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Thc Pills

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I don't have simpson oil or hash oil...


Moreover I am not well versed in how the process works or the methods to the madness rather I see something id like to try. I do not know many people who know how to ddo it and the rrecipes on the internet leave much to be desired....


So... I find myself at the mercy of.corporate america selling me something that I, perhaps, do not need.

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yes make your own simpson oil .just buy pure grain alcohol , and a rice cooker at pawn shop and make simpson oil as stated above get capsules ! im not saying their system isnt good but if you notice their decarboxilation chamber???is a widemouth mason jar!!!! go to u tube and watch videos on making simpson oil and decarboxilate it by putting entire rice cooker metal bowl in 280 degree oil bath for _ minutes -or -till bubbles stop and forms nice sheen.....dont go to long or will start losing thc-see decarboxilization tables on internet.

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If I say yes, will you think I am not very bright :(



Hey your bright enough to have sugar leaf at your disposal, this opens up lots of options. Use the resources you have is what I say. I waste no part of these amazing plants. If you need help on how to make your own oil or hash youtube is great, or pm me or look on the forums, lost of info. Once you know what to do or have a plan you will feel oh so bright.


Good luck, EZ

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How To Make a Cannabis Pill


We're all used to going to the drugstore and picking up a jar of pills when we need medications. Those of us who use cannabis to treat our ailments don't have that luxury.


But making your own pills isn't hard at all!


By making your own you can be assured of freshness and quality ingredients. You can also add other herbs to the mixture to create the medicine that works best for you such as Valerian root to help you sleep, ginger to settle your stomach etc.


OK! Let's get rolling!


Powdered Cannabis Pills


Make sure you heat your cannabis in a 200 degree for 10 minutes to decarboxylate the THC before grinding. It will also make the herb more brittle and it will powder more easily.


Weigh the cannabis after drying in the oven. After you make your pills simply divide the weight by the number of pills to establish the dosage.


I've found that the easiest way to powder herbs is in a blender or coffee grinder.


Put your herbs in the grinder and pulse until they are reduced to a fine powder.

Sift this powder through a fine metal strainer to remove small stems and other coarse particles.


When you have a fine even texture put them in a bowl (preferably glass or stainless steel) and add a small quantity of honey or food grade glycerin.


Easy does it when adding the liquid, it will take less than what you would think.

Add a little at a time until you have a slightly sticky mass that will hold it's shape when you roll it in your hands.


Knead and roll the mixture in your hands until it forms a cohesive mass. Then roll it into a snake just like you used to do in kindergarten.

Be careful to roll this to a uniform thickness, generally you will want the finished pill to be about the size of a pea.


Lay the snake next to a ruler and cut it into pieces as long as they are thick.


Roll the pieces into balls and then dust them with slippery elm powder.


Put them on a cookie sheet and let them dry. If you have a food dehydrator you can put them in that.

Or, if the weather is humid put them in the oven on low heat for a few minutes.


Store in a glass jar in the refrigerator. These can be swallowed or chewed.

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Hmm. First time seeing this recipe


It comes from a pharmacy book from the 1800's.


This was a common method of manufacturing pills at that time. If you were prescribed Cannabis pills by your doctor before 1937 then this might very well be what you would be given.


Most medicines were compounded by the local pharmacist, not at the factory.


There is a great deal of information available at the site below pertaining to medicinal preparations.


Includes The Dispensatory of the USA, 20th Edition(1918) and Fenner's Complete Formulary and Handbook(1888). Back when Cannabis was still considered medicine.


South West School of Botanical Medicine

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  • 2 weeks later...

why would anyone with simpson oil or hash oil bother with this process? why not just fill empty capsules? what is this formula made of and what exactly is it doing?

Capsules is how i tried Nubie's product. Took a pair of them and the high kicked in in about 30 minutes. The first capsules I've had that made me so hgih it has taken me a looong time to type this. More later...

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EADWG: this is the 'more later' which I promised. From Nubie I had bot 2 capsules for $20 total. I have no idea what recipe he used, but they were the darkest green color I have ever seen in a capsule--more like black. What sold me was Nubie said he is a pharmacy technician and had finally figured out capsules to blast a person.


I took the pair and a couple minutes later smelled strong whiffs of weed emitting from my mouth. (This has happened to me with capsules I've tried previously, both from Nubie, from MOCC, and from Jax Farmer's Market, none of which ever made me high). With this pair of capsules the high kicked in in 30 minutes. My usual, constant headache kicked up from 2 to 5. Simultaneously, my legs started twitching.


Ten minutes later my squeeze told me I was slurring my words but my pupils were normal. She noticed I was disoriented, wobbly, and more off balance than is normal for me. I experienced dry mouth and drank water(the first of 2 quarts over the next 8 hours). Thirty minutes after the high kicked in, I was seized by overwhelming tiredness. I stumbled into bedroom and lay down. Rest was impossible with legs twitching, so I took my prescription medication, Ropinirol, which is generic Requip (meant to calm restless legs). My eyes would lock on a point and it took great effort to shift my gaze. 45 minutes later I was super horny and called the squeeze in and we did it. My restless leg twitching stopped. At this point I noticed that my back and neck were pain-free, and my left arm was down to 3 from the constant 8 or 9. I rolled on my left arm and the pain shot back up to 9. Two hours into the high I saw yellow and black flashes and was seized by a driving, insistant energy. All my pain peeled off and I was ravenously hungry and hauled all the left overs out of the fridge and ate 2 plates full. I was still eating when squeezie took the remaining food away and said I was going to get fat. She helped me back to bed. Still horny, I held onto her and we did it again.


Becauz I was so wobbly when I walked she insisted I remain in bed and sleep it off. I ignored her, got up to go to the shop, and had to hold the wall to stand up straight. She insisted I sleep it off and brot 2 ambien, which I took with another Ropinirol (cuz my legs were back to twitching). The yellow flashes started again. The great alert, driving energy racheted up so that I felt I could not remain lying down. Another Ambien, another "masssage" with saueezie, another 90 minutes and I slept, waking every hour to drink more water.


Four hours later I woke feeling completely rested but so dry my mouth hurt, my tongue swollen. 3 glasses of water later squeeezie looked at my pupils (they had never shown high), and they didn't now either. My pain in back, neck, left arm and knee was totally wiped away. The high was intact, with me bumping into things.


Nine hours after ingested the pair I came down a couple levels. I felt masssively depressed and the pain in my left arm flooded back (altho back and neck were still tranquilized).


As I write this 19 hours after I ingested the pair of capsules (with water) I still have abnormal thirst but not unusual urine production. The twitching is gone, and the feeling of unsteadiness has passed, although I still have the feeling of abnormal energy, but calmly. I still focus on something and have to make an effort to move my eyes away.

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EDAWG: this is the 'more later' which I promised. From Nubie I had bot 2 capsules for $20 total. I have no idea what recipe he used, but they were the darkest green color I have ever seen in a capsule--more like black. What sold me was Nubie said he is a pharmacy technician and had finally figured out capsules to blast a person.


I took the pair and a couple minutes later smelled strong whiffs of weed emitting from my mouth. (This has happened to me with capsules I've tried previously, both from Nubie, from MOCC, and from Jax Farmer's Market, none of which ever made me high). With this pair of capsules the high kicked in in 30 minutes. My usual, constant headache kicked up from 2 to 5. Simultaneously, my legs started twitching.


Ten minutes later my squeeze told me I was slurring my words but my pupils were normal. She noticed I was disoriented, wobbly, and more off balance than is normal for me. I experienced dry mouth and drank water(the first of 2 quarts over the next 8 hours). Thirty minutes after the high kicked in, I was seized by overwhelming tiredness. I stumbled into bedroom and lay down. Rest was impossible with legs twitching, so I took my prescription medication, Ropinirol, which is generic Requip (meant to calm restless legs). My eyes would lock on a point and it took great effort to shift my gaze. 45 minutes later I was super horny and called the squeeze in and we did it. My restless leg twitching stopped. At this point I noticed that my back and neck were pain-free, and my left arm was down to 3 from the constant 8 or 9. I rolled on my left arm and the pain shot back up to 9. Two hours into the high I saw yellow and black flashes and was seized by a driving, insistant energy. All my pain peeled off and I was ravenously hungry and hauled all the left overs out of the fridge and ate 2 plates full. I was still eating when squeezie took the remaining food away and said I was going to get fat. She helped me back to bed. Still horny, I held onto her and we did it again.


Becauz I was so wobbly when I walked she insisted I remain in bed and sleep it off. I ignored her, got up to go to the shop, and had to hold the wall to stand up straight. She insisted I sleep it off and brot 2 ambien, which I took with another Ropinirol (cuz my legs were back to twitching). The yellow flashes started again. The great alert, driving energy racheted up so that I felt I could not remain lying down. Another Ambien, another "masssage" with saueezie, another 90 minutes and I slept, waking every hour to drink more water.


Four hours later I woke feeling completely rested but so dry my mouth hurt, my tongue swollen. 3 glasses of water later squeeezie looked at my pupils (they had never shown high), and they didn't now either. My pain in back, neck, left arm and knee was totally wiped away. The high was intact, with me bumping into things.


Nine hours after ingested the pair I came down a couple levels. I felt masssively depressed and the pain in my left arm flooded back (altho back and neck were still tranquilized).


As I write this 19 hours after I ingested the pair of capsules (with water) I still have abnormal thirst but not unusual urine production. The twitching is gone, and the feeling of unsteadiness has passed, although I still have the feeling of abnormal energy, but calmly. I still focus on something and have to make an effort to move my eyes away.

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EADWG: this is the 'more later' which I promised. From Nubie I had bot 2 capsules for $20 total. I have no idea what recipe he used, but they were the darkest green color I have ever seen in a capsule--more like black. What sold me was Nubie said he is a pharmacy technician and had finally figured out capsules to blast a person.


I took the pair and a couple minutes later smelled strong whiffs of weed emitting from my mouth. (This has happened to me with capsules I've tried previously, both from Nubie, from MOCC, and from Jax Farmer's Market, none of which ever made me high). With this pair of capsules the high kicked in in 30 minutes. My usual, constant headache kicked up from 2 to 5. Simultaneously, my legs started twitching.


Ten minutes later my squeeze told me I was slurring my words but my pupils were normal. She noticed I was disoriented, wobbly, and more off balance than is normal for me. I experienced dry mouth and drank water(the first of 2 quarts over the next 8 hours). Thirty minutes after the high kicked in, I was seized by overwhelming tiredness. I stumbled into bedroom and lay down. Rest was impossible with legs twitching, so I took my prescription medication, Ropinirol, which is generic Requip (meant to calm restless legs). My eyes would lock on a point and it took great effort to shift my gaze. 45 minutes later I was super horny and called the squeeze in and we did it. My restless leg twitching stopped. At this point I noticed that my back and neck were pain-free, and my left arm was down to 3 from the constant 8 or 9. I rolled on my left arm and the pain shot back up to 9. Two hours into the high I saw yellow and black flashes and was seized by a driving, insistant energy. All my pain peeled off and I was ravenously hungry and hauled all the left overs out of the fridge and ate 2 plates full. I was still eating when squeezie took the remaining food away and said I was going to get fat. She helped me back to bed. Still horny, I held onto her and we did it again.


Becauz I was so wobbly when I walked she insisted I remain in bed and sleep it off. I ignored her, got up to go to the shop, and had to hold the wall to stand up straight. She insisted I sleep it off and brot 2 ambien, which I took with another Ropinirol (cuz my legs were back to twitching). The yellow flashes started again. The great alert, driving energy racheted up so that I felt I could not remain lying down. Another Ambien, another "masssage" with saueezie, another 90 minutes and I slept, waking every hour to drink more water.


Four hours later I woke feeling completely rested but so dry my mouth hurt, my tongue swollen. 3 glasses of water later squeeezie looked at my pupils (they had never shown high), and they didn't now either. My pain in back, neck, left arm and knee was totally wiped away. The high was intact, with me bumping into things.


Nine hours after ingested the pair I came down a couple levels. I felt masssively depressed and the pain in my left arm flooded back (altho back and neck were still tranquilized).


As I write this 19 hours after I ingested the pair of capsules (with water) I still have abnormal thirst but not unusual urine production. The twitching is gone, and the feeling of unsteadiness has passed, although I still have the feeling of abnormal energy, but calmly. I still focus on something and have to make an effort to move my eyes away.


This sounds more like what should be documented in a private pharmacuetical study not shared in public . After reading this prohibtionists may believe you validated Harry Anslingers reefer madness claims about sex , tremors , depression and qoute it too demand more regulation . This doesn't sound like a repeatable part of a medicinal routine you would want to partake of on a long term basis . Personally I respect your honesty and will be more cautious myself and hope you are . The few pills and med-ables I have tried in the past were very mild and beneficial . Patients do need standardization and reference points otherwise you take a pill expecting to feel one way but end up impaired . I think this is a very important post to bring attention to people that they should never be ingesting meds from a batch of baked goods , pills or oil ( anything but the raw cured product used before ) and be involved in doing anything that impairment would be a factor . This is much different then using the dried flowers of a strain your used to with a vaporizer . Its New Years Eve and I know many have been suffering but be careful out there folks . A medical issue caused a loss of control by another driver resulting in my injuries leaving me suffering for life when they hit my vehicle in a 45 mph zone while I was stopped at a red light . Show true compassion and always be responsable and careful out there .


The Medicinal Cannabis Drivers Prayer .


Dear Power that watches over us

Grant us a steady hand , mind , and watchful eye

That none ever be injured or hurt as we travel

We are medical patients with medicinal need

We have our herbal comfort many do not understand

Help us assess ourselves each time we desire to get behind the wheel

That we will follow all common sense law

That never will injury or death result from our actions


Dear power that gave us life

We promise to protect your loving gift .

To never drive not understanding the effects of our state of health and medicinal items

We pledge if and when we do drive to do so with loving concern

To always conduct ourselves so as to protect from distress or anxiety those whom share our road

We pray for the healing power of acceptance , cooperation and brotherhood in our Nation

We pray for equal access to education , medical care and work by abillity within our communities


We are patients

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