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Usable Marihuana What Is It ?

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What is usable marihuana according to Michigan Law ? Does anyone know ? Is it any marihuana why did the originators write in usable only ?. I and most people assume it means smokable product that has been dried properly and cured so it will burn or vaporize easily . Whenever one takes shortcuts with this law they risk legal problems . However weight limits are a huge problems for people using a ounce a week or more for serious pain or anxiety . People whom need a few months off from continuous growing a year for various reasons .


Is there a way to preserve medical grade product in non usable form that wouldn't count against ones weight limit but convert it later to usable form . With the Affirmative Defense not being recognized weight limits are very important . In California they were eventually thrown out and only plant counts matter I believe because the courts were clogged with cases negating Prop 215's protection for so many . They saw it was futile . Currently the law that is being brought forward for the ballot in Ohio has a 3.5 oz usable limit . As a patient in decline keeping a months supply ahead only makes sense . Having affordable non interrupted supply is a necessity for most patients There is allot of suffering out there behind closed doors . Nobody wants others to see them cry or incapacitate from suffering ..


Again is there a way to store medical grade cannabis in a unusable form so it can be cured and used or reversed latter with little effort . I know many people recommend making oil or butter condensing weight . Any other ideas and remember this is hypothetical discourse and may not be considered accepted in a Court of Law .

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If your Meds are soaking in some form of alcohol or acetone, that would make it "unusable". If a cop says it is usable, get a video camera, stand back, and tell him to light it up. LOL


If you go further, and finish making the oil, you have to weigh the oil. If you make cookies, you have to weigh the whole cookie. The oil and medibles are "useable".

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Been pondering this idea


1. pull out plant with roots and all

2. wrap bare roots in paper bag grown in dirt

3. trim plant while meds still on the stalk

4. hang plant

5. when dry, cure whole plant in large vac bags used to store comforters and such.


In a plant count case I was reading about on here, a couple plants had the root system broken off during confiscation and weren't included in the plant count.


I'm not an attorney.

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im not sure on the freezing thing.


when money is tight, instead of running the dryer (electric) thru the winter, i hang my close outside, providing its atleast 20* or below. at 10* outside, i have pretty much dry jeans after an hr or 2. bring them in, let them warm up a bit, then stick them back outside for 30 minutes, and the next time i bring them in, they are completely dry basically.


seems if you stuck a fresh bud in the freezer off the plant, left it there for a while, the moisture would be frozen out after a period of time. few hrs, maybe a day, perhaps 2, but freeze drying it an age old method of removing moisture. ive never tried it to see personally.


now if it was left in the sealed bag, and allowed to unthaw, i can see it.

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I suppose that would do the trick, however it seems extreme. My last batch I left it hang in my walk in closet for about 2+ mos curring mostly in the dark. Then bagged it up 2-3 plants at a time, with the date of bagging, strain ....


This is part two of the cure and in 6 - 24 weeks it will be properly aged. Spaced accordingly for your personal preffered pleasure. No more than 2.5 ozs cured at any time.


Just like the "No wine before its time" - Gallo Brothers


If you do freeze it make sure it's wrapped good or it will evaporate. Or freezer burn, which is kinda like putting a torch to it .

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As Budz-2-U stated, “If your Meds are soaking in some form of alcohol or acetone, that would make it "unusable"”. There are court cases to back this theory.


It is still a "preparation or derivative thereof" of "usable marihuana." According to the text of the law, it does not matter if it is currently usable, only if it once was. Tread carefully.

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freeze drying leaves the chlorophylls in it. Freezing can damage the trichromes, and moisture is drawn to the outside of the buds, where they damage the trichromes. Freezing wet material and thawing it, will not be nice smoke for sure.


You are better off processing it down. Make oil or hash with it. An ounce of marijuana can make about 2 or 3 grams of hash of various microns. And 2 - 3 grams of hash can go a long way for medical use. Because you have so much quality material, you will process it correctly - 10 - 20 minutes of agitation to make hash, which means you will run through several ounces - but yield many grams of primo hash.


Next time, plan your grow to take down a plant at a time, rather than an entire crop. I have been working on a perpetual grow for the last few months, and it works. It helped because then the drying room would not be overwhelmed with so much drying material all at once too. I FIM and trim my plants so it only yields big buds now.



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I have always warned people, your medibles can be counted as your weight. Since the brownie is a preparation therof, it does not matter if you only tossed in a teaspoon of trim, or if you melted an entire gram of hash in it. A 2 inch by 2 inch brownie can weight 2.5 ounces. Imagine if you get pulled over with a tray of brownies that weights 1lb.


The thinking the courts used is this, if a cocaine dealer was in possession of a kilo that was 99% pure and another kilo that was only 10% cocaine mixed with flea poweder, he will still be charged with possessing two kilos of a cocaine preparation.

So they will do the same thinking with a nice old person with a couple of cookies and a bag of marijuana - they weight it all.


Matt Abel did say you could TRY a defense - label the medible as containing .3% thc/cbd ( I suppose have a lab test your medible for %) - This MIGHT give a LEGAL defense in court. (not been tried yet in michigan)



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I heard California finely did away with weight limits and just enforces plant counts because weight was proved impossible to follow in actual practice . Though we all are able to follow the weight guideline in terms of transportation outside our grow sites . We can't however control the weight of our individual plants and non interupted supply is a major issue . Anyone know anything about this and what the courts there actually ruled on to arrive at that decision ?

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