.domino effect...next thing people are gonna complain about ohhh im a doctor I cannot medicate at my job... its gonna get so bad it gonna hurt what we are tryin to pass. Next thing ya know it will be flat out illegal fed and state. And medical wise ...the feds run schools if ya don't like their rules that's just to bad medicate at home ...


Slippery Slope Fallacy...



Can you produce a realistic process in which these events would occur as described?

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i can if needed Zap. I believe, honest and open discussions, will ultimately help to inform and educate, not only the parties activly engaged in the discussion persay, but anyone with in ear shot. Knowledge is the key to Happiness and Enlightenment.



i will say, i do agree in most of what you and I have discussed in this thread. i think the differance you and I are arbitrating, is down to Medical Use, and Public Domain.

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7. Scope of Act.

Sec. 7. (a) The medical use of marihuana is allowed under state law to the extent that it is carried out in accordance with the provisions of this act.

(b) This act shall not permit any person to do any of the following:

(1) Undertake any task under the influence of marihuana, when doing so would constitute negligence or professional malpractice.

(2) Possess marihuana, or otherwise engage in the medical use of marihuana:

(A) in a school bus;

(B) on the grounds of any preschool or primary or secondary school; or

(C ) in any correctional facility.

(3) Smoke marihuana:

(A) on any form of public transportation; or

(B) in any public place.


There are not many points in this ACT that ends with a “.”; most clauses are followed by a “,”. This ban does not fall under (2)(B), or (3)(B). Read clause (3)(B) of section 7; it is not the general “use” in public places that is disallowed, it is “smoking”. Colleges are public places. EMU has extended cannabis to follow their established smoking bans. Colleges, just like the writers of this Act have giving no thought to those who do not smoke. Those who use topicals or medible are forced into the smokers rule, or "Don't ask, don't tell".

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Slippery Slope Fallacy...



Can you produce a realistic process in which these events would occur as described?


No one can predict when it can or will happen but it can happen cause something as was is being discussed. Here. It will just open the doors for more discussions... prob it there is people that want it their way or.no way and this discussion seems that way to me as I mentioned above. If it wasn't for the fed givin funds to students ands to the schools and colleges. The only.people that would be.in.college. would the the ones who can.afford it...the least people can. Do it not smoke a federally illegal medication on public property.

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